1- A Flaw in the Plan.

Voldemort stood statue-like in front of the roaring fire. His body glew eerily in the dancing lights, his new wand held in his stiff white hands, as though in prayer. Hatred emanated from him, his patience waning.

His followers surrounded him, a vast circle of black cloaks in the clearing. Their eyes were all locked on their master, no one dared to speak. Seconds were like weights on them, it had been nearly an hour.

And then, as though on cue, there was a rustling in the forest. Everyone held their breth, excited, prepared. But it was not Harry Potter who stepped through. It was just Dolohov and Yaxley, fellow Death Eaters. Everyone exhaled, disappointed.

"No sign of him, my Lord." Dolohov said. He looked very nervous at bringing this bad news to his master.

Voldemort did not move. A low hiss resounded. Disappointment.

"He did not come."

No one dared to move or speak. Their fear of their master's anger kept them rooted.

"It seems I was..." He lowered his hands at last. "...mistaken."

"You weren't."

A very loud, bold voice seemed to come from the fire, and where no one had been a moment, there he stood: Harry Potter himself. He walked forward, looking oddly confident. There was no fear etched on his face, it was unnerving, unexpected.

All the Death Eaters seemed to be radiating excitement, Harry could practically hear their heartbeats.

He stopped in front of Voldemort, only the fire separating them. His figure looking distorted over the flames, making him look even less human than ever.

Voldemort's thin lips curved into a smile.

"Harry Potter." It was a whisper, sounding almost like part of the crackling fire. "The boy who lived."

Harry waited. He didn't reach for his wand, he only stared straight ahead, into those cold, red eyes. He wanted it to be over quick, before his fear overcame him, before his adrenaline and reflexes betrayed him... he must wait, wait for death...

"I know what you are here for, boy. I knew you would come. But you are quite wrong." The heads of the Death Eaters all snapped to Voldemort, and to Harry and back, a look if bewilderment on their faces. "I am not going to kill you."

Harry's blanked expression, which he had been determined to keep, to not show fear, broke. His mouth opened in shock.

And before he could react further than that, Voldemort flicked his wand, roots and vines sprang from the forest ground and wrapped themselves around Harry's body, he was unable to move, trapped.

He was gaping at Voldemort, why wasn't he killing him, he need to die! He needed to, or...

"None of you yet know this." Voldemort addresed his Death eaters, who all gave him their rapt attention, though their eyes occasionally darted back to Harry.

"And I only recently aquired this... information. Merely an hour ago, I killed Severus Snape, in order to become true master of this wand." He brandished the Elder Wand in front of them. "However." His eyes met Harry's for a moment. "I became curius when Snape kept begging to go and retrieve Potter. A chance for him to escape was my first thought, but Snape was a smart man, he could have invented better excuses than getting Potter for me after the third time. So I delved into his mind, a feat that is quite difficult with someone as apt at Occlumeny as Snape, but his fear of death split his concentration... and I was shocked at was I uncovered."

Dread filled Harry's mind. He knew. It was why Snape had been trying to get Harry, it would have been the only thing on his mind at that moment...

"It turns out Snape was working for Dumbledore, after all." The Death Eaters looked shocked, Narcissa let out a small cry, and Belltrix looked outraged. "And it turns out dear Harry here..." He motioned towards Harry, Harry's stomach droppped...

"...Is a horcrux of mine."

The reaction was instant, gasps and even a small muffled scream, they stared at Harry with huge eyes and their hands shook.

"When I was hit with the rebounding curse, my soul cracked." Voldemort did not seem to want to indulge the knowledge of his other horcruxes with his followers. "Part of it attatched itself to the only other living soul in that house. Young Harry Potter." His eyes narrowed. "I was unaware of it happening, the pain I felt was, I assumed, from the curse. Yet part of my great soul is in him, is part of his mind: It explains everything, I must admit, and I feel foolish for not discovering it sooner. It is how he can sense my presence and speak in parsletongue. It is why he cannot be killed, for killing him would mean killing a part of me."

Voldemort slowly walked to where Harry was tied, he was on his knees, the vines holding strong.

Harry felt sick. This was wrong, all wrong. If he didn't die, then Voldemort couldn't be killed, either. He had let everyone down...

He could feel Voldemort in front of him, but his eyes didn't seem to want to open. A hissing filled his ear.

"Foolish boy... Do you realize now? Do you understand that you belong to me? It was unintentional, of course... but soon you will see just how much of you is mine... you heart, your soul... "

He laughed, a cold, mirthless laugh. Harry looked up, anger in mis eyes. "I am not yours." Harry spat. Voldemort just laughed louder. He turned to his followers again. "Those who create horcruxes have a certain control over them. I do not know the extent of control over a human horcrux, but we shall soon find out."

Harry glared. "You already tried that, remember? You tried to get Dumbledore to kill me in the Ministry. You couldn't stand it, it was unbearingly painful for you. You can't touch my mind."

Voldemort lips curved into what resembles a smile. "True. I tried to control you. But only in a way that I would have possessed any other wizard. I did not know part of me already lie beyond all those boundaries, already in the heart of your soul. Shall I show you what I mean now?"

Harry did not even have time for prepare for the pain, he closed his eyes as Voldemort made a movement with his wrist... but no pain came. It felt rather like the Imperius curse, the weightlessness of it. It felt natural too feel this way, as if this was what he should have felt all along. Of course Voldemort should live, Harry should worship him as his master, it was so obvioulsy clear now.

The vines left him. Harry stood, slowly, and the Death Eaters stared. Harry Potter's eyes were a blood red.

He walked over to Voldemort in silence. All eyes were staring in shock. And then, unbelievingly...

"My Lord..." Harry kneeled in front of him, bowed down in front of the Dark Lord...

And then he screamed, he grabbed his hair and pulled, as if having a fit. "NOOO!!!!" His shouts echoed across the forest, his internal struggle seemed to be ripping at him.

It was like battling a very large snake, Harry thought, like the last time he was possessed. But this snake was a part of him, his arms were part of the snake, his eyes and voice, all parts were shared...

He struggles, and the serpent stuggled against him, constricting him, making it impossible to breathe...

"Why are you fighting yourself?" The snake hissed. It sounded almost soothing. "Why do you continue to battle your own mind? Stop this pain... Accept it, Harry... It is only natural, you cannot win... Give in Harry, and stop this pain..."

Harry opened his eyes again, his vision was blurred. Voldemort stood in front of him, he seemed to have expected this.

"You... MONSTER!"

The snake gave another great throttle, and Harry could no longer resist. He felt his mind go limp and the serpent relaxed... it hissed pleasantly in his ear, as if rewarding him, it was very calming to Harry for some reason.

He stopped shouting and fell to the ground, and everything was dark.

So there's the first chapter, sorry if there are a lot of spelling errors and shit, I only have notepad and some other wrting program on here called Abiword, but it always deletes my stuff. Soooo I'll download something new soon. yep. R&R!