Title of the FanFic: Queen of Spades
Summary: Summer for Organization XIII has been pretty slow, not much has happened within the walls of The Castle That Never Was. The latest thing that really caused a stir was the scandalous news of Zexion and Demyx. What the hell is all that about? The Savage Nymph of the Organization is not really pleased with this 'vacation', she has been completley bored out of her mind ever since it started. That is until Luxord proposed a poker night for the members of The Order. After that night, things will never be the same with the sadist again. Will Larxene have a chance a love? Despite the fact that she's...Well a sadist... The sister fanfic to 'Mirage Symhpony'.
Pairings: Larxene // Luxord
Disclaimer: Kingdom Hearts belongs to Tetsuya Nomura and Square Enix!
Okay this one is for Kiri! You've been such a joy to meet, your the greatest admin in the world! You do such a good job with the forums, I'm really happy I stumbled upon this board earlier this year. Your understanding, nice, as well as sooo much fun to plot with! Your the best person to create explosive plottage with! Thank you so much for all your hard work! I really hope you'll enjoy this fanfic, because it's all for you! You deserve it! 3
Chapter 1
Poker Night Pt.1
"Prepare to loose!" The Graceful Assasin smiled confidently as he sat at the table, a sly grin wiped across his face. It was poker night at The Castle That Never Was; Luxord realized that ever since 'vacation' started the Organization's productivity had hit an all time low. He decided to spice things up a bit by proposing a challenging poker night for the various members of the Organization. Luxord sat at the head of the curved table, a large poker bench was set up in one of the castle's parlors. Marluxia sat down at the edge, excited at tonights little game of cards. He knew Luxord was the master, but Marluxia had a feeling that tonight's luck would be his side. "Don't be so sure of yourself Marluxia.." The Chilly Academic sat at the middle of the table, he chuckled evily; Vexen was actually not too bad at playing cards. This whole summer he has been conducting high tech experiments inside his lab; it was time for a little break. Vexen thought playing cards was a good way for the Organization to bond, after all the scientist was in the mood for some healthy competition.
"Why don't you go back to your lab and experiment on something? No room for old timers at the poker table." he said with a smirk. "I think you'll find yourself quite surprised..." Luxord cracked a smile as he began to shuffle the deck of cards; he was glad everyone was coming together. What this Organization needed right now was some unity, after all they were a team. "Hah! Don't make me laugh!" he said in a snide tone. "Hey kiddies! What seems to be happening here?" Axel suddenly appeared, sitting down on the other side of the table beside Vexen. "What are you doing here?" asked Marluxia with a grimace. "What? I can't spend time with my old pals peter pansy an ancient austin?" The other two sitting at the table rolled their eyes at the red head's remark. "Your one to talk, you little firefly.." stated Vexen in an irritated tone. "Who invited you anyway?" asked Marluxia. "If you must know, it was Luxord. It sounded interesting enough, so I decided to check it out." "Hey Luxord, what's the big idea?" Marluxia crossed his arms, he didn't like Axel much, neither did Vexen. Both of them seemed annoyed at the Flurry's apperance.
"I just thought we all needed to spend some more time together." said Luxord as he continued to shuffle the cards, still bearing a smile. "Unity!? Hahah!" Marluxia laughed; the Organization was in a constant state of disorganization. Nobody liked anybody, everybody had some type of problem with one of their co-workers, it was mess. "Well that's honorable. I respect your concerns for the Organization." mused Vexen as he nodded his head. "Oh by the way, Demyx and Zexion won't be able to make it tonight." stated Axel. At that time Marluxia burst out laughing; "Oh well that's a shocker, they're probably making out in the castle library again. Ugh, how shameless..." At that comment Axel's hand burst into flames, a ball of fire forming in his palm. "One more comment like that and I'll be sure to turn your rose garden into an inferno." said Axel, a devious smile on his lips. "Hmph" Marluxia grunted and flipped his hair, turning himself away from the Flurry. "I don't understand what has come over my fellow colleague..." Vexen scratched his chin, thinking as to why Zexion would ever think of getting together with a blonde ditz like Demyx. Why would he get with anyone in the first place? Vexen did not know what was going on with the Schemer, it was quite the mystery.
"Come now, were here to play poker. Not gossip." stated Luxord, as he began going through a breifcase of multi-colored chips. The Gambler of Fate was aware of Demyx's relationship with Zexion; however he had no opinion on the topic. After all it was none of his buisness, they could do what they want. As long as they didn't drag the gambler into it. "I'm not sure about that." said Marluxia as he examined his nails, he was already getting bored of dealing with these people. "Marluxia, stop being such a pest. Speaking of pests, where's Larxene?" asked Axel, looking around. "I'm right here." The electric blonde walked up to the table and took a seat next to her partner in crime, Marluxia. "Nice to finally see you." snickered Axel, he had never really gotten along with Larxene. "However last time I checked it was poker night, not a girl's night. So you might wanna scram." teased the spiked red head. "Now, now Axel, everyone is welcome to play.." Luxord looked up at Larxene, looking into her aqua eyes as he shuffled the deck. Larxene winced and looked away, rolling her eyes; "I don't need your help. Anyways, I regret to inform you I'm the last one coming for tonight. I ran into Xigbar earlier today and he told he was going to be off in a training session all night with Lexaeus and Xaldin." "Psh, typical. And I'm pretty sure Saix won't be joining us." said Axel with a yawn.
"Hah, they have no personality." added Marluxia. "I suppose they are preparing themselves for the Organization's return in the fall. However that's quite over doing it wouldn't you say? I know Lexaeus told me he was on some new diet..." "Nobody cares old man." stated Larxene, with another roll of her eyes. Vexen glared at Larxene, he didn't really like the famale in addition to the Assasin; she was nothing but a nuisance. "Can we just get on the game?" "Someone's anxious." Axel smiled devilishly as Larxene sneered at the Flurry. "Not as much as you. Horndog much?" "Why Larxene, is that an invitation?" he asked with a cocky wink. "Ugh, your disgusting." she said with a twitch. "Okay are you all ready? Do you all know how to play poker?" Luxord did not want to go through another Demyx incident, he desired a nice smooth game tonight. Everyone nodded which was the gambler's cue to deal the cards.
"Now were all going to start off with 1000 munny. If you run out of munny you are knocked out of the game. The person who manages to aquire everyones munny, will be deemed ther winner." explained Luxord as he passed a card to each person until they all had an total of five cards. "So were pulling an all nighter huh?" asked Axel as he organized his hand. "That's the idea." said Luxord, as everyone began to examine their cards. "Lets start the pot with 50 munny." Everyone threw a couple chips into the center of the table, deciding to participate in this round. "I'll make the opening bet gentleman...And Larxene. I'll raise and put another 50 munny in the pot, and exchange two." Vexen placed two cards on the table. Luxord took those cards and gave the Academic two new ones, he also threw in another 50 munny in chips into the center of the table. "I'm going to exchange three." said Axel placing three cards in front of him. Luxord did the same as he did with Vexen, reimbursing him with three new cards. "I'll raise a 100 munny." mused Marluxia as he placed two cards onto the table. He smiled, content with his hand; "And you Larxene?" Luxord looked upon the sadist with curious eyes, Larxene just sneered as she put four cards onto the table. "Okay then..." After dealing with Larxene, Luxord began hid turn, exchanging only four cards. "Is everyone ready to show their hands?"
The group nodded, and Luxord gestured toward Vexen to be the first to reveal his hand. "Try and beat this cretins!" Vexen placed his hand on the table, showing everybody his cards; "A pair of Aces." Luxord turned toward Axel, nodded his head at him. "Awww, so sorry to disappoint you pops. Read em in weep! Two pair!" Axel had two pairs; a pair of threes and a pair of tens. Vexen glared at the Flurry, he didn't take losing lightly. "Oh wow, so lethal." said Marluxia sarcastically. "Say hello to a little something called...Oh I don't know...A better two pair!" Slamming his hand down onto the table, Marluxia's hand contained a pair of Queens, and a pair of tens. "How can I loose to someone with pink hair?" cryed Axel, grinding his teeth. "Easily..." Marluxia laughed as Luxord turned his gaze onto Larxene; "Well Larxene?" The Savage Nymph looked at the gambler, raising an eyebrow in curiosity; Why is he looking at me like this? He's been giving me looks everytime I got here... "Sorry boys, Royal Flush." Larxene placed her hand down, smiling triumphantly at the group. "Ugh." Marluxia grunted and flipped his hair again; "Whatever..." "And I had nothing but a one pair, Larxene wins this round." "Haha!" The sadist raked in the chips to her side of the table as everyone (except Luxord) glared at her.
"Next game will be mine!" said Vexen confidently, as he handed Luxord his cards. "You wish." Marluxia didn't bother giving the gambler the cards, he just left them ontop of the table in front of him. He WAS the dealer, it was his job. "That was a hell of a hand Larxene. I'd better watch it from now on." mused Axel with an annoying grin. "The night's still young everyone. Don't let this win discourage you." said Luxord as he shuffled the cards, and began dealing them once again. He looked up at Larxene for the fifth time, who squinted her eyes in return. What is his deal? What a creep... she thought. Larxene didn't really talk with Luxord, she usually spent all her time with Marluxia. She knew Vexen and Axel quite well, but Luxord was one of those people in the Organization who she wouldn't want to strike a conversation with, he just didn't seem interesting. Sure he was British, but that dosn't make him an intriguing person to talk too. He was similar to one of those kids at school, who hanged out in your group but you never knew their name. Larxene deicded not to blow Luxords odd looks out of proportion. Maybe he's just an idiot. she thought as she looked down apathetically at the cards dealt toward her. Oh boy, was she ready for a surprise.
Notes: I really enjoyed writing the poker scene with Axel, Vexen, Marluxia, and Larxene. I just thought it was fun how they were all together XD