You Outta Be in Show Business

Chapter 1: The Amazing Announcement

Summary: The biggest break of Ryan's solo debut is coming up. And Sharpay gets really excited for her brother. Odd things start happening once he get the news. Will Ryan get his dreams come true? Will he ever get the girl? Will Sharpay even join the popular group?! Rypay (family-like), Troypay, Ryella

Disclaimer: HSM is not what I own!

Note: This has a lot of P.O.V.s in it.

Sharpay's P.O.V.

High school, the place of opportunity whether you get to be an athlete, a filmmaker, a scientist, a singer, or even my pick, fashion design. Yes, I've always wanted to be a fashion designer. I mean come on you have your own fashion show! Okay maybe I'm getting a bit carried away here. This story isn't all about me. This is also about my brother, Ryan. His part will come later. But right now let's get to the story.

Okay so, we were in Ms. Darbus' class and she made an announcement. "Students, we have very exciting news. The Albuquerque Channel is having a search for the most talented student in all of East High. And they have chosen our own East High!" Everyone started to get excited. But all my talent is fashion. Maybe I can show the channel a fashion show! Nah, they'll probably chose a dancer, instrument player, or singer. I can do those but I don't think I could "wow" them enough. Ms. Darbus then finished, "They told us that whoever wins gets to have their own show and the channel will broadcast it!" More excitement came over the room. This could be the biggest thing in all of Wildcat history!

It was lunchtime and I was daydreaming about finally becoming part of Annabelle and the popular group. I would do anything for to be a part of them. "Sharpay, Sharpay," my closest pal, Troy tried to wake me up. "You're drifting off again." "Oh, excuse me. Aah, Troy don't you just wish you were part of Annabelle's group?" "No not really, besides I'm all ready popular." "I mean how does she do it? She's fabulous, she's pretty, and I'm just Sharpay." "Come on, in my opinion, you can out shine Annabelle any day." "Dude, don't get mushy with me. Besides, I don't wanna outshine her. Do you know what could happen to my reputation?" "Who cares about reputation?" "I do!" "Hey, popular or not I'll always be right by your side." I rolled my eyes for Troy's, once again, mushiness. "Fine," I replied.

After I ate lunch, I had to help Ms. Darbus pass out flyers for the up-coming event. Of course, Troy was helping also. So were his Wildcats. I then came up to my best female friend, Gabriella. The smartest girl in school. "Hey Sharpay, what's up?" "Just wondering if you're interested in the broadcasting auditions. So you up?" "Thank but science is in my passion." "You and all smart girls." "Hey it's what I do." "Can you at least show up?" "Why, are you auditioning?" "No but Darbus is giving us extra credit. Of course Troy and I are being there." "Well I'll see you two love birds there." "Love birds?!" "See ya!" Gabriella then went to her locker. Okay, but Troy and I love birds?! That's just silly! Or is it?

Anyways, just as she left, I saw people moving away towards the side. That's when I knew it was Annabelle. For some odd reason, she and her crew came up to me. She then said, "Excuse me uh…" I answered, "Sharpay. I've seen you but I don't think you've seen me." "Well of course everybody has seen me. Well actually you're in my homeroom right?" "Yeah, so are you auditioning for the broadcast?" "We're doing a dance routine, it's sure to wow the audience." "Just wondering, why did you come up to me?" "Well you're blocking my locker." "Oh, well didn't notice. It was a nice chat." "Yeah." I started to get out of Annabelle's way as I continued to send out flyers.

As I continued on, I heard singing coming from the music room. A familiar voice was singing "Once Upon a December" (Deana Carter version). I stopped and took a closer listen. I found it hard to believe for a guy to sing this song and still pull it off. As he stopped singing, I opened the door and I thought my own two eyes were deceiving me.

Ryan's P.O.V.

Okay. By seeing the look on Sharpay's face, she was surprised. I bet it was because of my singing. She then said, "Oh…my…god. That was you?" Nothing came out of my mouth. I just stared at Sharpay. "Ryan, you're amazing!" "Uh, thanks." "No not amazing, you were…whatever is bigger than amazing!" "Did you hear the whole thing?" "Everything, are you trying out for the broadcast? Cause if you are they have to chose you!" "Well I am." "That's great! Just wondering, why are you doing this?"

It was confession time. This was going to be hard. "Well too tell you the truth, two reasons. One, I really want this more than anything cause I've always wanted to sing in front of many people. And two, well I want to get your friend, Gabriella, to notice me." "Ryan, wow you could have told me this before. And I knew there was something going on with you and Gabriella." "Telepathy again?" "Probably." "Promise me you won't tell her." "Twin's honor." Sharpay and I then did the pinky promise. "So Ryan, are you going to sing this song?" "I guess, why?" "Come on, your vocals are amazing! You make beyond famous singers look unprofessional." Maybe Sharpay's remark was true. I have compared myself with Donny Osmond on tape. "Just a reminder, auditions are on this Friday. Remember that." "Okay I will." "I even told Gabriella to be there." "Sharpay!" "Hey, this was before I knew you were singing." Sisters, they always try to rub it in on you.

Well that last line certainly was true! Please rate and review! And no flames or anything mean