"Oh God, what're we going to do?" Ron moaned as he sat in the Gryffindor common room with Harry and Ginny, complaining about not having a date to the Yule Ball.

"I don't know mate, but I think I've got it worse than you, at least you don't have to go, I have to go! I've got no choice! And I can't dance by myself, you know what they say, it takes two to tango. I don't think we'll be tangoing though, but still, you know what I mean." Harry said, in the same state as Ron.

"What am I going to do with you two?" Ginny said, mock pitifully, as she listened to them complain.

"Well," said Ron, wearing the same look as Hermione whenever she had a brilliant thought, but those didn't really ever happen to Ron. "I don't what you can do for me, cause you're my sister and all, so I can't take you, but you sure can do Harry here a favor, just go with him to the Ball!"

"If Harry wants me to come with him, he can ask me himself," Ginny said defiantly.

"Please Ginny, please?" begged Harry as he kneeled down in front of the armchair she was sitting in. "Will you please come with me to the Ball?"

"Well, I don't know."

"Ginny, won't you do this for me?" Harry continued as he took her hand in his and made his special puppy dog face that she could never refuse.

"Oh no, not the face!" Ginny cried as she turned her head away. Then she sneaked a look back at him. "Oh fine, I'll go with you."

"Thanks Gin, you're the best!" And with that he turned and started to make his way to the stairs that led to the boy's dorms. "Oh, wait, I can't dance."

"You can't?" asked Ginny with an incredulous look on her face. Harry shook his head. "Well then, I guess you'll have to learn. Meet me here tomorrow after classes end, okay?"

Harry nodded. "Goodnight Ginny."

"Goodnight Harry. Well, Ron, I'm off to bed, see you in the morning dear brother of mine."

"Yeah, in the morning Gin." Ron said as he headed up to bed.


The end of classes the next day found Harry waiting in the common room for Ginny. Just as he looked at his watch, she appeared at the bottom of the girl's staircase dressed in a pair of jeans that hugged her curves and fit her perfectly and a snug brown tank top that complimented her eyes wonderfully. It was simple, but Harry thought she looked gorgeous.

Whoa, thought Harry. Since when did I start to think like that about Ginny? Since never, that's when, and it's not going to start now.

"Ready?" Ginny asked.

"Yep," replied Harry, getting up out of the armchair he was sitting in.

"Okay, follow me." And with that she led him out of the common room to what looked like a little old classroom that no one used anymore. When they went inside however, they saw that it was brightly lit with a high ceiling and the floor was made of marble and there was a weird little gizmo that Harry didn't recognize on a small table in the corner.

"How'd you find this?" asked Harry with awe in his voice as he looked around the room.

"I asked Professor McGonagall today if we could use her classroom to practice dancing, and she told me this room would be better," Ginny explained, shrugging.

"I'm surprised, she usually doesn't do stuff like that," said Harry.

"Well, she is kind of fond of me, I'm the best at Transfiguration, and she wouldn't want you to disgrace Gryffindor and Hogwarts by stepping on my feet throughout the night now would she?"

"No, I guess not."


Then Ginny waved her wand at the thing on the little table and soft music began to fill the room.

"Now, first you are going to learn how to waltz." Harry nodded. "For that you put your hand here," she took his hand and put it on her waist. "And the other one goes here," she said, taking his other hand in hers. "And now we dance."


A while later, Harry and Ginny were still dancing.

"How am I doing Gin?" Harry asked after about fifteen minutes of not stepping on Ginny's feet.

"Great, you just need to be surer of what you're doing. You're too hesitant, and that makes you slightly slower, which causes you to step on my feet." Ginny said.

"Wow, Gin, thanks. That really helps, you're really good at this you know, I'm glad I asked you to the ball."

"Thanks," Ginny mumbled quietly, suddenly very interested in her shoes to try and hide the blush she could feel rising up her cheeks. Harry smiled when he saw her turn red.

They continued to dance until Harry really got the hang of it, and that's when the fun started.

"I never realized how much fun this could be!" Harry exclaimed as he pulled Ginny back to him after a spin and a dip.

"It's really fun when you're not stepping on people's feet and can dance while socializing at the same time," said Ginny. "Oh my god!"

"What is it?" Harry asked, worried.

"It's two thirty in the morning, we've been dancing for so long!"

"And here I thought I was learning fast."

"Well, we need to get out of here and to the common room before anybody catches us."

"Okay, come on."

And with the help of Harry's invisibility cloak and the Marauder's Map, they made it back to the common room safely.

"Thank God we didn't get caught," Ginny sighed as she plopped down on the couch.

"Definitely," Harry agreed as he sat down next to her.

"Well Harry, I don't know about you, but I'm pooped after all that dancing. I'm gonna head on up to bed."

"Same here."

"G'night Harry."

"G'night Ginny." Harry turned to go up the stairs.

"Hey Harry?" Ginny asked.

"Yeah Gin?"

"I just wanted to tell you were really good tonight, and I had a lot of fun, after you stopped stepping on my feet," Ginny said as she walked over to him, smiling.

"I had fun too Gin. How could I not, with such a great teacher? So, same time same place tomorrow?" he asked.


And Harry started to go up the stairs again. But then he stopped and turned back, he went back down and stopped in front of Ginny. She looked up him, confused. He just smiled.

Then, much to Ginny's surprise, he bent down and kissed her lightly on the cheek.

"Night Ginny," he said again, softly.

"Night Harry," Ginny whispered, wearing a dazed but red expression.

And then they both went their own separate ways and lay in bed, each thinking about the other.

A/N: Well, there it is! I was just bored and this popped into my head, so I published it. I know it's pretty short, but you can probably expect most of the chapters to be about this long. I hope you like it!!!! I'll try to update soon. Review, review, review!!!!