A/N: Sorry for no updates recently. It's been crazy and stuff and I have writers block :P But heres some random crack for you all. I'm going to start including at the end of my one-shots a little random thing that I find amusing.

Disclaimer: I own your soul...and that's about it.

Wold and Turk

Chapter 32

Sephiroth had had a long, hard day. There where new recruits to threaten, old recruits to threaten, Reno to threaten, and too much paper work that he really should have to deal with. He was just about to leave his cramped, paper-filled office when the phone rang. The silver-haired man looked at it for a long moment. He really wanted to go to bed…but then, this could be important. With a sigh, he lifted the receiver. Immediately, he regretted it. He could hear bad music and yelling in the background.


"Hey, Sephiroth. It's Zack." The general slumped back into his chair and held his palm to his forehead. 'Of course.'

"So, yah….I'm in sector…er…what sector are we in? Really? No shit! Sector 4, sir. And um…no, just hold onto for a second. Cloud, come back! Grab Cloud!"

Sephiroth groaned as he heard a voice in the background. "I only have two hands!"

"Sorry about that, sir. I--hold on a minute. Here, give me the leash and you go grab Cloud. Quick, before he runs out into traffic!"


"Uh…yes sir?"

"Where the hell are you and what did Reno do to Cloud?"

"Um…how do you know it had anything to do with Reno? Sir."

"Zack I'm not--"

"Hold that thought! Cloud, don't drink that! Don't let him drink that! Cause he's had enough, that's why!"

"Cloud's drunk!?"

"Only a little."


"Could you just send a car or something over here? We kind of ran out of money…."

"How much did you drink that you ran out of money?!"

"Well, it wasn't just beer, sir….we had to pay for the taxi here and then the strippers and to get Cloud back from those nomads…"

"Zack I want Cloud in my office tomorrow morning completely unscratched or you and Reno will be hung from the ceiling by your ankles until I am completely content with the color of your faces as all the blood rushes to your head."

"Yes sir." The general slammed the phone down. Honestly, he thought they would learn by now that Cloud was a lightweight.

Please review.

Reno: So, uh, Cloud. There's this…box…down the hall in the closet…and I could use some help taking it to…uh…Tseng. Mind giving me a hand?

Cloud: Um, sure, Reno.

Zack: Reno you bring him back right now!!

Reno: Run, Cloud!

Cloud: What?!

Reno: You're life is a lie, they're all out to get you just RUN!