The Power OF Four

Disclaimer: I don't own anything you recognize. Mostly everything is JK's.

Story Summary:Every thousands of years , there comes a time when four must rise. They are either the purest or the darkest of wizards, never in-between. They have the power to put a stop to or cause death. The world is held in those four hands. Whether to conquer or protest, it is what they must do. They alone can change the fate of the Wizarding World, and it will happen and it will happen soon.

A/n I know I haven't finished my other story but I'm working on it, but I really did want to do this even though I'm not finished with Guardian Angel. It will get finished its just on a hiatus right now. I really like this idea and want to do it. So here it is, chapter one of The Power Of Four.


Every thousands of years , there comes a time when four must rise. They are either the purest or the darkest of wizards, never in-between. They have the power to put a stop to or cause death. The world is held in those four hands. Whether to conquer or protest, it is what they must do. They alone can change the fate of the Wizarding World, and it will happen and it will happen soon.

The last four fought heavily to conquer the Wizarding World, They were to powerful to bring down and when on the brink of the fall of the Wizarding World one brave soul stood against them. He fought with all his might but was easily taken down. The did not kill him but rather sat an example of their mercy by letting him live on, but that would be their down fall.

Many years later the four conquered the Wizarding World and were thinking of expanding to the Muggle World. Just when the four came to the decision they would conquer the Muggle World also, they were interrupted. There in the way stood it would appear the same wizard, that had confronted them many a years ago. This time the four had no intentions of letting him survive, and it showed.

They attack using all the power they had except for their elemental powers, but it seemed it had no affect on him as they stood patting and exhausted. He stood as tall as ever and rising his wand to them, he casted an unknown incantation ,draining the remaining of the fours powers into four small stones. Each stone as the power filled into tell turn the color of the element as which one of the four controlled. Though the four can never be destroy they were powerless and that was enough for the Wizarding World to regain power and rebuild the destroy.

It is said that the wizard that interrupted their conquer was the son of wizard they let survive many of years ago. He after so many years, came up with not only the idea but the way also to defeat the four. He created a magical barrier as to which he would be able to stop any of their spells ,hexes, or charms they tried to cast upon him, but the only downfall to this barrier was that it did not work against their elemental powers. Knowing that the four couldn't be destroyed he came up with a plan to lock away their powers inside 4 stones.

He knew he was far too old now to succeed in defeating the four, even with the Barrier and the stones, so he told his eldest son of his plan, and beg of him to complete the task for him. His son then countered that he was not willing to risk his life for something so stupid, said it would be like walking into a lions den covered in meat. Having no one else to turn to he told his second born of his idea and theory. His son told him he was willing to accept the task, and his father trained him until his death.

The son feeling it was time to strike stepped forward to confront them. Winning the battle and locking away their power in stones, he sat off to hind them. Until this day no one knows where the stones are. In fact most believe that the events recorded throughout out those ten years of terror never happen, it is better for everyone if we believe something so horrible can never happen again, or at all. But the biggest question is' Where are the four now?'

Chapter One: Whats Happening To Me?(Part 1)

"Albus, you honestly think that that poor excuse of a piece of history is real." sighed McGonagall, as she paced around the Headmasters Office. "I mean you can't actually believe that four wizards alone could possibly have conquered the entire Wizarding Community without any help what so ever."

"But Minerva I do believe that it is real." said Dumbledore. "The tale has been told for ages, and yet it has never changed, it is real and soon I feel that four will rise again."

"Albus, it's a bloody children's story!" yelled Minerva. " It has no true and the four shall not be returning anytime soon."

"Oh but you mistake what I have said. I said that four will rise, not return."

"So your saying that there will be four new elementals. You can't possibly think..."

"Yes I do, and we must figure out who the four are immediately. They can not join the dark side, if they do I fear we might not survive this time." bellowed Dumbledore as a worried look crossed his face. He felt it was his job to make sure that they at least tried to make sure the four wouldn't turn out like the pervious four. It was their only chance of survival.

"Your serious?" asked Minerva, and Albus nodded and she continued with a sigh. "Than I guess we should get the searching than."

Draco's POV

Today is so boring, man I wish something exciting would happen. With only three days left of summer, you'd think it would be way more interesting than this. Blaise said his parents said he could spend the rest of the summer at our Manor, since his parents are going to their beach house in Paris, France and won't be back til after we return to Hogwarts. So it will be the last time we see them until Christmas holiday.

I'm siting outside on the family dock and watching the clouds. Father doesn't like it when I do this, he says it a waste of my time, that I can be doing something more productive. I really could care less what he thinks though, so I do it anyway.

"Draco sweetie please get up from the grass, you don't want to make your father angry do you?" mother calls from inside the house. "Plus Blaise is here and he's up stairs put away his things in his bedroom." Blaise comes over often and by our families being so close we both have our own rooms in the others manor.

"Okay mom, I'll be in there in a second." I call back to her getting up. I ran into the house and through the kitchen and quickly grab a cookie from one of the house elves passing by with a tray. About time I get up to Blaise's room, my cookie is gone and Blaise is half way out the room holding his Firebolt in hand. Blaise being an excellent chaser, he needs a fast broom to advance down the field with the ball.

"Hey, I thought we would play some quidditch." said Blaise. "I mean if your going to try out for chaser this year you'll need your practice. Since no offence but your not that good of a seeker."

"What! I was an excellent seeker!" I yelled. Blaise then gave me a stop lying look. "Well... I was better than the hufflepuff seeker."

"Dra that's not saying much." laughed Blaise as he hit me on my back and mounted his broom. "You got ten seconds to go get your broom and meet me back here, and then we will see if your as bad of a chaser as you are seeker."

I'll show him, I'll be a way better chaser than he can ever dream of him being. I'll Dare him mock me, I just never tried that hard. I headed into my closet and look over my selection of brooms. Of course I have them all but what would be the best? Ah I'll fight fire with fire, so I pick the Firebolt also and mount it in my room ,as to get a head start on the unsuspecting Blaise. I fly out into the hall and right pass him.

I hear him call me a cheating git, as he begins to speed up. He catches up and is now flying along side of me as we enter the atrium. I look over to see him smirking, he thinks he's going to win, over my dead body. Ha like I'm going to let him win after all the crap he said about me. I bump Blaise into a near by plant inside the atrium, he flies and tumbles into a table.

"Oh so we're playing dirty now, big mistake." his says dusting off the dirt on him and running and hopping on his broom. Like he's going to catch up after that, ha fat chance. As I enter the other side of the house, I figure I'll just take the top floor window, which looks out to the quidditch pitch.

I turn around and see no sign of Blaise anywhere behind me. See I knew he couldn't beat me.

"Victory will soon be mine" I say to no one in particular, as I pump one of my fist into the air. I nearing the window when I take one last look behind me. Blaise is speeding up and is advancing fast. I lean forward to spend up, as Blaise raises his wand and points it directly at me.

Oh shit Oh shit, maybe I shouldn't have push him off his broom after all.

I'm infront of the window now as I see Blaise lips move and a burst of red light shoots out from his wand heading straight for me. I fumble to get my wand out my pocket but it is to late, the red light hit me square in the chest and I crash through the window and start to fall in the ground.

"Ah Blaise I'm going to kill you if I don't die!" I yell up at him as he is spiraling down in attempt to catch me. I getting closer to the ground and I know I only have a couple seconds left, Blaise isn't flying fast enough to catch, so I close my eyes and prepare myself for the impact.

A minute passes and I began to feel around on my body. Thank Merlin, I alive! But I should have hit the floor what's going on. I open my eyes to see Blaise staring at me with wide eyes and an open mouth.

"No way, no way." he says looking at me.

"What? Why are you staring?"

"Your...your flying."


"Your flying, as in with out a broom stick."

What? No one can fly with out a broom stick, maybe when he hit that table he hit it a little too hard.

"Blaise are you smoking some type on muggle drug, no one can fly with out a broom stick!"

"But your...your flying now. If you don't believe me look down."

Sure enough when I look down the ground is at least three feet under me and I'm hovering above it. No way, no one can fly with out a broom, this isn't happening.

"No way, I'm flying!" I say. "Blaise I'm flying!"

"No shit sherlock, I can see that. In fact I'm the one who pointed it out." he says, someone's gotten over me flying rather quickly, well quickly enough to insult me.

"Hey don't be mad cause you can't fly!" I laughed sicking out my tongue.

"You can't fly either stupid"

"No now you're the stupid one, I 'm flying now."

"Correction your hovering, I don't see you actually flying."

"I can watch this!" I say trying to take off into the sky, but failing miserably and remain there flipping in the air.

"See, you can't even go anywhere! Your just rolling around in a air."

"I can you just mad is all cause you still need a broom to fly and I can do it free form!"

"I bet you can't even get down."

"I bet I can." I say and start to try and air swim door. Why won't it work? Maybe I need to concentrate. I think to myself after taking a deep breath that I want to go down. The I feel heaver than before and fall to the floor on my butt. "See I got down."

"Please, you fell!"

"So you just said I couldn't get down, you never said how." I laugh.

"Okay but anyway, how were you able to fly like that?"

"I don't know I just did." I tell him as I wipe the dirt off of my shorts.

"I think we should go find out how you were able to do that, you never know what else might happen." he says dismounting his broom and walking towards the house.

"Yeah I think we should go find out what's happen to me. To the library!" I yell as we are almost at the house, then I remember my broom pulling out my wand I call out "Accio broom" and my broom zooms down into my hands.

Then turning to Blaise I say "Now lets go."

He nodded and just as we are entering I say "You know I won right?"

"What you cheated in the first place!"

"But let not forget that when you tried to cheat, you knocked me out the window and on to the quidditch pitch, resulting in me wining. So ha I did win"

"Okay Draco what ever." he sighs as we enter the house heading to the library.

Hermione's POV

Three days left tell I have to go back to, like summer couldn't get any shorter! I mean didn't I just get back from The Burrows three days ago. This summer was so uneventful. Maybe I shouldn't have did all my summer work the first week of the break. Ah, well I guess I can read, but haven't I already read each book twice now. Oh Merlin I really do need to buy some new books.

I wonder if Ginny would lead me a book. Probably not, I don't think she reads much anyway. Speaking of reading I think I'll just go to Diagon Alley tomorrow and get a couple more books.

So there only one other option, the television. So I hopped out of my room and headed down to the kitchen to pop some popcorn for the movie. Grabbing a bowl and filling it up with the popcorn I went into the livingroom. I decided I wanted to watch a horror movie. So I put in the movie Black Christmas and turned on the tv with blanket wrapped around me and began to watch it.

Merlin, you'd think these girls would have thought to leave the house, I mean everyone's already dead. It just the four left and when they finally realize that their getting killed off one by one they want to run. How stupid! They should have been gone! And when they finally do gets the sense to run the other two get killed, this movie stupid!

I'm nearing the end of the movie, and some guy is looking at the dead bodies of the two killers. I'm screaming "Run fool, they ain't dead, they never are!" at the guy in the tv when he gets killed. "See I told you."

Then the two other girls about to get killed and between me screaming "Run!" at the tv and yelling "Oh my god" at the chick in the movie, I end up on the floor ,blanket on the other side of the room, and popcorn every where. I then hop up and yell "Behind you!" to the girl in the movie with my hand out stretched infront of me, as the angry of how stupid this girl in the movie is, and yet she still survives. What type of stuff is that!?

"I'm never watching that bull crap again!" I scream to myself. "It just makes me so mad, watching movies where the dumb girl always survives!"

I go up stairs not bothering to clean the mess, I'll get it tomorrow. Nobodies here anyways, so It will be fine on the floor for now.

I slam my door shut and change into my pajamas. I grab the nearest book, which happens to be my photo album, hop on my bed, and begin to look through it. Flipping through several pages in the book I see various pictures of me, Harry, Ron, and Ginny. Whether it just me and Ginny or all four of us its us having a great time, making silly faces at the camera, hugging, smiling, or me nagging Ron. We are all there.

Then I see a picture of all of The Order Of The Phoenix, we are smiling and standing there looking as proud as ever. Scanning over the photo I see Harry standing next to Sirius, with Sirius's smiling with his arm around Harry. Thinking about Sirius, I remember what happened at the Ministry just a few mouth ago. I place my hand on my chest where I was hit with that curse by Dolohov. The memories flood back to me as I think about what happen to Sirius, the angry built up inside of me is released. I feel my body temperature rise and my photo album burst into flames.

I quickly jump off the bed and begin to put out the fire.

Oh no oh no, please don't let it be too badly damaged!

When I put out the fire I look over the book, the binding of the book and the outside of the book was severely burnt, but the inside remained in good condition.

Oh thank God! I don't know what I would have done with out my Photo Album.

I looked down at my hands and noticed no scorch marks. Why hadn't I been burnt too? Had it been me who started the fire? I have to tell Ginny what just happened, she might know whats going on with me. Maybe I could pick up a book on what's happening to me at Flourish and Blotts tomorrow. Yes that is what I'm going to do.

A/N Well thats chapter one of The Power Of Four. How do you like it? Tell me I really want to know? Next chapter will be about the other two elemental. Can you figure out all four elemental and there elemental power?