A/N: Yay for chapater two! This is shorter than what I would usually consider a chapter, but I became busy this week and didn't want to leave you hanging with nothing. So, here's some stuff. Enjoy:)


I couldn't tell if this was meant to be a family kiss or not… we hadn't kissed on the mouth since we were kids. I just stood there, feeling the velvety surface of her bottom lip in the dip where my lips met in the middle, wondering if I should back up and tell her goodnight like it didn't mean anything… or is she wanted me to go further.

Thankfully I didn't have to choose because she had backed up first. We stared for what seemed like hours to me, though in reality it was probably only about 3 seconds.

Sharpay laughed. "Well, um… thanks," she said, turning away, walking toward the door.

I raised an eyebrow. "Where are you going?" I asked, trying to sound truly curious and not desperate. "This is your room." I was trying so hard to be casual, but I could feel awkwardness in my voice every time words came out. My face was on fire, my pulse had heightened, and I could still feel the sweet tingle of her lips. It took all I had not to be going insane.

"Yeah," she said, forcing a smile and looking about awkwardly. "Well, I am going to wash my face. Dried tears can't be too good for a girl's skin, after all. Probably clogs pores or something."

"Maybe," I said, not knowing what else to say.

"And a zit isn't the kind of thing I need right now," she said, sighing. "I mean… with the audition. And stuff." Something seemed off about her. I was worried. Had I upset her?

"Alright…" I said, walking towards her until I was about 3 feet away. I wanted to keep some distance… there seemed to be some invisible barrier between us. "But you're going to be okay, right?"

She nodded, laughing lightly, and rolled her eyes at herself. "Of course." Then her voice got softer, more timid. "After all you said I feel a lot better," she said, her eyes soft and damp. She took a step toward me and patted my arm, breaking the barrier. I shivered, and I hoped she didn't notice. "You're a great brother," she finished.

As I watched her walk into the bathroom, the place where she touched me seemed to sting with her final words. I walked down the hall, pausing near the door to the bathroom. After listening to her footsteps for a few seconds, I forced myself to go into my room across the hall, though I wanted so badly to stay… to ignore the fact that reality had finally returned.

I lay in my bed moments later, her words replaying unrelentlessly in my head.

"You're a great brother."

"Brother…" I sighed into the empty room. I kept trying to remind myself that's what I was to her. It's all I was.

, my mind persuaded. I thought, that's probably all there is in the first place. The feelings I feel… they're probably not weird at all. I continued, optimistically

At the thought of the audition, I sighed. The best I could do for both Sharpay and my personal dignity would be to rock the routine for Ms. Darbus tomorrow. Being on top once again would fix any weirdness that may or may not have been between Sharpay and I.

At that thought I was comforted, and fell into a soft slumber as I thought about being in the spotlight again.


I was sitting on my bed, buttoning my shirt. I think I was supposed to be ready to go to school, though outside by window it was dark like the night. The moon shone brighter than I ever remembered seeing in my life, and in its gentle light I adjusted the cuffs of my sleeves. My eyes met my own in the mirror, examining myself as I smoothed out the slight folds in the fabric, quiet and peaceful.

Suddenly, though, I saw my door creek open in the mirror. I saw a flash of a blonde curl , followed by a small peek of a chocolate-colored eye. I smiled, raising my eyebrows and stopping the alterations I was making on my shirt.

"You're watching me," I said expectedly. I peered at her reflection and I saw a corner of her mouth form from behind the edge of the door.

"Maybe," she said simply, the smirk growing. "Does that offend you?" She pushed the door open, letting herself in before softly shutting it behind her and leaning on its surface, gazing at me.

"Not at all," I said, smiling a knowing smile.

She was wearing a pink spaghetti strap tank top and white shorts made of soft fabric. She hadn't gotten into her actual outfit yet… or else it would have been a lot more elaborate. She walked toward the bed, and for the first time I looked around to face her. She looked so much better than her reflection, though that kind of statement doesn't usually make any sense. She felt more lovely, more real.

I reached out to touch her hand and she giggled lightly, a light "Ryan," whispering from her lips. I looked at her softly, taking my hand to her neck and feeling her soft skin there. Her eyes never moved, and she seemed to never draw breath.

"Sharpay," I muttered, almost to myself. "This has never felt so right."

She lowered herself to sit on the bed, and I adjusted to make room more her. Though something inside of me knew the gap would be closed before long.

"I know," she said, touching my hand. "It's easier like this, isn't it?"

When she asked, it registered that I didn't really know what she was talking about. What was the "it" she was talking about? And why was it easier?

Though my mind seemed to be uncertain, another part in me nodded softly, like I knew everything that she spoke of as well as I knew our dance steps. "It is," I said. "It's amazing."

A few moments passed where we sat facing each other, eyes sucked into each others gazes. Her eyes were a tidal wave I couldn't swim away from and the most delicious of black holes. I was enveloped, and she seemed to feel the same. Her hand didn't move… it just sat there on my hand, the warmth flooding my whole body.

"It's hard not to kiss you though," she whispered, her eyes wide with desire. "The hardest thing I know of."

I felt my lips curl softly, smiling at her vulnerability. My hand caressed her neck once more before trailing down the side of her breast and stomach before wrapping around her low back. It was the most intimate thing I had ever felt… more intimate than when my arm was there for dancing.

"Then don't resist…" I said. "I wouldn't mind…."

She put her arms around my waist lightly, pulling me closer. I could smell her scent. It was sweeter than I remembered.

"Do you want me?" she whispered hotly into my face. We were so close it hurt, and her breath made my body heat rise and my skin twitch.

I nodded at her. "Yes… and do you?"

She nodded, looking my face up and down. "So much…"

Just as I thought my body was going to start to shake is a spasmodic frenzy, she pressed herself against me, laying me across the bed. I could feel her pressure on every part of my body so that no spasm could knock me out of place. She ran a hand through my hair, and I put my hands on her lower back again, pressing her into me. She smiled, and I smiled back, before she put a light kiss on my lips. This time, she did not move away. Her lips stayed stationary for a while, just before pulling back a few inches and pecking them again, letting them linger longer. I couldn't help but sigh into her mouth as she finally opened up, letting our lips move more elegantly than ballet dancers across each other's surfaces. Each clash, each gasp… it was like it was perfectly coordinated. And oh, how I wanted it. I wanted it so bad. It was frightening, really, how it felt to lose control. But with her hair against my face, I couldn't stop. The sensation was addicting.

My hands moved on her like they had never moved on a girl before. My palm against her was like ecstasy for both of us. And the way she touched me made me want to have her in my bed a million times in a row.

I got up the courage to put a hand underneath the hem of her tank top, feeling the skin on her hip. When I did this she smiled into my eyes, kissing my neck hard, like a lover.

"Just don't make too much noise…" she said.


My eyes were open, and I was in my bed. It was then I realized that I had just woken up, and the alarm meant it was the day of the big audition. I growled, turning around and turning it off. Lingering thoughts were in my mind, thinking I had dreamed something… but the clock was so alarming I totally forgot what the dream was. I huffed, standing up and looking in my mirror. My eyes were dark and heavy. I was secretly hoping it would go away so I could look my best for the audition. If only I hadn't spent all that time the night before worrying…

, I though.

I walked out my door and into the hall, going downstairs where I planned on eating breakfast. Like any other day, I wanted to eat toast. Also like any other day, I expected Sharpay to be in there already making some. And as I turned the corner, I noticed that was the case.

But something was not like every other day. Instead of feeling hungry for toast, I felt hungry for… something else…

What am I feeling this way? It's almost like... like something happened between us

...But she isn't acting weird...

"Hey Ryan," Sharpay said, setting a plate of toast o the counter. "I made some for ya."

At the sound of her voice, the image of my sister pinning me on my bed came to mind.

Oh, god…