-:- Happily Ever After -:-

Christmas is always a busy time of year, for all families, but when it comes to Christmas, Gryffindor Hall is probably one of the busiest households you could find, but also one of the happiest.

Lily laughed joyfully at the sight of her father, who had somehow got tangled up in the Christmas streamers. Ginny giggled at her husband, saying "Tenth year in a row. Is this becoming a tradition?" Harry smiled through the gold ribbon apologetically, and shaking her head, Ginny helped him out of it, whilst Lily rolled around on the floor, still chortling.

Gryffindor Hall was a large house set in central Godric's Hollow, a proud, Red brick house with Ivy climbing its face, and although the trees were bare and snow was piled deep on the ground, the house still looked warm and appealing, with muggle fairy lights entwined in the tree branches, and holly boughs decking the window sills. Everyone in the Hollow, Wizards and Muggles alike, treated the Potters with respect and warm kindness, as they were legendary, especially Mr Potter, and because the Potters were a pleasant enough family. Godric's Hollow no longer whispered of forlorn regret and loss, it was alive again, and so much different to a certain Christmas that was still clear in Harry's mind, 19 years ago.

There were three family house-elves, a young, pretty elf called Bonny, a spunky elf named Windil, who was extremely fond of young master James and his antics, and a rather old, ancient, but still loyal Kreacher. They, along with their across-the-road neighbours, Ron, Hermione and Hugo, were doing all they could to prepare for the annual Christmas gathering. Bonny and Hermione were in the kitchen with Ginny, busily working away, the sticky smell of gingerbread wafting through the house. Lily, Hugo and Kreacher would sit wrapping presents, which was a task fit for Hercules in itself! The old elf would still have the odd chortle when his young mistress got too carried away with the sellotape. Meanwhile, on a rather tall ladder, Harry, Ron and Windil would be wobbling about, decking the halls with as many tasteful decorations as possible, Ron singing rude muggle carols at the top of his lungs:

The Shepherds watched their flocks by night

Whilst seated on the bank,

The angels came from heaven above

And taught them how to-

"RON!" Hermione yelled from the kitchen.

Ginny sighed. "No doubt he learnt that one from Peeves..." Windil giggle quietly.

The snow drifted by the window panes, the air cool, yet warm with happiness. Harry and Ron grinned at their work, Windil graciously accepting his master's wish to take a break as he flopped onto the nearest couch. With a look at his battered watch, Harry smiled saying "Kids will be arriving soon." And he and his best friend turned to the front door, to where the cars were parked.

Platform 9 ¾ was not as busy as it had been in September, but the noisy bustle was still constant. The station had been decorated with streamers and holly, and soft fairy lights with real fairies in them, much alike the ones decorating the interior of Gryffindor Hall. Harry heard the train before he saw it, the scarlet engine entering the platform as majestically as ever. It slowed to a stop, and the sudden surge towards the train was almost breath-taking, like a tsunami wave slamming you into the shore. It was simple to see the boys, not because of their own appearance, but because of little Rose and her shocking red hair, like her fathers. There were words of welcome and Christmas greetings being passed around like a disease, and it would be a shame not to catch this outbreak of happiness and contentment.

"See you in a couple days, eh lads?" yelled a voice. George beamed at Harry and Ron, his own son, Fred, in tow. Harry nodded, then called back "Don't give James too many pranks this year, last year a Dung bomb was going off every other day, thanks too you!"

George shrugged "Why squander a lad with so much talent? The grandson of a Marauder, the possibilities are endless!"

Harry groaned "Don't remind me!"

When they returned home, Molly Weasley had already arrived. She smiled apologetically as she said "I couldn't wait, I knew it would suit her perfectly." Harry's confusion didn't last long as his daughter bounded into the room, wearing a scarlet red dress. It came just below her knees, and the pink netting underneath made the skirt stand slightly, like a tutu bottom. Her knee-high, white socks had a red check frill, and her scarlet shoes shone in the cosy firelight. In her copper hair, Lily wore a holly berry clip, which also shone in it's own, waxy way. Harry grinned "For once, you look like the little princess I always thought you'd be, and yet, you seem to stick to jeans."

Ginny grinned at her daughter, saying "Yeah, well. Having older brothers does that to you, doesn't it, Lil?"

Lily nodded "I am not a little damsel waiting to be rescued."

Harry laughed, whilst James, who finally snapped out of his daze that had hit him when he saw his sister, said "Heck, we all knew that. Your more like Xena princess warrior than Fairy Princess."

"And don't you forget it!" she shouted, swirling around. As usual, her hair flew out around her, making her seem alight, her hair like flames. Harry knew he'd have to have the boys looking out for her at school; she would grow up to be stunning.

The days flew by like the torrents of winter snow, the Hollow looking like something you'd find on a Christmas card. Christmas Eve finally came, along with the whole tribe, hence what the family had been preparing for. Arthur and Molly, Bill, Fleur and Victoire, Charlie and Yvette (a Romanian girl he met a few years ago), George, Alicia , Fred and Remus, Percy and Marie (a sweet intern at the Ministry), Ron, Hermione, Rose and Hugo, and, of course, Teddy and his grandmother, Andromeda. It was a good thing that Gryffindor Hall was very much like the tardis, even though it already looked grand from the outside! Laughter, jokes, the bottom of the Christmas tree totally invisible, due to mass amounts of presents, everything felt right. No, not just right…perfect.

That was, until Harry spotted something, or rather, lacked spotting something.

"Where's Al?"

James, who was going through chocolate frogs with Fred and Teddy, mouth smudged with chocolate, said "He said something about taking a walk."

Harry nodded at his son, then mumbled something about being back soon to Ginny, then promptly walked through the front door, pulling on a long, black coat as he went. Ginny looked round at her family apologetically, then said "Anyone for Yule Log?"

The wind was cold and unforgiving. It's icy blasts punished anyone who wasn't at home, being with their loved ones. Harry pulled his black gloved hands in his pocket. Albus better have a good reason for this…

Then it struck home. Harry had no idea where his son was. The only reason he steps through the front door is to visit Rose or the Hollow Library. Since the Library was closed and Rose was at Gryffindor Hall, Harry was left clueless. "Albus!" he yelled "Al, where are you?! Albu—"

Movement…in the graveyard…the Graveyard?! What on earth was Albus doing there?! On Christmas eve, of all days?! He walked hurriedly to the kissing gates, trending carefully on the icy pavement. The frost encrusted grass crunch under Harry's shoe as he made for the small figure of his younger son. The shadowed person stood from his kneeling position, Harry was close enough to hear small mumblings. Albus turned, smiling, then stood stock still, his face obviously shocked. "D-d-dad?"

Harry looked him in the eye, tapping his foot, waiting for answers, but all Al said was "Er…what are you doing out here?"

Harry raised an eyebrow. "Looking for you. But the question is…" Harry took his son's wrist. "What are YOU doing out…" his voice trailed away as he noticed something on Albus' finger. A gold ring, with a shattered, black stone, the very ring Harry had felt slip through his fingers as he walked into Voldemort's circle, facing mortal peril. Harry's eyes turned slowly from Albus' hand to his face.

"Albus…where did you get this?" Harry breathed slowly. Albus didn't say a thing, only gazed at the crunchy, dewy grass, shuffling his feet. Harry's tone grew more urgent.

"Where did you get this, Albus?!"

Al shook his head "You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

Harry forced his son to look at him, to make him understand his worry. "Try me."

Al sighed. "Granddad gave it to me."

Harry was confused. "Arthur?"

"No," Albus replied, shaking his head "Granddad, but he told me to call him Prongs."

Harry looked at his son, shocked. He waited to hear "April fool", but that would have been stupid. And Albus doesn't lie. He never lies, especially to Harry, who can always tell when Al's lying, it's all in the eyes. Still shocked, Harry looked over his son's shoulder, to the white, marble tombstone, which now read:

James Potter, born 27 March 1960, died 31 October 1981

Lily Potter, born 30 January 1960, died 31 October 1981

The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death,

The first hope that is shared is love.