Author's Note: Second attempt at making a Danny Phantom Fanfic. Now, I really don't like Sam. There, I said it. So, I figured, what better way to practice my writing skills than to write about someone I don't like from the show? After a bit of brainstorming, I decided to write Lovesick. Please review.


Chapter One

Atop a large hill, buried deep in the Valley of Remorse, sat an aged mansion. Gnarled, bare trees grew on either side of the home, their branches drooping downward like claws. The yard was unkempt and covered with tall weeds, a worn stone path cutting through the dead grass up to the mansion. Dark vines choked the house, lighting up ominously with every clap of thunder.

Inside the mansion, a young girl stood with her ear pressed against a wooden door, straining to hear the conversation taking place down the stairs.

Sam Manson pushed her weight against the door, vainly attempting to make out her grandmother's words. She sighed as the only sound she heard was the drip, drip of the rain falling through the roof.

Having nothing else to do, the goth wandered over to her window, staring out as the rain washed away an empty soda can laying on the road. A small Volvo drove across the street, crunching the can the rain had so carelessly pushed away.

Suddenly, the lights overhead flickered, dimmed, and went out.

Sam froze as the entire room went dark. She held her hands out, using them as shields as she walked over to the light switch. Her hands groped the wall, feeling for the switch. She growled as her hands felt nothing but flat surface, cursing under her breath. Just as she was about to give up, Sarah entered the room.

The maid held a candle in one hand, the tiny flame illuminating the entire room. She smiled as she noticed Sam, who had crossed her arms over her chest and was scowling darkly.

"Sorry Miss Manson, but the storm has shut off our power," Sarah's timid voice said.

"I don't care about the storm, Sarah," Sam growled. "I want to know- what was my grandmother talking to you about?"

Sarah stiffened. She opened her mouth to answer-

The door slammed open, making the tiny maid jump. Sam's grandmother stood in the doorway, holding a candle in her withered hand.

"Get out, Sarah," the old woman's voice rasped.

Sarah shot a terrified look at the elder, then scurried out of the room as quickly as her legs would allow.

The elder wheeled into the room, the wheelchair creaking and groaning under her weight. She closed the door and turned to look at Sam, who had shrunk into the wall at her grandmother's appearance.

"Well?" she barked, causing Sam to flinch.

"Good evening, Grandmother Moon," Sam said, forcing a smile.

"You're a stupid girl, same as your mother," the woman rasped, her face pale in the candlelight. "What my son saw in her, I'll never know. She got what she deserved, though. Too bad she took Jeremy with her."

Sam bit back the angry retort she felt, instead nodding mutely. "Yes, Grandmother."

Moon's eyes narrowed dangerously. "Did I give you permission to speak, girl?"

Sam shook her head. Moon seemed to consider this for a moment, her beady eyes glittering evilly. Then, she opened her wrinkled mouth and spoke.

"I've been watching you closely ever since your eighteenth birthday, Samantha," Moon smiled, revealing yellowed teeth. "And, after all the training and tests you've gone through, I think you're ready."

Moon paused for a moment. She cackled, the eerie blackness of the room reflecting her mood. "Remember my favorite test, Samantha?" Sam's eyes widened with fear. "The test where you lost your virginity? I believe it was part of the seduction course, dear."

Sam shuddered, remembering the horrid memory quite clearly:

Moon knocked on Sam's door. "Samantha, there's someone here I'd like you to meet."

Sam, who had been up the previous night training, sighed. She opened the door to find a man in his mid twenties standing next to her grandmother. The man had a handsome face, but his storm gray eyes were cold and dark.

The man, named Luke, entered. Moon winked at Sam, who had started backing away from them.

"Have fun, kids." Moon turned to go.

Sam's eyes widened with fear as the man took her hand and kissed it. He came closer to her. She stepped backwards, feeling her back against the wall. He ran a hand up her waist, savoring her curves.

"So beautiful." he whispered.

Sam whimpered. "Please, leave me alone. Don't do this, please!"

Luke ignored her, kissing her roughly on the lips. "So beautiful," he repeated...

A few hours later, Luke stood up off her bed, buttoning his shirt. He looked back at her, smiling. "You were very good." Then he left.

Sam hugged her knees to her chest, trying to ignore the pain, and cried the rest of the night.

Moon smiled at her granddaughter's discomfort. "Well, like I said, you're ready. You do know the mission, right?" All signs of humor disappeared from her face.

Sam nodded. "Yes, I-"

Moon cut her off. "You are to travel to Amity Park, California. There, you will find the Fentons. You are to get close to Danny, the youngest Fenton. Make him believe you care about him. Then, kill him. Kill them all. Slowly, painfully. Avenge your parents' death, Sam."

Sam nodded again. Her neck was beginning to hurt. "How do I know which one is Danny, grandmother?"

Moon reached into a purse and pulled out a photo of a boy. She handed it to Sam. The boy had crystalline azure eyes and black hair which drooped playfully over them. He was smiling hugely, as if he'd just scored the winning goal.

Sam looked up from the picture. "When do I leave?"

Moon smiled crookedly. Her wrinkles stretched like shadows across her face in the candlelight. "You leave first thing tommorow morning."