A/N: 60,000 hits! Yeah... the list started to loop back in itself, but thankfully it hit last month so that's good news! Anyways way enjoy the chapter!

Chapter 29: Ace's Angel

The Straw Hats ran to where they docked the ship, after all even with Luffy's clearly powerful brother helping them it was a lot handle.

Especially since well... he had a brother that was helping them.

However as they ran Nami was thinking about what she saw.

That Ace has a guardian angel.

She looked at Luffy.

"Wait… does he know." Thought Nami.

They eventually got to the Going Merry.

As Ace fought off the marines, his guardian angel was looking though her own book.

Her eyes widened at two things she read.

"Come on!" said Ace in a way that made it seem like part of the fight, but it was clear he was talking to his guardian angel.

She nodded and followed Ace.

"There's something you need to know about Luffy's crew." Said his Guardian Angel.

"Tell me later." Said Ace.

She sighed and messaged a headache.

This was going to be very awkward.

They got to the Going Merry as Luffy was explaining a few things.

"Hey!" said Ace.

"Ace!" cheered Luffy.

"So you're my little brother's crew." Said Ace.

That was when Ace's Guardian Angel looked t Nami and nodded.

She sighed and knew she had to talk to her.

No one was paying attention to Nami except for Kuina. Who followed her as she was very much aware of the other Guardian Angel.

"It's nice to finally talk to someone who isn't Ace." Said the angel.

"What?" asked Nami.

"Ace hasn't let anyone see me yet." Said the angel.

"Oh…" said Nami.

"I shouldn't pry but why hasn't he let anyone see you?" asked Kuina.

"It's personal." Said the angel.

"Of course it is." Said Kuina with a sweat drop.

"I need you to do me a huge favor." Said the Angel.

"What…" said Nami.

"Please convince Ace to let Luffy know about me… I've been trying to get him to at least let Luffy know before this trip… but he so stubborn." Said the Guardian Angel.

Nami sighed, "This is my life now isn't it?" she asked.

"I'm sorry…" said Kuina and the angel at the same time.

"Oh I'm Rouge… I'm Ace's mother." Said the angel.

Nami was surprised.

"Really?" she asked.

Rouge nodded.

"Please Nami… please convince him to tell Luffy at least." Said Rouge.

"I'll ask Zoro if he'll let Ace see me." Said Kuina.

"Wait… what?" asked Nami.

"People with Guardian Angels can't see each other's angels unless give permission for the person to see them." Said Kuina.

"Now Nami we need to this delicately." Said Rouge.

Nami was already walking away.

"Oh come on!" yelled Rouge.

"Nami has a short temper and it doesn't help she now has this ability…" sighed Kuina.

"Yeah…" sighed Rouge.

She approached Ace who was talking to Luffy.

"Hey Ace was it?" asked Nami, "There's something to I need to talk to you about?"

"What?" asked Ace.

"Something private." Said Nami.

"You have to talk to her." Said Rouge approaching him.

Ace was confused, but knew he had to talk to her if his angel/mother wanted to her to talk to him.

They talked where her tree were.

"So what do you need to talk to me about?" asked Ace.

"I can see your mom…" said Nami.

"It's true." Said Rouge.

"I asked you not give permission for anyone to see you!" yelled Ace.

"She didn't…" said Nami, "I can see Angels."

"What?" asked Ace.

"I was very sick recently… I almost died." Said Nami, "But… I lived but I now can see Angels and Demons…"

Ace stared at Nami.

"That's not normal…" said Ace, "Unless…"

He realized it meant someone on board had a Guardian Angel.

"IS it…" said Ace.

"It's not Luffy." Said Nami.

Ace looked conflicted, almost as if he wanted Luffy to have one while the same time relived he didn't.

"Please Ace… let Luffy see me at least." Sad Rouge.

Ace gritted his teeth, "We don't know if he'll take it well… I mean…"

"That's stupid…" said Nami.

Ace glared at her and then realized.

"He can see the other guardian Angel? Can't he?" asked Ace.

Nami nodded, "He was the first two people who could see her." Said Nami.

Ace sighed.

"Look unless she ruined your love life I don't see any reason not to tell anyone." Said Nami.

"What?" asked Ace and Rouge with a sweat drop.

"You'll find out later." Sighed Nami.

Ace sighed… he really wanted to tell Luffy about her after a certain point… but it seemed like he couldn't do it now…

"I'll do it later." Said Ace.

While this conversation was going Kuina talked with Zoro about getting permission.

"Wait… Luffy's brother also has a Guardian Angel?" asked Zoro.

Kuina nodded.

"But as a privacy thing only those granted with Permission. Can see if they have a Guardian Angel." Said Kuina.

"How do I grant permission?" asked Zoro.

Kuina sighed figuring hat he would just grant her permission just like that.

She created a piece of parchment.

"Just poke the box on the parchment and Ace can see me." Said Kuina.

Zoro did so and the parchment glowed then disappeared.

"Looks like he now has my permission." Said Kuina.

"Wait does that mean I can see his?" asked Zoro.

"No he has to give permission to see her." Said Kuina.

Zoro sweat dropped.

They sailed away a bit so that they could have lunch, as Ace insisted on having lunch with his little brother's crew. Mostly so he could have to some time as it was meant to be a short trip.

Before lunch Kuina introduced herself to Ace.

"Hey! I'm Kuina. Zoro's Guardian Angel." Said Kuina.

"So who can see you?" asked Ace, "I mean besides Luffy and Nami."

"Tashigi… she's my twin sister and Sanji the cook." Said Kuina.

"Oh… why Sanji?" asked Ace, "Is he particularly close to Zoro?"

"Kind of sort of… but it's all my fault…" said Kuina blushing.

"Does this have anything to do with that love life thing Nami mentioned?" asked Ace.

Kuina didn't say anything.

"What did you do?" asked Ace with a sweat drop.

"You'll see during lunch." Sighed Kuina.

Durring lunch Ace noticed that all of the women on the crew besides Nami and Tashigi were flirting, shyly looking at him or looking at him lovingly.

He looked at Kuina who covered her face in shame.

"It's okay… it's normal to make mistakes early on." Said Rouge.

"The spell altered his personality when it comes to woman." She mumbled.

"There, there…" said Rouge patting the younger angel on the head, "It could have worse…"

"However could have worse?" asked Kuina.

Rouge began to think.

"You could have switched his gender…" said Rouge.

"I think that would actually be slightly better…" mumbled Kuina.

She began to think, "You could changed his personality in all aspects than one…"

"Well…" said Kuina.

"You could have set him on fire." Said Rouge.

"Has that even happened with a healing spell?" asked Kuina.

"I don't know…" said Rouge, "Could it happen…"

Luffy, Tashigi and Sanji all confused why Kuina was talking like that. While Zoro shrugged it of knowing he talking to Rouge. While Nami and Ace were very amused by the conversation.

After lunch Ace asked Luffy to talk with him privately.

"So what did you want to talk about?" asked Luffy.

"I allow him to see me! Monkey D. Luffy!" said Rouge.

Luffy's eyes widened as Rouge appeared in front of him.

"Wait…" said Luffy.

He looked at Ace surprised.

"You have a Guardian Angel too?" asked Luffy.

"Yeah…" said Ace.

"How long?" asked Luffy.

"A few days after…" said Ace.

Luffy flinched when he said that.

"Although we never talked before… I know all about you." Said Rouge she began to ruffle his hair, "I've always wanted to…"

"Why haven't you let me see her until now?" asked Ace.

"Why?" asked Luffy.

Ace sighed… maybe it was a good idea to tell Luffy after all… maybe having an extra pair of eyes in his search would help.

"Luffy… Sabo is alive." Said Ace.

Luffy's eyes widened.

"How…" said Luffy.

"But he has amnesia." Said Ace, "That why he never came back home… I don't know where he lives or what he's doing… but he is alive… but he doesn't remember us."

"You knew the whole time…" said Luffy.

"I wanted to find them before telling you,.. since their so rare I never would have through you would see one…" said Ace.

"That's stupid! If you told me from the start and let me see her I could have helped you the whole time!" yelled Luffy.

"I told you so…" said Rouge with her best "mom" voice.

"Wait…" said Luffy realizing something, "Are you the one causing weird thing to happen to Gramps sometimes?"

"Yes… I was…" said Rouge giggling.

"Awesome!" cheered Luffy.

The tow talked a bit more, even talking about Zoro's situation, as well at Ace trying to search for a man known as Black Beard who betrayed his crew by killing a fellow member.

Afterward Ace divided to give Luffy something… a piece of paper.

"A piece of paper?" asked Luffy.

"One day that piece of paper will reunite us." Said Ace.

"Ace… explain things better." Said Rouge once again sing her "mom" voice.

"Fine…" said Ace.

He began to explain what a Vivre Card was and how it was used.

"Awesome!" said Luffy.

"Hey I want to ask something of crew before I go." Said Ace.

That was when they heard some strangled cried.

They looked at each other and saw that all of the girls had finally covered themselves of their dancer garb.

"Why!" cried Sanji.

"Because we'll get sunburns." Said Vivi.

"Hey called out Ace.

Everyone gathered.

"Hey there's something I want to ask all of you." Said Ace, "Take care of my little brother okay… I know he can be a handful…"

Just about everyone in the crew looked at him.

"Nami…" said Rouge, "Thank you…"

"It wasn't a problem…" said Nami, "I'm glad I could help."

"Hold out your hand." Said Rouge.

Nami did so. A light only she, Ace, Luffy and Kuina appeared. When the light dimmed there was a Crystal in her hand.

"One day you will need that." said Rouge.

"Wait… I thought…" said Nami.

"Normally but there are certain conditions… I'm at a much higher level than Kuina… and also the fact that you helped me." Said Rouge, "There is no grantee that she will ever have to use it…"

Ace nodded.

"Although… there is a chance that I might need to use that crystal too… so there is a chance that me and Ace might one day just appear if you haven't used it yet." Said Rouge.

Nami sweat dropped when she said that.

"Good luck…" said Rouge.

Ace nodded knowing that was time to go.

"See you at the top Luffy." Said Ace.

He jumped off the ship and onto a boat that tied to the Going Merry.

That was when they noticed some ships in the distance… with a certain Jolly Roger.

"Baroque Works." Said Vivi.

"Don't worry…" said Ace, "I'll handle it."

He left with his boat using his flames to power his ship.

Ace easily took care of the ships thanks to his Devil Fruit powers.

"That thing you gave Nami?" asked Ace.

"I left out an important detail… that only someone with Nami's condition can use that crystal…" said Rouge.

"What does it do?" asked Ace.

"I'll tell you if she needs to use it…" said Rouge.

"I hope Luffy will be able to help with Sabo." Said Ace.

"Hope so too." Said Rouge.

She then lightly slapped her son in the head.

"What was that for?" asked Ace.

"For not letting Luffy in until now…" said Rouge.

Ace sighed…

"Well you finally let him… I'm proud of you." Said Rouge, "Now when are you getting let more people see me?"

"Seriously?" asked Ace.

"You didn't even let Zoro see me… and it would have counted to my limit." Pouted Rouge.

Ace sighed at mother as they continued on their journey. With Rouge happy that her finally let someone know about her... though it did take someone he didn't know to do it… but it was better than nothing…

Next Time: They start their journey to persuade the Rebels to stop the war. However they must traverse a desert to do so... it's going to be treacherous and who knows what will... so what will happen? Find out next time!