
Disclaimer: I do not own FFVII nor any characters associated with it. Any Ooc's present will be of my own creation.

Warnings: possible Male/Male relationships (Yaoi) and dubious content. Pay attention to advisories when given.

A/N: this plot bunny wouldn't leave me alone, I have not abandoned Iron, merely taking a break. (I do have a standby chapter for Iron if the time lapse for inspirations to write are too long. So have no fear). Seeing as there was so little FFVII out there… (in my opinion) well… [shrug

Sky blue eyes, mace like blond spikes and a rather apathetic expression met the lady at the queue. She shuffled her papers around from the previous person and looked up, refraining from gasping at the lifeless eyes that met her.


"Cloud Strife"




"160 centimeters." The lady faltered a moment before composing herself.

"Here is your pass to Midgar, your truck leaves at 6 tomorrow morning, and your driver is Rude."

"Arigato." And just like that Cloud was gone. The lady shivered. Eyes like that didn't belong on children. Not even General Sephiroth had eyes like that at that boy's age. She hoped he wasn't some mass murderer or something.

"Hey, hey, miss!?"

"Huh? Oh sorry, Name?"

Cloud sighed as he ran his finger tips through his hair. He sat upon the well waiting for a friend as he stared out into the mindless plains. How had he ended up doing this again? Oh… that's right… Gaea.

Cloud….. Cloud….


"Cloud… forgive me… the planet has one last task for you… before your rest."

"Last one?"

"Last one."

"What is it?"

"You won't be going alone… you will be with aid…"


"I'm sorry Cloud. Find it in your heart to forgive us this trespass."


"Go back now cloud….. Cloud!...Cloud!"

Mace-head jerked upright from his slouched position to stare at brown hair and brown eyes. He smiled softly.

"Hey Tifa, sorry… I kinda spaced out."

"I saw that."

"You're late, by the way." He turned his attention to the starry sky, laying down with his feet over the edge.

"I'm sorry. Why did you want to talk to me?"

"I'm leaving, for Midgar to become a SOLDIER tomorrow."

"… I know… I saw you in the line up." For a moment there was silence. It was not comforting as the heavy air increased and tension ran rampant. Cloud knew what she was say next. He only hoped he wouldn't let her down… again.

"Cloud… will you make me a promise?"

"That depends on the promise."

"Promise me that if either of us is in a bind, the other will come and help. Will you promise?" Cloud sighed, closing his eyes as images of his past came to haunt him once more. Or rather… a past that has yet to occur.

"Tifa…. I can only promise to try. I don't want to make a definite promise, only to have to break it and become a bad person." He held out his pink to her, opening one glittering cerulean eye.

"Promise to try?" He waited with baited breath as her face contorted into at first, mindless anger… before grudging acknowledgement. He didn't want her temper on him.

"Promise." She grasped his pinky in hers.

Cloud didn't remember the road being this rocky, perhaps because last time he had been far too concerned with motion sickness. Actually… he was surprised to note that others were having the same problem he had back then. He sighed, watching the scenery pass them by from the back of the truck. He was the last to get on, just like planned.

Now it was fate's time to laugh.

"Hey there, you okay?" Cloud turned to be greeted by purple glowing eyes. His face was properly apathetic once more. He revealed nothing… even if his heart were pounding miles per minute.

"…s' Zack, Zack Fair." So much for paying attention, Cloud volleyed for rectifying that. Zack was staring at him but Cloud found himself a wee bit too tongue tied to respond.

"Cold, huh?" Zack settled back down beside him with a frown. Cloud turned his head back to the scenery.

After a moment's indecision... "Cloud." Zack grinned happily.

"Cloud? What a strange name. So tell me Cloud, why'd you go into SOLDIER?" but Mace-head did not turn back towards the first class SOLDIER and instead opted to ignore him, focusing on the scenery.

"Strange kid..." Cloud's advanced hearing picked up. He would have smiled, weren't he so terrified.

"LISTEN UP RECRUITS! Colonel Fair here will take you to your barracks; he will have a list of names for each room. You will be with one SOLDIER class. For ONE WEEK you will be in training before a STATSITICS TEST! Therefore those with previous training or natural talent may move up to second or even third year Cadet Training. IS THIS UNDERSTOOD!"

"Sir, Yes, Sir!"


"Oi Oi! Not so fast eh! This way kiddies!" Proclaimed the black spiky haired Zack Fair as he started walking. He led them to the largest shinra building and stopped before the main entrance.

"Alright! Gather round gather round! I don't bite…..much. Anyways… Right! Barracks are usually on the lower floors, you will be given a key card that will be your pass onto the floors you need to be on. Really, there isn't any cadet barracks, whichever rooms happen to have space is where you'll be situated. We start on Floor 27 and work our way up. However, before we go anywhere, form a line to get your key cards. Then I'll divide you up into groups seeing as there are so many of you here, I simply can't do it all on my lonesome self! Right! Follow me kiddies!"

Cloud, somewhere in the back, resisted a smile at his old friend's behaviour. Still energetic and excitable. He wondered if any of his memories would return from this time period, or if he would have to make new ones…. Well he'd be doing that irregardless.

"Cloud Strife. Here is your key card." He nodded without expression and looked around. Zack was hailing him over as other SOLDIERS with clipboards hailed over other cadets.

"Hey there buddy! Looks like you're in my group!" Zack proclaimed. Cloud merely nodded coldly and fell in line. He caught a brief flash of something in Zack's eyes… maybe disappointment, he couldn't quite tell. Cloud was sorry, but Zack would grow out of it.

"Right! Floor 45 is the first stop for us… Room 451 and 453 are open. Cadets Beckham and Cadets Manson please give me your key cards." Two non-descript individuals handed over their key cards to Zack who headed into the hallway and stopped at the first door. He placed Beckham's card in and punched several codes into the door. There was a zapping noise before the card was released.

"Well, you're now programmed to this level. Hee you go, your roommate is a turk, so I'd be careful… Ciao!" Beckham gulped in fear.

Zack continued on, turning a corner and stopping at another door, doing the same for Manson. And this rite continued all the way up until floor 60, in which only Zack and Cloud were left in the elevator. Zack consulted his clipboard before grinning.

"Cadet Strife, it seems you're roughing it out with me! Floor 68, room 685." Cloud nodded politely, but still did not say anything. His apathetic mask held perfectly. Zack sighed.

"Maaaan, I wish you'd say something. Anyways, this is us." The elevator stopped and the two departed. They walked down the hallway and around a few corners before stopping to 685. Zack punched in the same codes with Cloud's keycard (as well as a few additional ones, the blond noticed) and smiled happily.

"Welcome to my humble abode! Ehehe… it's a bit messy…" A bit was an understatement. Cloud refrained from twitching in annoyance. He did note, however, that there was a clear space of cleanliness around a leather chair.

"Your other roommate, Reeve, sits there usually whenever he's actually here hence why it's erm… clean." Cloud nodded, trying not to jump at the statement. Reeve… how long since he had heard the voice behind the robot Cait? He didn't remember.

"Anyways, this will be your room… erk… gyah… ooof… there! Open at last!" Cloud twitched again but none the less, followed and entered the sparse room. There was a cot like bed, a desk and a small closet. He nodded, just like he remembered.

"Thank you." Was all Cloud gave as a warning before closing the door in Zacks face. He heard the SOLDIER mutter under his breath, wondering what it was the man did to make Cloud so cold. But Cloud merely shook his head thinking to himself.

'If I'm not your friend, this time you might live. I'm sorry Zack…'

When he had initially come back to this time period, he had been very distraught, confused and angry. Forgive this trespass? Cloud didn't believe himself capable, watch as they all die again? Watch him go insane again? Go through everything all over again to what end?

'But does it have to?' that thought plagued him. If he could, would he change everything? Risk future friendships for past ones? Keep everything from going wrong. Cloud constantly found himself at an impasse with that one desire. It kept him up at night, though horrid nightmares shivering in his bed sheets always wondering 'what if?'

The day of the statistics test Cloud wasn't nervous. When he had come back in time, his body may have been altered to fit his younger state (a mere 10 at the time) but the advancements Hojo had enforced to him during that 5 year lapse had, graciously, remained with him. Gaea herself must have seen the benefit.

Within a year, he had been able to wield his ultima blade (and by wield, he meant pick up for 10 seconds and not drop it) which, unsurprisingly, had come back with him. Unfortunately he could not take it with him, and had to hide it in a very secure place to ensure no one would find it until he could reacquire it without suspicion.

His mother never did notice the difference. Tifa did… though Cloud himself found that odd when she didn't question or press he issue. For 4 years he had been virtually left alone.

"Cloud Strife."

Cloud looked up, walking towards the instructor with a blank expression on his pallid features. He may have looked suitably nervous, but he was rather sickeningly confident in his abilities.

"First, intelligence test, you have 45 minutes to complete it; than a practical. Survival is taught in SOLDIER, you won't be tested on it yet." Cloud merely saluted and followed the instructor's directions to a private room where there was a single desk, an examiner and his test. He started without question.

The first surprise came with the nature of the test. There were at least 3 pages of… directions on how to take the test. His eye twitched. But knowing there was a snag, he read all the instructions.

Within 5 minutes he was shaking, withholding laughter. His examiner also seemed to be highly amused.

"I'm finished now, Ma'am" he couldn't help the amused glint in his eyes. She noticed and smirked at him.

"You're the first to get it so far. Well done Cadet, down the hall is a training gym; your next test will be done within there."

"Thank you Ma'am." She nodded and took his test without complain, smirking to herself.

The paper test had been purely on how well one could follow directions. Apparently, all one had to do was signing their name at the top and read all the directions…. Cloud wondered how stupid people could be. At the end of the directions it stated clearly 'please do not answer any question and leave test blank.' He wanted to laugh it out but chose not too.

Opening the door to the gym, Cloud noticed that everyone was gathered and after waiting 5 minutes for the last stragglers two soldiers appears leading a plethora of older cadets.

"Right! So this is the practical, we'll call you by name, and you'll be required to spar with an older cadet. Depending on how you do, you may remain in first year training or move up. Right! Anyone having any prior experience in wielding a sword forms a group over here. The rest of you, remain where you are."

Cloud remembered something about this test, there was supposed to only be two people with prior experience. Now... there would be three. He saw the unsurprised and envious looks given to him by the cadets of his classes. His skill was evident.

Cloud spaced out as they began testing. One new recruit made it to a second year cadet spar before collapsing in strain. They deemed him not nearly advanced enough to pass onto second year training however.

When it came to his group, they were started off at second year cadet sparing. Cloud knew he would be last, but paid attention to the others anyways. It was like last time, they managed at least 3 minutes of sparing time before backing out of the spar. Then, it was his turn.

"Cloud Strife!"

Hanging around in an inconspicuously hidden observation deck were some rather well known figures; Zack, standing beside a well renowned Silver haired general. On the other side of the observation deck was a white coat clad greasy haired man named Hojo, once again inspecting this year's crop for potential.

"Hey, Hey Seph look! It's my robotic roommate who reminds me of how you used to be!" Zackary, predictably, shot circuited with glee; pointing into the gym below them where a spiky blond haired youth was getting ready for his spar.


"C'mooon, say something!"

"Doesn't appear to have much…" Sephiroth commented quietly, eyeing Hojo who was in turn, gleefully eyeing him.

"Looks can be deceiving. His instructors said that he appeared bored with the classes. They're going to move him up anyways… but how far remain yet to be seen." Zack commented in a nary whisper. The silver haired man resisted rolling his eyes. For one week, all Zack could talk about was his robotic roommate who hadn't said but three words to him since he arrived. Apparently the boy was worse than he was.

"Ooooh lookie! Their beginning. I can't wait to see what he's capable of."

Cloud stood in the middle of the sparing mat, his katana held in his left hand waiting. His opponent was a burly second year cadet who was smirking. Obviously thinking he was going to win. Cloud was going to make a particular point of wiping that smirk off his face.


Mr. Burly man lunged at Cloud, who didn't move a muscle. The sword was coming at him in a downward slash which cloud blocked by moving the wooden sword upwards horizontally. There was a wooden thump as Cloud held the man there with seemingly little effort. Mr. Burly's eyes widened as he pressed down harder, and cloud remained unaffected.

They were at a standstill. No one had predicted Cloud would have his own strength. Then, in a surprise move, Cloud released the pressure, feinting to the right and swinging around, bringing the wooden edge of his blade harsh to the back of the man's neck and holding it there.

There was silence. No one had seen Cloud move except the instructors and the observers. To the others, it was as if he moved instantaneously.

"Point!" someone called out. Cloud moved away from Mr. burly man and took up position again. These matches were two points to a win. The second year cadet looked furious at Cloud's fancy move, and even more so at his apathetic mask. Without warning he lunged at the small boy. Cloud let him come, again.

This time, it was an upward slash, blocked perfectly by Cloud. Before he could retaliate, the man swung again. Was the wooden sword a baseball bat then? Cerulean eyes sighed inwardly. This was boring. Really, really boring and after blocking numerous strikes Cloud's eyes narrowed.

When Burly man came at him again, Cloud switched sword hands, much to the amazement of his onlookers. He grabbed the man's wrist stopping his attack and bringing up the edge of his wooden sword to the man's throat.

Again there was silence. Again barely anyone had caught Cloud swift movements.

"Point! Winner, Strife." There was awed clapping as Cloud released his opponent who sill was glaring murderously at him. Cloud went to the wall, and sat down calmly, waiting for his next opponent. The instructors were discussing amongst themselves which of the 5 third year cadets would get to fight him.

Cloud wasn't even winded yet. He hated this, hated tests and hated these annoying spars. They weren't challenging enough.

"Seph… did you see…?"

"Yes… yes I did." Zack's mouth was open, utterly astonished at the talent his roommate possessed.

"He fights at Third class… even maybe second class SOLDIER." Zack whispered. Sephiroth nodded, his own amazement masked, but Zack had enough years reading him to see it.

"He's had training… and even more experience-" Sehpiroth however, stopped short had a particularly nasty voice at the other side of the room.

"Hooooh? This iiis interesting… Stewart…" Hojo was conversing with his assistant. Sephiroth caught the words 'experiment' and 'new specimen' came from the man's foul mouth. His hand crept to his Masamune and gripped the hilt. How he longed to shove it through that man's chest. Zack, he noticed, was thinly trying to conceal a snarl.

"Damnit Seph… he's just a kid… and now Hojo's interested? Shit… shitshit…." Sephiroth nodded. He agreed, the boy was just still a child. Though those eyes gave him the creeps.

"He's never interested in new recruits. And when he is… they don't come back Seph…" The silver headed man nodded solemnly.

"Isn't there anything we can do? I mean Cloud may be a robot but…"

"Legally, Hojo can't do anything to him until he's in SOLDIER, and even then, Strife must give his Consent."

"legally…is the key word…… oh damn, here begins the second match. Somehow I doubt Cloud will be hard pressed to win."


Cloud's opponent was another burly man, but significantly more talented and easy going. He managed to get Cloud to dance around the mat a little bit, and his blows were more forceful. Cloud's face may have remained impassive, but his eyes glinted slightly. His opponent merely smiled encouragingly when Cloud landed a fatal blow on his kidney.

The next 10 minutes Cloud and his dark haired opponent danced around one another warily, before Cloud took initiative and surprising his opponent with a head on collision before feinting at the very last moment. He was unsurprised when his opponent managed to duck his swing and follow up. They continued to dance before Cloud truly put force until the hilt on his opponent's sword and causing him to lose his grasp.

"Opponent is Disarmed. Point. Winner, Strife!" There were more significant clapping going on as the other cadets and instructors were drawn into the spar and equally impressed. The brunette came up to Cloud and held out his hand.

"You're very good. It was fun to spar with you Strife. My name is Henry Weilkiss, I'd like to spar with you again some time… when I'm good enough to give you a challenge." Weilkiss winked and Cloud nodded with a serene expression on his face.

"Thank you." He murmured softly, taking the Cadet's hand in a shake. He didn't want to appear rude, so he didn't say that Weilkiss would never get to Cloud's level. The instructors were now arguing between themselves over the results. More than half of them were against the idea of ending the practical test, wanting to see more of Cloud's skills. Or a new recruit, he was a shining diamond.

Perhaps everyone was too tired, so late in the day, or too interested in the Instructors debate to notice two people walking into the room. Cloud did… he always knew where Zack was for some reason. Though he had definitely not been expecting to see Sephiroth so soon… especially a sane Sephiroth.

They appeared to be in discussion about something. Zack was shaking his head negatively whilst giving Sephiroth a pleading look. But the man didn't seem to budge. Zack gave up, eventually worming his way to the weapons rack and picking up a Katana and buster sword… metal and sharpened Swords. Cloud instantly understood.

Sephiroth moved to the shadows to remain unseen as Zack walked up to the instructors.

"Hey! How about we test him against someone Mako enhanced. I promise I'll go easy on the fella. The general says that if he can last against me, than Strife goes into the Soldier programme while being tutored in the things he'll miss in Cadet training."

Everyone was looking at Zack in awe. The instructors included.

"Really?" Zack nodded. The main instructed looked flustered before nodding in acceptance.

"Cadet Strife! This is your lucky day, You'll be fighting Colonel Fair in 15 minutes. The changing rooms are over there if you wish to freshen and smarten yourself up." Cloud nodded, giving Zack and spare glance before heading into the change room. He ignored Sephiroth's gaze from the shadows and went to get a drink from the taps.

He splashed water on his face and debated about how to go about fighting Zack now. At his current state, he was no match for the talented Soldier. Technically, Cloud could defeat him and Sephiroth. Even though he was now 14 going on 15 (though his application won't say that) his body did have limits no matter how much he may have trained over the last four years to gain back the mobility and fluidity he was used to.

No, Zack, currently, would oust Cloud in speed, Power and skills. But what about experience? Cloud realized he was going to have to be a thinking fighter for Zack, otherwise he'd get beaten easily. The Mako also through another wench into the system so to speak. But Zack said he only had to last. Cloud frowned. Then he'd have to rely on reflexes, defence and intelligence. He sighed, cleaned himself up and went out back into the gym.

He noticed immediately that a larger area had been exposed and Zack was already waiting. He smiled jovially at Cloud and gestured him over. Cloud nodded briefly to him and took the Katana Blade from his roommate's hand, inspecting it carefully for discrepancies. Finding it satisfactory he nodded to the instructor and Zack.

"Oi, just to warn you, I put some materia into that sword." Cloud's eyes widened as he checked the sword, finding 2 slots of Restore and fire materia. Cloud looked up at Zack with a question in his eyes.

"If you know how to use them, I suggest you do." Cloud nodded, realizing that the cure materia would be very beneficial. As his abilities with magic had not decreased since coming back in time, giving him an edge in the battle… even if it was un-mastered materia.

"Alright, this fight is determined by the 3 point-"

"Until one of us Yields." Cloud interrupted, eyeing Zack. If this was point based, Cloud wouldn't last. The instructor snarled, opening his mouth to reprimand him.

"I agree." Zack swiftly cut him off, winking at Cloud. The blond flashed him a relieved look with actually caught Zack by surprise. Usually Cloud was… emotionless. They bowed to one another, and Cloud held his blade like an old friend, waiting for Zack.

Instead of launching into an attack, Zack circled Cloud, looking for openings in his stance. Cloud followed him, keeping equal distance between them. Zack smiled at something before bringing his blade down on top of his smaller blond roommate.

Cloud blocked with the flat of his blade, using his other hand to brace it, and grunting at the force behind the blow, nearly stumbling as a result. Zack backed off swiftly and charged in from another direction. Cloud knew Zack was taking it easy, because he could still track his former friend's movements with his eyes, instead of having to rely on extra sensory perception.

Cloud dodged, tucked and rolled coming up fast as he blocked yet another flurry of strokes from Zack's buster sword, grunting with the impact of each one. Zack backed off to the other side of the mat, a grin plastered on his face. Cloud's arms ached but it was a familiar ache that Cloud had long since missed. He was panting, but smiling every so slightly.

He had a very crazy, very stupid, wacky plan to get a hit on Zack… but it would also require some pain and blood on his part. However, his adrenalin was running, and he really wanted to shock some people. Cloud mentally chuckled.

'Hope your ready Zack… this will hurt the both of us.' Cloud brought up his sword, but somehow instinctually Zack (and their shadowy observer) knew Cloud was planning something. The calculated glint in his eye was a giveaway. But Zack was curious. Very curious so he came at the blond spiky haired boy once more.

Cloud waited, blocking blow after blow, waiting for the perfect strike… there! Zack came up for a frontal, Cloud switched sword hands, right to left, and brought the blade up. At the last moment as Zack punched for his straight downward stroke, cloud shifted slightly, but did not dodge, much to the Shock of Zack, who had been anticipating Cloud to do just that.


Cloud was panting heavily, trying to distance himself from the biting pain in his shoulder caused by the buster sword lodged on his right. However, the pain was worth the utterly deadly shocked silence in the wake of the pause. Cloud had cut through Zack's leather uniform in a cross slash, going from his left shoulder to his right hip, and cutting into him rather deeply.

The blood on Clouds face was from Zack, but the blood running down his arm and side was his. Zack's eyes were wide.

"C-Cloud…" he started, but Cloud grunted and pushed off Zack with his foot causing the buster sword to grade on his shoulder bone as it slid out of him. He landed some ways away in a crouch, activating the Cure materia he had been subtly channelling energy into before wincing as he felt the bone, muscle and flesh knit it self back together.

Zack was crouched over holding his bleeding chest, his sword point down resting bloodily on the mat. Suddenly, Zack chuckled. Then went into full blown painful laughter.

"Shit… ha! Crap… hahahahah! Ow… Damnit Cloud, you've done it now, that really… really hurt…"

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TWO THINKING!" interrupted a rather loud and angry voice. Cloud jumped slightly, forgetting that the entire cadet class and several others were watching them; he'd been too focused on Zack. The main instructor looked like he was going to have a conniption fit he was so red. However, Cloud ignored him. Technically, no one had stopped the spar. Unless someone called out point, which no one did. While the instructor started to rant at them, Cloud launched his offensive.

He nearly caught Zack by surprise, who only managed to have enough time to bring up his buster sword to parry his upward slash. That was, until, Cloud ducked underneath Zack and through his legs, coming up and firing off a fire spell at Zack's back.

The first class SOLDIER true to form, rolled forward and out of the way, springing to his feet the same time Cloud came to his. The Instructor was beyond livid now. He was pissed. Though, Cloud noticed that Zack's hair was singed. He felt oddly pleased to have gotten two over him… even if he knew he wouldn't get the same thing twice.


"Enough" interrupted a smooth, cold voice behind Cloud, who involuntarily flinched and tightened his grip on his practice sword.

"G-General Sephiroth Sir!" Instantly everyone was on their feet, in line, saluting. Except Zack and Cloud the latter who couldn't bring himself to exert anymore unnecessary energy.

"At ease." Was it just his imagination, or did Sephiroth seem annoyed at the devotion of everyone in this room? Yeah right. Cloud scolded himself.

"Zackary…?" the inquiry sounded more like a demand, but Zack answered anyways.

"Huh? Oh hey Seph! Um... yes?" Zack answered rather stupidly. Cloud wanted to crack a grin at him, but was too worried about his enemy to whom he couldn't see, and was standing, judging by body heat, rather closely behind him.

"Follow." Came the crisp demand, a black gloved hand settled over Cloud's shoulder and sternly guided him away and over to the Doors of the gym. Cloud allowed himself to be steered away, the sword falling to his side. He hadn't realized it when he was fighting Zack, but he was tired. His magic skills may not be affected by the time change, and although all his 'attributes' of Hojo induced torture were still with him, this 14 year old body still had its limits.

Cloud was shaking now, his body was tired, and hell he was tired. Maybe he shouldn't have done that late night workout yesterday night. Why was Sephiroth's hand so warm?

'he's still sane right now Cloud boy, for now, one foot in front of the other, and let him guide you, see what he wants then get a hot bath…' Man Cloud wanted a hot bath. A hot bath sounded utterly divine right about now. He woke up when Sephiroth stopped him in front of a bed. When had he entered a room? He must be more knackered than he thought. He looked around, ignoring the General's slightly annoyed look to Cloud's obvious disregard of him.

He was in the infirmary. With a sigh, Cloud sat on the bed and laid down, making himself comfortable as Zack took the bed next to him and the General seated himself in-between on a spare chair. Still ignoring Zack who was rattling off something, and Sephiroth who was eyeing him, Cloud took off his shirt and eyed his wound… or rather wounds. He noticed several small lacerations on his arms where the buster sword nicked him. He didn't even feel them.

The Blond boy turned, feeling several pairs of eyes on him. He noticed a doctor (not Hojo, he inwardly breathed a sigh of relief) and a nurse, as well as Zack and Sephiroth watching him. He quirked an eyebrow, making the poor nurse blush several shades of red as she dressed Zack's wounds; Zack found that very amusing.

"What happened, General?"

"Recruit statistic Diagnostic and aptitude test." Was the simple answer. Cloud slouched as the Doctor blinked.

"Cloud here is a really diamond you know that! Managed to land a solid blow to me! Even got me by surprise with the fire spell too!" Zack chirped from his bed. The doctor looked sceptical.

"One week trained cadet manages to not only use Materia, but lands two hits on a first class soldier?"

"I saw it with my own eyes." Came the cold response. The doctor appeared less sceptical with the General's word, but said nothing as he inspected Cloud's partially healed shoulder.

"Who healed this?"

"Cloud did with the cure materia in the sword I gave him!" Zack the parakeet answered. The doctor's eyes widened.

"What state?"

"Uuuuh… Cure one I think… why?"

"If this injury is as serious as I think it was, it would have taken at least Cure 2 or 3 to heal it to this point… how he could even move is beyond me... May I see the materia, Cadet?" Wordlessly, Cloud passed him the sword still limp in his hand, hilt first. The Doctor extracted the materia and gasped, Causing Sephiroth to rise from his seat and examine the materia as well.

"Colonel, you sure this materia wasn't past the first stage?"

"Yes… why?" Zack tried to get up, despite the Nurse's urging to remain lying down.

"It's been advanced to Regan." Sephiroth answered. Cloud sincerely wished that a black hole would swallow him up right about now. He hated being stared at… really hated it. Zack whistled.

"Damn… you're not just a diamond, you're polished and on a pedestal with the sparkly lights! Damn good a wielding a sword, a thinking fighter with unprecedented capabilities with materia! Hey... hey Cloud.. pssssssst!" Zack exclaimed, and then proceeded to whisper loudly to him.

"Can you teach me? I'm bad at materia…" Cloud blinked, but was saved from a response by the infirmary doors opening. Swiftly, Sephiroth grabbed the two materia and hid it on him, casting warning glances at the doctor and nurse who simultaneously nodded in return and started bandaging wounds at a fearsome rate.

"Myyy… what do we have here?..." Cloud felt a dawning pit of cold fear and dread settle into him. Hojo…

"Professor Hojo." Greeted Sephiroth with thinly veiled hatred lacing his voice. Cloud wondered how much hate there was for the professor to crack through the silver haired man's excellent mask.

"Aaaah… Sephiroth, how good to seee you my son." Hojo all but purred to him. "But why are you here, hrrmmmmm?"

"To see to it that my Colonel and New SOLDIER are tended to, Hojo…" The same, even tone of voice. Cloud wonder how long it would take to be in the man's presence before his enemy snapped. '2 years, Nibelheim.' His mind provided snidely.

"Aaaah.. well I Do hope you won't mind if I speak to Mr. Strife alone, no?" Sephiroth's eyes narrowed and Cloud found himself wondering what was going through the man's head. Therefore he was suitably surprised to find the silver haired man standing up for him. This most indefinitely had not happened before.

"The boy has only just reached 15, and is still considered a minor. As his superior officer, I am responsible for his welfare, so yes. I do mind. Say your piece here Hojo." Sephiroth all but snarled to the professor, earning a twisted angry glare in return. Hojo turned to Cloud, his face reverting back into something that was supposed to come off as comforting, instead… Cloud got the impression that Hojo was having sick joy in being constipated.

"Ahhh.. Mister Strife is it? Do you mind if I ask you a few… questions…?" Cloud warily nodded, Causing Hojo to frown with his lack of verbal response.

"Now… Mr. Strife… Your skills are rather… intriguing. No?" Cloud faked confusion on his face, tilting his head to prompt Hojo to speak. He wasn't pleased with the lack of response from the Blond, once again.

"Where did you learn all that…? Mr. Strife?"

"Marcilius Strife, First class ex-SOLDIER, M.I.A Wutai War, Biological Father." He stated calmly, giving only fact and no detail. By the utter surprise on Sephiroth's face, he clearly hadn't thought there was a relation to the legendary sniper. But the dark glee on Hojo's face terrified him, though he didn't show it other than a subtle shift that the General caught.

"Hooooh?" Cloud's eyes narrowed some more.

"Deceased." The blond stated. Hojo's face fell, but the glee returned. No doubt planning to get back at Cloud's father though Cloud himself, somehow.

"Interesting… vveeeeery interesting…" Hojo's hand snaked out to grasp a strand of Cloud's hair, but the blond slapped his hand away, hissing a warning.

"It would do you no favour to make an enemy of me boy." Hojo whispered harshly. Sephiroth shifted into Hojo's immediate view, as a reminder.

"Now… Strife… I was wondering if you could do me a favour… you see… someone so young… with skills such as yours… must be… observed. I wish to… test you boy. Purely for… scientific reasons…" Cloud was boiling with anger and fear, and he could see Sephiroth was too… and in Cloud's peripheral vision, Zack was barely being restrained. Cloud reigned in his emotions, comeing out as totally apathetic.


"Pardon?!" Hojo's face twisted ugly.


"Did I not say, making an enemy of you wouldn't do you any favors?" He hissed, reaching out to grab the boy, but his hand was stopped with a very protective general.

"You heard him." Came the smooth baritone.

"Now now…" Hojo removed his hand from Sephiroth's grip. "Surely you're mother-"

"Deseased." Cloud cut him off. Hojo's face turned murderous.


"Negative." Cloud knew he was looking for a weak spot, so he knew he couldn't lie about it.


"Negative." Ooooh pissing off Hojo was actually fun!

"You're sister then…." Hojo smirked nastily. But Cloud was impassive. Inside, he was racing about how he knew of Rain (when no one else knew about her, he had made sure. Not even AVALANCH).

"A professional assassin you would be hard pressed to locate, let alone get your hands on. It would take someone of Sephiroth's calibre and beyond to take her down." He stated in an absolute tone. Hojo turned white and shook in total utter rage. He hissed at him, unable to come up with anything to say, and left rather abruptly, taking his workers with him.

For a moment, no one did anything. The Doctor and nurse shocked into frozen silence, Sephiroth was watching the door, Zack as well. But Cloud was staring at his hands. He ran one of his shaking appendages though his hair; trying to keep his breathing calm.

"That man… fucking terrifies me." He stated, rather blandly. The others jumped and looked at him, shaking from their stupor and resuming their duties.

"Did... Spike just swear! It's a miracle! A MIRACLE!" Cloud clutched his head as a spike of pain raced through his temples.

"Zackary, Shush." Sephiroth admonished softly, earning a confused look until Zack saw Cloud's state. The doctor went to get some painkillers whilst Sephiroth took his seat once more, leaning over Cloud. He put his finger under the boy's chin and made him look at him.

"Soldier, are you okay?" Through the haze of the pain in his head came a single thought. 'Sephiroth feels concern? It's a miracle!... oooh Zack I'm going to kill you tomorrow.'

"Just…… overtaxed." Cloud managed to reply. Sephiroth nodded and made the boy lay down on the bed, before going and dimming the lights. Zack pouted as the Nurse resumed putting healing potion on his large wound. The doctor returned with two aspirin, and the general, who seemed so uncompromising only moments ago, even helped the blond take the pills, seeing to it he was comfortable before the boy slipped into Morpheus' arms.

"Seph…." Silver hair shifted as the General gazed at his long time friend. He raised an eyebrow.

"Who is Marcilius Strife?"

"The first ever Soldier Turk cross employee of ShinRa. He was a sniper, that could get you from almost a mile out and you'd never know it. He had remarkable swordsmanship skills as well. It shows in his son now. I didn't make the connection until Cloud mentioned it.

"He had a good heart; I liked serving with him, as he was easy to get along with…"

"I heard about some SOLDIER that was an honoary Turk, but no one ever says who…" Zack commented quietly. Sephiroth nodded.

"That's because he disgraced himself at the end of the war by vanishing."


"Yes, gone, completely gone. Now, I guess he went home to start a family…" Sephiroth sat in his chair staring at Cloud with a perplexed expression.

"Colonel Fair? You're finished now. You should stay the evening though. Until tomorrow."

"Nah, I'm good to go. What about the kid?"

"I'll take him back to his room, I suppose. Start tutoring him tomorrow. He's excused from training until he's up to par." Zack nodded.

"Yes Sir. Shall we Seph?" The Silver haired man nodded and picked up the surprisingly light blond from the bed.