kUCKELS Waz reeding a bock abot fisch when tales comes in screem "HALP SONICS ON TROBLE!" "I ar reads now, mayb ladder" "plz kuckles, I don't kow how sav him cuz I cant run rite becuz I don't no how too ty shoz" "alrite, butt you owes me then" sed kucles.

They run relly fastly up to were sonic falls down in whole. I kan climbed down to halp" sed kuckles. "oK SED TALES.

Kucels go down wen he sees roosh the bat goes down two. "wut happen tales am two dum too no" sed kucels. "shadoe and sonic where fites, they feel becuz they no see the whole, but hoo cares about them lets go make hae babies and play together" ok sed kuckles. So they goes off and has babies batechidnas!

Sonic and shadoe had to survive living off eachothers warmth until the crocodile (I forgets he name, but u no who I r talks about) and charms the b came to save them. Then they live together is an house by the beach.