Chapter 4: The Show Must Go On

Note: Just to let you guys know, this is the last chapter. Yes, most of my stories have only like about few chapters in them. Mainly because I'm saving some time unless I have nothing else to do.

Ryan's P.O.V.

Friday November 16 has finally arrived. I'm a bit nervous, but I believe I could pull this off. Even though the whole school's watching me, along with their parents, the TV broadcasters, and a family at home watching their TV set. Oh my god, now I'm really nervous! Well at least Sharpay is helping me along the way. She made all the costumes for every quick-change I have. Right now, I'm in a blue shirt with a black jacket and tan pants. As we were getting ready, Sharpay told me, "I can't believe Troy lied to me!" "Lied to you about…" "He said that he heard Annabelle said that she was trying to humiliate you! Stupid Troy Bolton and his stupid lies! The next time I see, him, I swear our friendship is through!" "Sharpay what if he's right?" "Oh please, he's only scared that I'm spending more time with Annabelle then with him. The grey black striped flat hat should do the trick." She got my hat out and put it on my head. "Brother, you're looking like a popstar already."

Gabriella P.O.V.

This is going to be exciting. I find so many people here in the auditorium; it's much bigger then the auditions. I went backstage to find Sharpay. Maybe she's in Ryan's dressing room. So I knocked and asked, "Are you naked?" "No, I'm all dressed," Ryan replied. "So you excited?" "If I wasn't too nervous, then yes." "Do you know where Sharpay is?" "She's with Annabelle." "Thanks, but before I go I wanted to tell you…break a leg." "Thanks."

Well after that nice conversation, I finally found Sharpay. "Hey Sharpay, what's going on?" "Well Annabelle is going to help out with the show." "You mean the popular girl?" "Yeah isn't that great?" "Uh…yeah." I don't think I trust Sharpay's new friend. There's a feeling that she's doing something bad.

Sharpay's P.O.V.

"One minutes until show time!" said Ms. Darbus. I then came up to Ryan and said, "You know what to do." So we did our usual ritual, Pfft, pfft, ma, ma, eee, eee, wooow! "Stop! I trust you." "Energy." "Now go knock 'em dead." I saw him taking deep breaths. As the curtains then opened, Ryan got on and sang his heart out.

While this was going, Annabelle and the populars turning the switches on the stereo. "What are you doing?" "Helping out your brother. Say do you know where the microphone sound is?" "Yeah it's right on stage left." "Thanks." As they left, I suddenly saw a bucket up on the ceiling. All I could think of is "what the heck?" All of a sudden, Ryan's microphone sound went off. I then saw Annabelle messing with the sound. "What's going on?" "We're giving a show that nobody will forget." "What do you mean?" "Don't worry, when your brother Ryan is done, the stage is ours. Thanks for the help by the way, we don't need you anymore." So Troy was telling the truth.

As Ryan tried to check what was wrong with his microphone, I saw one of the populars try to pull something. Oh my god the bucket! I had to do something. I then pushed Ryan out of the way as soon as the bucket fell. Turns out, it got on me. So…it's milk. Spoiled milk. Everyone then stared at me. "Uh…sorry about that. Continue on." As I got on backstage, Annabelle had an angry look on her face. "Shouldn't you be laughing?" "I would, I should, but I'm not thanks to you!" "You know what Annabelle, you can mess with other people, you can mess with your clones, but you CAN NOT mess with my brother! Friends come and go, which you aren't, but family is forever. Guess I was wrong wanting to join you." "That's one thing you're right about. Come on girls. We've got better things to do." Annabelle and the populars then left.

At the same time, Troy was right behind me. "Troy, look I'm sorry for not believing you. You were right. I know you said that because you really care about me." "Of course I do. Isn't that what couples are suppose to do?" "I know, thanks." I then kissed him on the cheek. I could see the look on his face that he blushed with a giant grin. "Come on, let's go see my brother shine!" I almost forgot, before we left I turned back on the mic sound. "Is this on?" Ryan said into the microphone. Everyone could hear now even though most stomachs did loop-de-loops.

Gabriella's P.O.V.

For some odd reason, Ryan's microphone turned off and back on. That kind scared me when he checked his microphone the last time. Finally, Troy and Sharpay got back and took their seats. At least Sharpay's smell went away. Ryan then told the audience, "This next song is dedicated to someone very special here." Was he talking about me? The band then started to play a ballad. He started singing "I Still Believe" only two pitches lower.

Some how I know I will find a way
To a brighter day in the sun
Somewhere I know she awaits for me
Someday soon she'll see I'm the one

I won't give up on this feeling
And nothing will keep me away

'Cause I still believe in destiny
That you and I were meant to be
I still wish on the stars as they fall from above
'Cause I still believe
Believe in love

I know what's real cannot be denied
Although it may hide for a while
With just one touch love can conquer fears
Turning all your tears into smiles

It's such a wondrous feeling
I know that my heart can't be wrong

'Cause I still believe in destiny
That you and I were meant to be
I still wish on the stars as they fall from above
'Cause I still believe
Believe in love

Love can make miracles
Change everything
Lift you from the darkness and make your heart sing
Love is forever
When you fall
It's the greatest power of all

Oh I still believe in destiny
That you and I were meant to be
I still wish on the stars as they fall from above
'Cause I still believe

Believe in love

Yes I still believe
Believe in loooooooooooooooove
I still believe loooooooooooooooove
I still believe
Believe in love

Everyone got off their seats and cheered. Well Sharpay cheered the most. That I couldn't compete. When the show ended, I met Ryan backstage. "You were very talented out there!" "You really think so?" "I know so!" "Well thanks." "So you've finally got me to notice you." "What? How would you know?" "I don't know, I can usually tell things." "Thanks anyway." I started to hold his hands. I mean come on, talented and polite is what I like in guys. "So Ryan, I'm glad you had this chance." "Yeah, actually." And there I was leaning in for a you-know-what, so was Ryan, until…

"Excuse Mr. Ryan Evans, I see you have quite the talent there." Some businessman came up to Ryan. Troy and Sharpay (in a new dress) came up at the right time. The businessman told him, "So I was thinking you could start a music career." "Will I still be able to go to school?" "Of course, you'll be recording on weekends." "Will I use my own songs and will my friends be allowed?" "Of course, we can't leave your friends out of the fun." Ryan then turned his head to us. Sharpay then held her hands and shook them. Ryan then answered, "All right, I'm in." Sharpay then cheered happily into Troy's arms again. I was jumping around all excited. "Ryan do you believe what's going to happen?!" Sharpay said in happiness. "I mean look what's happening. You had your own show, you were broadcast on TV, and now a recording contract!" "Sharpay, if it wasn't for you, this wouldn't be happening." "You really mean it?" "Of course, brother and sister forever?" "Even when we're dead." Then they did there pinky promise. That was the most unforgettable night we've ever had.

Troy's P.O.V.

Okay, Sharpay let me do the final one since I only did chapter 2 twice. So a week has passed and it happens to be the weekend. Sharpay and I are more of a couple then friends though Gabriella didn't really tell us that her and Ryan are official. Maybe they are but they're scared to tell us. Well Ryan's recording songs right now. Sharpay, Gabriella, and I are just chilling around the recording studio. From what we've seen so far, Ryan has only had one take in each song he's doing. That doesn't usually happen when people record songs. I was lucky enough to bring my video camera so that I could document this onto YouTube! But for now, everything's going all right. Wildcat Troy signing off!

So there you go, that kind of ends it. Thanks for the reviews!