Sorry I haven't updated for a while. Anyway, I like to think Tonks was in Gryffindor.


Remus sipped his tea. It was his favorite time of the morning. Dora had gone to work, but Juniper hadn't woken up yet. When Teddy was still at home, he'd be up at this time with Remus around twice a week. It was their special time together. Teddy would ask for stories about Remus's one year of teaching, the war, anything. This morning, however, was Remus's first morning without Teddy even being in the house, save sleepovers at Harry's.

This morning, however, Remus wasn't savoring. He was anxious to get a letter from Teddy. He knew Teddy would be in Gryffindor, he just knew it, but he wanted confirmation.

On the cover of The Daily Prophet was a picture of the staff of Hogwarts, accompanied by an article on the new school year. Remus looked at the picture. The names were listed below. He found the name he was looking for. Prof. Dominic Amend, Defense Against the Dark Arts. Dominic Amend was a brown haired wizard who smiled from the picture. The article said he was a recent graduate. The teacher from the last few years had left recently. Remus had been interested in finding out who was replacing her.

Remus heard tapping, and looked up. Poke was poking the window with a talon. Remus rushed over to the window to let her in.

Remus untied the letter from Poke's outstretched leg. She flew over to the table and began picking at Remus's unattended toast. Remus began reading the letter.

Dear Dad, Mum, and Juniper,

I'm in Gryffindor! The hat decided really quickly, actually. Anyway, I've got two friends, Mackenzie and Hank. They're in Gryffindor also, and they're both second years. Hank is actually leaning over me as I write this. Okay, he's going up to bed now. Now I'm tired. I'll write tomorrow.



Remus finished the letter. He quickly found a stray piece of parchment and wrote a reply. He tied it onto Poke's leg. Poke went on her way.

Just as Poke left, Juniper came in. "Daddy, I miss Teddy," She said, hopping up onto her chair. Her hair this morning was bright orange.

"I miss him too. Now, what do you want for breakfast?"

What Juniper wanted for breakfast was always a time consuming question. She would change her mind back and forth.

"Honey Hippogriffs!" Remus went to the cupboard where cereal was kept, knowing it was a lost cause. "No…I want toast, with honey, and the crust cut off."

"Alright," Remus replied.

Remus got the toast, cut the crust off, and spread the honey.


After breakfast, Juniper got herself dressed. "Ta-da!" She exclaimed, running into the living room where Remus was sitting.

"You dress yourself better than your Mum does," Remus told her, seeing her purple sweater and corduroys. Juniper giggled. "Teddy sent us a letter this morning," Remus said, reaching for it.

"Oooh! I want to read it!" She said excitedly.

Remus handed her the letter. Juniper couldn't read yet.

Juniper stared at it. "You read it to me."

Remus read her the letter.

"Ooh! I want to be in Gryffindor too!" Juniper exclaimed.

"I bet you will," Remus replied truthfully.


Scarlet haired Teddy wolfed down his sandwich in the Great Hall after History of Magic, during which Teddy had written another letter to his family. His hair had been getting a lot of attention, but Teddy didn't mind. Hank and Mack weren't at lunch yet.

Across from Teddy sat Sean and Paul. They were both in Teddy's year, and had been friends even before Hogwarts. Paul was short and quiet, Sean was… Sean wasn't really anything. He was average height, had a buzz cut so short you couldn't tell what color his hair was, and normal features. He seemed boring to Teddy. He thought they were both alright.

Finally, Mack and Hank came in sat down on either side of Teddy. Mack started gobbling down everything in sight.

"Blimey Mack, slow down, if you keep eating like that, you'll never get off the ground on a broom," Hank said.

"Shut up Hank. Hey, should we start counting again? That makes two then, including when I told you to shut up in Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"What took you guys so long? Oh, and you counted last year?" Teddy asked.

"Professor Amend forgot what time class ended. And seven hundred ninety-three," Mack answered.

"Mack thinks Professor Amend's cuuuuuuuuute," Hank exaggerated.

"Shut up, three."

The threesome left lunch early to go up to the Owlery so Teddy could send his letter.

"Sorry Poke," He said, apologizing to his owl for all the trips she was making. Poke rolled her eyes and flew off in a huff.

"She's scaring Steve," Hank said. "We've got Herbology next, Mack, we should probably get going."

"I've got Defense Against the Dark Arts. How's Professor Amend?" Teddy asked.

"He's really good," Mack said as they walked along. "It's weird seeing him as a teacher though, last year he was a student. A Gryffindor. He even got us stuff from Hogsmeade when we asked him to."

"I almost called him Dom this morning," Hank said. "Mack, we've got to hurry."

"What's Professor Longbottom going to do to us if we're late?" Teddy heard Mack say as she and Hank walked down the stairs. "I doubt he's ever given anyone a detention before."

Teddy walked to the classroom. A few students were milling around the doorway, not sure if they were supposed to go in yet, as there was no teacher in the room. Soon, a brown haired bespectacled wizard came jogging towards them.

"Everyone can go in. Late for my own class," He added.

Once everyone was seated, the wizard introduced himself as Professor Amend, and spent the lesson informing the class of everything they would cover in the upcoming year. When the lesson was over, Teddy headed off to Herbology. He passed an arguing Mack and Hank, who were coming back from it, and waved.

"Hello, Teddy," Professor Longbottom greeted as Teddy entered the greenhouse. "Congratulations on becoming a Gryffindor, though I had no doubt that you would."

"Thanks, Professor," Teddy replied.

The lesson was what all the other teachers had been doing, save Professor Binns who just started droning on, which was going over what the class would be learning over the year.

After class, Teddy met up with a bickering Mack and Hank, and they went to dinner.

How they became friends, Teddy thought, I'll never know.


Does Teddy remind you of a family member and/or someone else? Share if you review.