A/N: All right, this point in the story, I have decided to give Edward's POV! And I don't think that it's good, but it's starts from before the Cullens leave their home. Btw, he uses a lot of sarcasm; so don't take anything too literally. Thanks again for the reviews!

Edward's POV


It's the only color I've actually enjoyed for the past three years since she's been gone. It swallows me like the night, enveloping me in the cold taste of black. I closed my eyes, and tried to picture her angelic face once more.

"EDWARD! GET YOUR LAZY A-S-S DOWN HERE NOW!" I opened my eyes and almost smirked. Alice, my darling sister- emphasis on darling- had been trying to get me out of the recesses of my doomsday state for the past 35 months, 29 days, 4 hours, 3 minutes, and 2 seconds. And that was only after the month they purposely locked me up to keep me from trying to reach the Volturii (A/N: I'm not sure that those are the right figures, but heck, just roll with it.) I slid heavily off the black leather couch and walked from my room, my head hung low.

Growling flatly, I reached the bright walls of the outside to see Alice standing below me, her fists angrily set on her hips and her face scrunched up into an ugly frown.

"We're going to visit an old friend of Carlisle's…"


"And you have to look your best…"

Even better.

"Because they have kids too that he wants us to meet…"

Cant you just feel the excitement radiating off of me?

"So be nice…"

That's really going to happen.

"And act normal."

The fairy princess is way in over her head this time.

I turn to walk away and pack my things. Black, black, and more black. Life is a bundle of joy.

"And Edward? Pack a lot! We're staying for a little while." (A/N: a little while means around 3-5 months)

This has got to be the greatest thing that's every happened to me.

Edmund and Aida. They were from somewhere near London in England, now living in a colossal mansion the middle of nowhere, USA. Edmund, Aida, and their happy little family of eight, lovely teenagers.

Oh the ecstasy.

"And, over here we have the…" Jeez, could this Edmund guy be any more annoying? It's bad enough he has almost the same name as me. Suddenly, there's someone else. "Karma, darling, where are you going?"

I looked up to meet the stunning, topaz eyes of a brown haired goddess, and suddenly feel like Venus herself is standing up ahead in all her glory. Except, without her cruelty, that is. And, as I puzzle over her, one name rises up from the depths of my dead and broken heart.


"To find Will and Chase." She quickly added more to the lie to soothe her father. "They said that there's an old picture in the library that moves." At this, she rolled her eyes. Edmund gave a quiet chuckle, but as she was about to leave, he spoke again.

"Would any of you be interested in joining her? Karma can show you your bedroom quarters, isn't that right dear?" No doubt that this little invitation was included for Esme and Carlisle. The 'grown ups' most likely need some alone time.

"I'd be delighted to, Da." Karma didn't look too pleased, and I almost laughed. "Come with me."

I wonder why Alice is so happy. Jasper wondered vaguely. Probably because she might have a new Barbie.

Edward. Edward. Eddie. Eddie. Eddie-boo... I turned to Emmett in complete annoyance at his thoughts. He sniggered childishly. Made you look!

How juvenile could he get?

"Your house is wonderfully…ancient." And now comes the terribly long tries to make conversation.

"It was the only one that Edmund and Aida liked, because it reminds them of England." The hallway opened up, and Karma started to descend down a flight of steps, surrounded by an impossible amount of books, to where to guys sat below. "So where is this picture you wanted to show me?" Will and Chase. Was she still trying to play this game? It wasn't even funny anymore- not that it ever was, but seriously, how stupid do you think we are.

"It's over there in the corner, the one with the lady and the poofy hat." Pretty stupid.

She walked over to the corner where there was indeed a picture, and while her back was turned, the only guy pulled out a gun. "Really, Will, I do not see your point in this hopeless explorations." She started to turn. "Once more, I have to come and prove to you that something is not moving, or making a face, or whatever you think it's doing." At the precise moment she finished, the one guy had shot a long, jet stream of water at her clothes. Cue insane laughter from her brothers. "Baby," Okay, maybe her brother and her boyfriend, or mate. "You never gave me a kiss this morning. And Chantal gave me these great clothes that are extremely easy to take off."

Wow. She sounded exactly like Rosalie. I growled at Emmett in response, who began immediately filling his head with pictures of her that were so beyond x-rated.

"Come here, babe, and I'll give you exactly what you're looking for." The one guy said and leaned forward. I almost turned away, but something weird happened next. Karma ducked and the guy ended up kissing the other guy. Wow. They actually looked good together.

"Gross man! Why the heck were you kissing me? I have a girlfriend!" Obviously, that's Karma's boyfriend.

"What the hell do you think you're talking about? You were kissing me! I have a mate you know!" And that's her brother.

This family just keeps getting better and better.

Next thing I know, we are following a very fast paced Karma far away from the two guys. Alice, bemused by the act, speaks to Karma. "What was that all about?"

"Sibling crap." Not one for explanations, then. "Here we are." She flings open a white door to reveal-gasp- more hallways! Yippee! "We have seven bedrooms prepped, just in case you guys weren't planning on sleeping in the same rooms. Each bedroom has a bathroom. The stairs to the eating area, living room, small library, den, laundry room, etc, are all down the hallway. The guest rooms extend across all three floors, the stairs leading to each level. You basically have miniature house inside a house, but if you feel like hanging out with us for anything besides hunting, feel free." Thank goodness. I'll take the one that's darkest and far away from the hormone crazed vampires. "Do whatever you want; we really could care less." Wow, so benevolent.

"Excuse me, Karma, but when does the hunt start?" Alice, yet again.

"Whenever Sparrow thinks that there is enough animals close by to sustain us all."

"So her power is…?" And Rosalie decides to make her presence known. Let us all rejoice and be happy.

"She communicates with animals…telepathically, of course."

"What other powers does everyone else have?" And now we have Emmett.

"Would you like to come and ask? I'm sure that wouldn't mind." Wow, she's using even more sarcasm then you do, Eddie poo! Three guesses as to who that is. You got it, the one and only Alice.

"Okay!" I never knew Emmett had that kind of stupidity. Take that back, I did.

"What's your power?" Rosalie wants more attention.

"Making people's lives miserable." She answered quickly, then chuckled. "Joking. But I do not think that it's very polite, asking a hostess's power before introducing your own." I actually like this girl now. Karma sighed and walked down the hallway. "If you want to meet them all, then you better come now. Will and Chase are going to ambush any second." And now, once again, we are traveling through the forests of weirdville.


A/N: Yeah, I know. Boring. But once again, I had to get it over with. Don't be stew! Please review!