Just So You KnowChapter 1

In this story I have put two people that I met on Lauren [GregCSILove and her friend Julie are the people that I have put in this story with their permisson. I am sure they will love their place in the story. I may end up putting myself in it but I won't play a major character. Hope you enjoy it and I am sorry for any spelling or grammar errors. I am using Word before I post so for the most part they should be caught, but they aren't always.

"Come on Griss. We are all going out for drinks. Why don't you come with us?" said Catherine.

"I have some paperwork to do. Maybe next time," said Grissom.

"Party pooper," whispered Greg.

"What was that Greg?" asked Grissom.

"Nothing," said Greg trying to hold in his laughter.

Grissom walked back to his office to do paperwork. He sat down behind his desk. He looked up as he saw the team walk past his office and say goodbye.

Sara was at the back of the group and leaned into his office before continuing on the walk to the parking lot. "We'll be at the usual bar if you change your mind," said Sara and then she followed the rest of the team to the parking lot. They had called some cabs to pick them up.

Grissom started to work on the paperwork that he should get done. He couldn't concentrate. He finally decided the paperwork could wait. He got all of his stuff and locked his office. He called for a cab and went to the team's usual bar.

He walked in and found the team at their usual booth. He ordered a beer and then joined them. "GRISSOM!" yelled Greg. The team was on their third beer by the time he got there.

"Yes Greg, I decided the paperwork could wait until next shift," said Grissom while sitting down in the only spot left, which was next to Sara. "So what did I miss?"

"You missed drinking and um… drinking," said Sara with a smile on her face.

"I see," said Grissom smiling back.

"May I have this dance?" Warrick asked Catherine.

Taking Warrick's hand Catherine said, "You sure can." They walked off to the dance floor and danced.

Greg looked towards the bar and spotted a beautiful girl with her friend. "Hey Nick. Look at those two beautiful women at the bar."

Nick looked and liked what he saw. "Let's go work our magic Greggo." They stood up and walked to the bar. "Hey ladies," Nick said in the most adorable Texan accent.

"Hey," said one of the girls.

"Can we get you another drink?" said Greg staring at the girl he was so interested in.

The girl Greg was staring at giggled a little and said, "Sure can. My name's Lauren, what's yours?"

"Greg, but they call me Greggo," Greg said trying to be flattering and it was working.

Nick ordered four beers and handed the ladies theirs. "My name's Nick," he said looking at the other girl.

"Julie," she said smiling and taking the beer out of Nick's hand. "Do you dance?"

"Sure do. Let's go," Nick said taking Julie's hand and leading her to the dance floor.

Greg sat down next to Lauren and they made small talk.

Back at the table it was just Sara and Grissom. Grissom had moved to the other side of the booth and they were making small talk. Grissom was starting to catch up on his drinks. When conversation died down between the two he asked Sara to dance. She took his hand and was led out on to the dance floor. Grissom had moved from beer to scotch and he started to loosen up. When the team came back to the booth they started talking again. Nick and Greg brought Julie and Lauren with them. "We should all take a vacation some where," stated Grissom before taking another drink of his scotch.

"Yeah we should all of us. Lauren and Julie can come with," said Greg.

"I'll go with. Where are w going?" asked Lauren.

"Let's go somewhere like Montana or Oklahoma or something," said Nick in his Texan drawl.

"Yeah," said Lauren, Greg, Julie, Sara, Catherine, and Warrick all at the same time. Then everyone started laughing at the fact that they all said it at the same exact time.

When the laughter died down Grissom said, "How about in about a week we go to Montana I can arrange us to get a hotel or a cabin or something?"

"Okay since you volunteered you get to do the arrangements," said Catherine.

"How many rooms are we going to need?" asked Grissom looking around at the group.

"I'll room with Greggo," said Lauren.

"Fine with me," said Greg smiling and giving her a kiss on the check.

"I'll room with Nicky," said Julie.

"Fine with me," said Nick giving Julie a kiss on the cheek.

"Okay so that's six rooms unless…" Grissom trailed off not knowing what he was going to say next.

"Why don't we just make it four? Rick and I can room together and if you and Sara room together then that would be four. It would be cheaper," said Catherine smiling trying to get Sara and Grissom to get together. "Or me and Sara can room and Rick you can room with Griss."

Sara looked at Grissom kind of uneasily not knowing what to decide and leaving the decision up to him. She would love to share a room with Grissom but she didn't know if he would want to share a room with her. "I don't care what we do I just can't wait until we go," said Sara.

"Okay I'll find some place with four rooms we will decide who's rooming with who when we get there," said Grissom.

A couple drinks later they all got cabs and went home. Greg and Nick left with Lauren and Julie on their arms.

Grissom got home and passed out on the couch after taking some aspirin so the hangover wouldn't be as bad when he woke up.

When he woke up he made some coffee and went to his laptop to find a place for them to stay in Montana. He found a nice ranch where they could get four rooms with two beds in each and access to the ranch itself.

When he went into work that night he let the team know of the planes. He had scheduled the flight and everything. He paid for everything but told the team that they would have to pay him back for their flight. He said he would pay for their stay. They were all excited and went out after shift to celebrate, meeting up with Lauren and Julie as well.

TBC.. Reviews are more than welcome, please!