Naruto High school
"Ugh! Freak! Its only 6:30! GAH!" An extremely tired teen cried as she woke from her sleep.
The cotton candy haired girl dragged herself out of her bed. The 16 year old glanced around her room incredibly spacious room. It was HUGE there was a giant king bed, a walk in closet, a Jacuzzi, a private bathroom, and MUCH more! Sakura was the only heir to Haruno inc after her parents had passed away so she became the president and attended to the companies matter. Being 16 she still had to go to school. That was why she was here in Konoha. After she had completed her high school she would be entitled to the full fortune.
"OMG its my first day of high school and I'm gonna be late!" the frumpy teen cried. Sakura hurridly threw on her hot pink skirt and a black top that had pink lips on the back's right shoulder. She combed through her long pink locks and viewed herself in the mirror. Carefully placing an unwanted strand behind her ear, she flashed a grin to the mirror "Perfect!" She then dashed out of the house and to her driver, Mark, who already had the door open.
"Ready to go Mark!" She skipped the rest of the way to the car tossing her apple into the air.
"As you wish, Sakura- Sama" Mark the driver said.
"Hey I've told you like 500 times to drop the whole 'Sama' thing haven't I?" she pouted
"Certainly, but it would not be proper" Mark said professionally.
"Well, I want to be called Sakura! No 'Sama' or 'San' okay." she fired back
They were at each other again in one of their most popular arguments. They went through this fight about everyday for the past 2 years. So naturally this wouldn't end anytime soon. Completely fed up with all the crap he was giving her, Sakura grabbed mark by the shoulders and made him turn facing her, not the road. Mark tried to look at the road but she held him firm and lectured him. As he was turned to face her, He caught in the corner of his eye, their car about to collide with someone elses.
"Oh shit!" they both cursed. Mark broke Sakura's grip and lunged for the steering wheel.
Sasuke Uchiha, the heir of Uchiha Corp, was on his way to a hell hole most people referred to as school. Sasuke was extremely wealthy, in fact he came from one of the richest families in Japan. As he was dazed in his thoughts there as a sudden crash!
"What the fuck was that Charles?" Sasuke shouted
"Mind your language Uchiha-Sama, and a vehicle just hit us in in the back." Said his driver, Charles, whom was trying his best to make ease of the situation.
Sasuke was never a morning person and this only made matters worse! He began swearing and muttering under his breath with the occasional 'baka' and 'teme' to be heard. Charles got out to go inspect the car. He noticed that another man and a pink haired girl had gotten out of the car
"Pink? What a weird colored for hair"
But shes extremely hot isn't she!?"
Where the fuck did you come from!? I thought i got rid of you in all those psychology classes mom made me take!
Well im back now Hot Shot so get used to it
Oi! look how short that skirt is! You know im getting turned on!
Shut up you teme! Go be a perv somewhere else!
Sheesh! Later cupcake!
Damn those stupid nicknames!
After about a 10 min. he got fed up with waiting.
After all school was starting in about 20 min. So cursing under of his breath he got out of the car.
"CHARLES! What the hell is taking so long? I have to go to school you know. Im sure father wouldn't like to hear how you depriving me of my education!" he demanded
"My apologies Uchiha-Sama." Charles stated flatly trying his best to get the situation under control, though it was rather hard since his career was in an angry teens hands.
"Hn, well can we please move along 'cuz school starts in 20 min!"
Charles started nervously"I-Im a-a-afraid w-we c-c-cant go y-yet s-s-since a t-t-t-ire had been popped.."
"ARE YOU FUCKIN KIDDING ME!?" he shouted and his onyx eyes sparked. "Ugh! Fine then do what you must"
Geez he sounds so spoiled!
AHH where'd you come from?!
From that little box in your head.
Sakura glanced he was pretty hot...hmmm...
Me likey Konoha. Fine your right.
Aren't i always?
Sure, why not.
Sakura glanced at him once more..then an idea hit her!
"Um hey. What's your name?" she said directing her question to Sasuke.
"Who wants to know?" he smirked.
Gosh! This guy was such a cutie! She raised an eyebrow and gave him a scrutinizing look and said "Haruno Sakura"
"Hn" He bascially dismissed her comment with that flip he did with his bangs.
She was pretty pissed off now "So whats your name?"
"Uchiha Sasuke" he smirked once more
"Well I'm going to school, its my first day at this place called HILHS (A/N short for Hidden in Leaves High School..lame but work with me here) and if you were going there I would be more than happy to give you a lift.
"Great Idea Sakura-Sama" Charles said
"I SAID CALL ME SAKURA!" she raged, then politely turned back to Sasuke.
Sasuke needed a ride so he said "Yeah, im heading there too. I'll take the ride. "
"Great!" Sakura beamed at her cleverness, then they left in the car.
In the car they talked and stuff. When it was time to get off, all the other students were gathered around the outside of the car.
"Oh good im not late" Sakura said practially thanking the heavens. Who wanted to be late on their first day?
As they stepped out of the car thousands of girls glared daggers at Sakura.
"umm...Sasuke, why is everyone staring like that at you?"
"There not staring at me, there staring at you!"
"ME" she said unbelievingly.
"just wait and see" with that said he walked off. Only stopping breifly to turn around, "By the way thanks for the ride."
The envious girls closed in on Sakura seconds after Sasuke left!
"What do you think your doing with MY Sasuke-Kins"one screamed
"Uhmm nothing" she said nervously folding her hands together.
"Learn to keep your filthy hands off him you whore!" another one raved.
"Why were you with my man tramp?"
"Ha you mean MY man, get real you ho!" a fan girl yelled to the obsessed girl.
Sakura quickly ran from the scene trying to get away unnoticed...but it failed, Sasuke was nearby.
The fan girls screeched and stampeded. They relocated to a semi-castophobic circle around Sasuke. He looked like a deer trapped in the head lights.
"Sasu-kins marry me"
"ditch that tramp sasu-bear"
Finally Sasuke had enough
"SHUT THE HELL UP YOU CRAZY WOMEN!" he shouted, having a murderous intent in his eyes.
They hushed for a second then started again.
"Ahhh hes so cool!"
"Such a dream!"
and it went on and on...and on
Sasuke finally slipped away from the dazed fan girls. It was a miracle he was still in in piece. On the other hand Sakura barely made it out alive! After being surrounded by the pathetic girls she quickly made her way towards the office to get her schedule. She walked into the office and came across a black haired lady behind the counter, and she was holding a pig! Using her resourcefulness she quickly looked at her name tag.
Uhmm, excuse me Miss. Shizune-san."
They lady looked up, she had blackish blueish hair and an outfit that screamed throw me away.
"Oh yes?"
"Im new here so I was wondering if I could have my schedule." Sakura said nervously.
"why of course." She said as she began to fumble through some papers. " Just head down to the principles office, second door on your left."
Sakura made her way down to the office, on the door said 'Principle Tsunade' She heard a woman scream 'AND IF I EVER CATCH YOU PUTTING FIRECRACKERS IN SOMEOMNES PANTS AGAIN IT WILL BE VERY CRUEL AND UNUSUAL PUNISHMENT DO YOU UNDERSTAND!?"
Then she heard a weak reply, 'Hai tsunade sama"
As the boy walked out she noticed he had spikey blond hair, piercing blue eyes and a sheepish grin. As he walked away, Sakura mentally sweat dropped. The principle was scary as hell! Great just my luck! Her thoughts were interrupted by a voice that said 'come in'
Sakura walked in nervously and said "Hello, I'm Haruno Sakura, the new student. I was wondering if I could have my schedule."
The women looked up, she had blonde hair pulled back in two low pigtails, and she wore a principle robe "Ah of course you are! Here is your schedule!" she handed her the schedule, "Welcome to Hidden in Leaves High! I hope you will enjoy the school! If you need any assistance, please inform me and I will try my best to help!"
Hmm...maybe shes just moody...
"Yes of course" Said Sakura smiling as she made her way out of the office.
She glanced at her schedule
Social Studies-Kakashi
Video Production/Elective-Itachi (A/N WHOA! I know right, well in this story Itachi doesn't kill his clan and he and sasuke are brothers.)
Great! First class is history, well i better get going.
On the way to her first class she confidently walked down the halls. A scream was heard as she rounded the corner, followed by desperate gasps, and chokes for air. Sakura dropped her books and saw a shocking sight...
XD cliffie...i guess...pleez R&R I hope you enjoyed this story I'm guessing this will be a long series...anyways thnx soo much this is my 1stfan fic an all...