DISCLAIMER: Unfortunately, I do not own Psych or any of the characters. Steve Franks does. -sniffle- Lucky...

SUMMARY: Shawn figured, why not? The cops were right behind him. But during a chase to catch a killer, Shawn bites off more than he can chew. Shawn is blinded, unable to see for the next two and a half weeks. But a serial killer is on the loose, and he's targeting police officers. Lassiter "kindly" suggests Shawn should still be able to see visions, despite his lack of sight. Chief Vick, anxious to put the killer behind bars, agrees and assigns Shawn to the case. Now Shawn is stuck between a rock and a hard place, as he tries to figure out what he can do to stop a killer. How will the sight dependent "psychic" solve the urgent case mur.der thrusted onto his shoulders?



"Are you sure about this Shawn?" Gus asked nervously.

Shawn nodded his head vigorously. "Gussy-wussy, don't be nervous. Everything will be fine."

Gus sighed. "You better be right."

"I'm always right."

Gus shook his head, sitting on the nearby stool. Following Shawn's instructions, Juliet had radioed the Chief and called Jimmy, setting up a meeting within the bakery. Shawn had long prepared for the coming moment, and now he and Gus just had to wait. Juliet and Lassiter sat outside on a nearby bench while the duo waited inside the kitchen.

Shawn held out his hands toward Gus' general direction. "Go ahead and hand it over Gus."

"Are you sure?" Gus said, picking a small purple bowl off a nearby counter. Inside a yellow cream sat inn.ocently.

Shawn nodded. "Of course. Now just give me the damn pudding."

Gus reached out, softly setting the purple bowl into Shawn's hands. Shawn held it close to his face, sniffing the yellow gooey pudding softly.


Suddenly, the kitchen door swung open. The Chief, Lassiter, Juliet, and a strange man entered the small and now crowded kitchen. The man seemed to be younger than any of the others, dressed nicely. But he was only another annoying voice to Shawn.

"Now will you explain what the hell you dragged me here for?" the man snapped, narrowing his eyes at the Chief.

"Shh!" Shawn suddenly murmured loudly. He held the yellow pudding in front of him. "The pudding... the banana pudding," he sniffed it again, "the banana with pineapple chunk pudding has shown me the way. It has shown me the truth to this dastardly case." Lassiter cringed, making a motion of vomiting at the mention of the pudding flavor. Lassiter had never been one of a fan for delicious flavor.

"Who the hell is this guy?" the man asked angrily.

"Ah, it seems that rather annoying loud buzzing noise in my ears is not a spirit, no. It's the voice of Jimmy Moore. Jimmy, I am the one that called you here." Shawn took a loud and obnoxious whiff of the pudding.

"Yeah, so what the hell did you call me for?" Jimmy spat again.

Shawn chuckled. "Now, now, there's no need for the snapping turtle that has possessed you. Just shove him back into your back pocket. Yes yes, that's a good trouser wearing sea monkey."

"Who the hell is this guy?" Jimmy asked, turning to the Chief.

The Chief seemed to hesitate only for a second, as if considering if she really wanted to continue.

"This," the Chief said finally, "is Shawn Spencer. He is the lead psychic detective for the Santa Barbara Police Department. And this is his partner Burton Guster." The chief indicated to Gus.

Gus simply waved. "Hi."

"Shh!" Shawn whispered again and the room grew quite. "The pudding spirits are never kind, oh no. And they whisper softly to me. Oh so softly. What... what are you saying to me?"

Jimmy laughed. "This is ridiculous! There's no such thing as psychics. You're obviously a fake (Lassiter nodded his head quickly but everyone ignored him). Well what the hell are these "spirits" telling you huh "psychic?" I've got a life you know."

Shawn paused, turning his ear closer to the pudding in his hands. Looking up at Jimmy's general direction, he frowned. "Is this how you treated your father before you killed him the little delicious pudding spirits want to know?"

"What!?" Jimmy cried. "I didn't kill the old man! I thought I'd explained that all to you!" Jimmy turned on the Chief. "What the hell is all this nonsense?"

The Chief held up her hand, staring coldly at Jimmy. "Listen Mr. Moore, it may be in your best interest to listen. So I suggest that's what you do." Jimmy momentarily paused his rant, shrinking back slightly.

Suddenly, Shawn flung the pudding into the air. The bowl soared, landing squarely onto Lassiter's head and shoulders.

"Did I get him?" Shawn cried. "Did the spirits get the killer Jimmy?"

Lassiter stood still, shaking from fury. "Spencer!" he screamed. Had Juliet not been in the way Shawn would have been strangled.

And as sudden as Shawn threw the bowl of pudding, he began jumping up and down, quickly counting off his jumping jacks.

"One! Two! Do it! Work it! Three! Four!" Shawn cried, his arms and legs flexing back and forth. "This country is overweight! Five! We eat too much pudding! Six! Seven! We... we need to! Eight! We need to!"

"Exercise!" Juliet suddenly shouted, jumping as she did so. But a quick glance from the Chief calmed her instantly and she stopped, blushing softly.

"Yes!" Shawn said, finally stopping his jumping and putting his hand to his head, the usual psychic position.

"Yes I can see it now! Richard Moore had been exercising! You!" Shawn pointed where he thought Jimmy to be standing. "You had everything planned out. You had the perfect alibi for your father's . You would kill him and then return to the gym you had been at and no one would have been the wiser."

"But he was with his friend," Juliet mentioned. "That was his alibi for when his father died."

Shawn shook his head. "No, his alibi was the gym. So he sneaked out and shot his father after grabbing a bite to eat with the old man. But what he didn't know, or at least didn't realize until it was too late, was that his father had too been working out. Gus, please explain."

"Rigor mortis," Gus began, standing from the stool, "usually takes a few hours to set in before the body becomes completely hard and ridged. However, if the person who died had been exercising before hand, the rigor mortis would set in faster than usual. Like what happened to Richard."

"Which changed your plans," Shawn continued. "You had the perfect alibi for two in the afternoon. But with the change in rigor mortis speed, the police would think he had died at around five-thirty or six! You're perfect plan was ruined like that perfect pudding. And now with your alibi destroyed the police would surely question and-slash-or suspect you. So you decided to create a new alibi. You called your friend, asking her out on a date for six, around the time it would seem your father had been killed."

"But that wasn't enough for you. You were too worried you still wouldn't be cleared, afraid your father's dea.th would still be questioned too much. And that's when you thought of Christopher Alding. Your father had worked with him for years, surely he had mentioned his name once or twice. So you created the elaborate scheme to make it seem like a serial killer. You quickly killed Alding, leaving a boatload of evidence, and wrote a quick note, saying how you were going to kill more. You were sure the police, or at least Alding's family, would find him before they found your father. And now you were completely cleared. Not only would you have an alibi for the second , and a very convincing one for the first, but you would have no connection, no real reason to kill Alding. And so you set it all up and went on your date, thinking you were in the clear. But only after kill.ing your father, and Christopher Alding in cold bloo.d."

Jimmy's head hung low, his fists clenched together tightly. "I... I didn't know what to do," he muttered softly. "I was over a few weeks ago for lunch. But he went on and on about how much he didn't want me to marry Rachel..."

"Rachel? As in your friend Rachel?" Gus inquired.

Jimmy nodded slowly. "I proposed to her a few months ago. We've been planning our wedding for later this fall. But my father ha.ted the idea of the engagement. And he just went on and on when I was at lunch with him. He even dared to mention how angry my mother would have been, how much she would have ha.ted it too. I got so mad! I was so tired of it all! So I planned out his mur.der, making sure he was home alone when I killed him." Jimmy sunk to the floor, tears falling from his eyes. "But after I killed him, I noticed the sweat. I knew about rigor mortis. I knew what was going to happen. So I changed my plans, to fix my alibi. And I went on a date with Rachel... I went on a date..." Jimmy broke down into soft sobs. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..."

Shawn shook his head as Lassiter hoisted Jimmy up, cuffing him and leading him away. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will..."

"Jimmy," Shawn suddenly called after the two retreating men. Lassiter paused and turned Jimmy to face the psychic. "What a father and a son have is special. It's a very special and important bond. And no matter what, one should never break that special bond." Lassiter rolled his eyes, leading Jimmy away. Juliet and the Chief, both looking a bit gloomy, turned to leave as well.

As soon as they were gone, Gus smacked Shawn on the back, almost causing him to fall foreword.

"What?" Shawn cried in a gi.rly voice.

"Like you're one to talk," Gus merely replied, and simply walked away.

"Congratulations Mr. Spencer," the Chief said happily. The Chief once again stood behind her desk, back at the Santa Barbara Police Station. Gus, Shawn, Juliet, and Lassiter all stood around, facing her proudly. "And very good job detectives. That evidence on the notepad is just what we needed to close the case."

"Just doing our job Chief," Lassiter said proudly, puffing his chest out even more.

"Now Chief," Shawn began, "I was wondering if we could lay off on the cases for a few weeks. At least until I can see Lassie's beautiful and stunning Irish hairline again."

The Chief nodded despite the psychic's lack of sight. "Of course. Juliet will call in two weeks or so."

"Well if it's Juliet calling," Shawn smiled, "then have her call anytime."

Juliet smiled. "See you in two weeks Shawn."

"On no, see you Jules."

"Shawn!" came a sudden loud cry. Although he could not see, Shawn turned around, the others looking back as he did so. Standing in the doorway to the Chief's office clutching a recent newspaper was the aging father of Shawn Spencer, Henry.

"Dad... hi," Shawn said hesitantly, raising up his hands.

"Shawn for Pete's sake when you get hurt I at least except to hear from you damn it!" Henry screamed.

"Now Dad I was going to call, really but the Chief called with a case - "

Henry stormed foreword, throwing the newspaper into the air. "Don't give me that Shawn! Next time don't be so stupid as to run in with only Gus as your back up!"

"Hey!" Gus started. But a glare from Henry stopped whatever else Gus had planned to say.

"Now Henry - " the Chief began. But Henry cut her off.

"Don't give me that Karen! I'm gonna throttle him!" Henry lunged for Shawn.

"Lassie!! Help!" was all Shawn managed.



Alrighty-dotty! And there you have it! Thank you all so much for reading Seeing is Believing! I hope you all enjoyed your time!

I'm actually really happy with how the ending came together. I completely forgot to add Henry into the story line when I was planning it, so I just added him there at the end. Plus I thought I needed something funny after all that sad dramatic stuff. So I hope all you Henry fans out there enjoyed.

Now even though Seeing is Believing is over, I do plan to write many more Psych fanfics in the future. So stop by my profile now to see a sneak preview of my new and upcoming Psych story, Rescue Me. It might not be out for a while so don't get your underwear all up in a tangle, but keep an eye out for it. ;)

Oh, and congrats to AinoMinako for being the only one to guess what series I based this mur.der from! The correct answer: Detective Conan/Case Closed! I not only used character names, but semi of the idea of the actual mur.der. Anyways, congrats!!

Well it was great fun writing this out and I hope you all enjoyed it. I really loved hearing from all of you that reviewed and would still love to hear what you think about it. So drop a line anytime:)

Adios amigos!

- PrincessxShawn