Disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto.

Sorry. I just had to get this out of my head before I continued the High School Drama. I hope you enjoy this!


'She loves him. She loves him! Oh god! She LOVES HIM!'

Hinata tore through the forest blindly due to the fact she was crying uncontrollably.

Since as long as she could remember, she had loved him, the village's #1 loudest, unpredictable, hyperactive knuckleheaded ninja, Uzumaki, Naruto. She had saw and admired the characteristics people are only now beginning to acknowledge. She should have told him, that she loved him unconditionally even though he was a demon vessel. She didn't care about that unlike other people, to her, it just made her love him more, knowing that he had to live with the hate that the villagers had for him. It made her admire him more knowing that despite that, he grew up to be a handsome, selfless young man. Actually, handsome is an understatement. That man was drop dead beautiful! His messy blonde hair that is starting to look like his father's, the fourth hokage, his piercing blue eyes, his boyish charm, and his foxy grin. Oh god, just thinking about him made her heart stop. Plus, it didn't hurt that his body was practically all muscle (A/N: come on, can't be all muscle that way he eat ramen!). Even Ino's mouth dropped open when seeing him train without a shirt!

Hinata from continued to spy on him and tried to have a conversation with him whenever he could, now that she finally stopped fainting constantly. She couldn't help it, she had loved him since the Academy and that love just kept growing.

But, it is time for her to finally face reality! He was unattainable. He could have any girl he wanted with a snap of his fingers. And now he finally got the one he always wanted.


Hinata had just come out of the Hokage's office when she had overheard Sakura and Ino talking.

"Did you tell Naruto, Sakura?"

"Of course I did Ino-pig. I told Naruto that I love him and you know what he said--"

Hinata didn't bother to listen to the rest. She just high tailed it out of there, nearly knocking over people in the process. Usually she would apologize, but she didn't even notice them. The only thing running through her head was 'She loves him!'

'Of course she loves him! It's only natural after being in his team for so long. Well, he is finally got the one person he always wanted. I should be happy for him!'

End of Flashback:

But Hinata couldn't, that's why she is currently running through the woods. She tripped on a twig and went skidding across the forest floor. Her jacket was ripped off her and there was a large gash on her leg, which was bleeding.

:: Hinata's POV::

"Great! Just wonderful!" I cried to myself.

I brought my one good knee up and wrapped my arms around it and just started bawling my eyes out. I cried for what felt like hours but in reality, were only minutes until I heard a twig snapped and my name being called out in concern. It sounded like Naruto. 'I must be losing, how pathetic am I? Naruto wouldn't be out in the middle of the forest when he could be with his girl friend'! When that thought crossed my mind, I just started crying harder.

More footsteps and I felt something wrapped around my bleeding knee. Confused, I looked up to see Naruto's concerned eyes. He had wrapped my jacked around my knee. He was wearing his usual attire minus his own jacket. He was seated in between my sprawled out legs.

"What are you doing Naruto?" I sighed out. I saw his one of his eyebrows raise slightly.

"Stopping the bleeding of course, Hinata."

I grew frustrated. "You know what I mean! What are you doing out here?" I yelled.

What he next shocked me. He reached up and ever so softly wiped the remains of my tears with his thumb while cupping my cheek. "Why are you crying, Hinata?"

I choose to ignore his question. "Naruto, why are you here? Shouldn't you be out on a date with Sakura-san?" I asked bitterly, immediately regretting my question. It made it seem like I was jealous. Well, I was but he didn't need to know that.

His arm that was previously on my cheek, went above my head, putting his forearm on the bark of the tree, allowing him to lean closer. His eyes held amusement and a small smirk played across his face. "You sound jealous, Hinata-chan."

Involuntarily, I gulped. I suddenly became aware of how close he was to me. He smelt like the forest and a little bit of sweat but that didn't bother me. I was overwhelmed; his warm breath aimed at my neck, how I was practically covered by his body, the way he whispered my name. It all sent shivers down my spine. "I am not jealous Naruto. I am happy for you, you finally got the girl you love! I heard Sakura. She told you that she loves you. You must be ecstatic." I blurted out.

He placed his other hand beside me, dangerously close. "You know, for a girl who stalks me constantly, you surprisingly don't know me as well as I thought."

I paled considerably. 'Oh god! He did not just say what I think he said!!' "How did you-"?

He chuckled. "Come on, I am a ninja. I'm supposed to know my surroundings."

I continued to stare dumbfounded at him, allowing him to continue.

"I told Sakura, that I had got over her. It's obvious that she's still crazy in love with Sasuke-teme. Now, I only love her like a sister."

"But, you always ask her out!!"

He shrugged. "Old habits die hard. So you can relax now, Hinata-chan!" he said shouting the last part joyful while he kissed my forehead.

We both tensed. I felt my heartbeat increase dramatically when I sense him move downward to kiss my cheek. I was growing warmer. He kissed my other cheek. My eyes were sagging. He kissed the part of my neck with a pulse on it. My brain was shutting down. I barely saw him lean in again. His arm came down from above me and he cupped the back of my head and he gently kissed me.

Slightly shocked that I was kissing my crush, I brought my arms up and wrapped them lightly around his neck. As soon as I respond to his kiss, he licked my bottom lip. I opened my mouth to him and his tongue slipped in. I couldn't help but let a small moan out. I felt him stiffen, and I panicked. 'He's going to stop. Oh my god! He came to his senses!'

But instead he crushed himself onto me, sandwiching me between the tree and him. Before, the kiss was gentle and warm; this one however was passionate and aggressive. One hand was tangled in my hair while his other hand was wrapped around my waist pulling me to him as if trying to mould me into him. I felt my need for him grow ten-fold. I pulled his head closer to me and wrapped my legs as best as I could around his waist, bring our hips into contact.

He groaned and pushed me harder into the tree causing me to whimper. He was kissing me so hard that it felt like he was trying to devour me as if I was ramen. His tongue was completely overpowering mine. I was feeling so overwhelmed but in a good way.

Soon though, the need for air caused Naruto to pull away. He shoved his head into the crook of my neck breathing hard. I, too, was panting.



"I love you"

"I know…I love you too Hinata-chan." And with that he pulled me in for another sweet kiss.


I'll continue the High School Drama now, having some trouble trying to figure out what to put in the next chapter. Next chapter will be Naruto's POV.

Review please!! Makes me write faster (sometimes)!