That Adventurous Night

Jed and Octavius had been driving in the little remote hummer trying to stop Cecil from stealing the tablet when suddenly they went under the carriage that Cecil had been using and started skidding.

"I can't hold her!" Jed yelled.

They both yelled as the hummer went over a mountain of snow and flipped over. Then everything went black. A few minutes later Octavius groaned softly.

'What happened?' Octavius asked himself as he came around.

He opened his eyes and saw that the Hummer him and Jed had been driving, was on it's roof and on fire. He looked by his side and saw Jedadiah laying on his back still unconscious. Octavius scooted by him.

"Jedadiah wake up," he whispered tapping his cheek slightly.

Jed's eyes didn't open. Octavius realized they needed to get of the car before they melted and get back to the museum before sunrise. He dragged Jed over to the window and climbed out. After he got out, he reached in and got Jed. He dragged him away from the car and laid him down. He knelt beside him and tried waking him again.

"Come on Jed you need to wake up so we can get back to the museum," Octavius whispered.

After a few minutes, Jed moaned softly as his eyes fluttered. He opened his eyes and met Octavius' worried face.

"Octavius," he whispered.

"Yeah. I'm right here. Are you alright?" Octavius asked.

"I think so. What happened?" Jed asked.

"Well from what I can tell, while we were driving that remote control car, we flipped over and crashed. It is almost sunrise and we need to get back to the museum. Can you stand?" Octavius asked.

"I'll try," Jed replied.

Octavius helped Jed stand up. Jedadiah took a few steps and would have fallen if Octavius didn't catch him.

"Are you sure you okay?" Octavius asked again.

"Well sort of. My ribs and right leg hurts real bad," Jed confessed.

"Well I'll help you back to the museum. We better go quick though," Octavius stated.

Octavius put Jed's arm around his neck and put his arm around Jed's waist. They started walking as fast as they could.

"I'm not going to fast am I?" Octavius asked.

"No," Jed replied, "Octavius it's so cold."

"I know. But we are almost there. So don't give up on me now," Octavius comforted.

They got to the stairs with only 1 hour left til dawn.

"Okay you will go up first and I'll follow behind," Octavius stated.

Octavius lifted Jed on to the step then pulled himself up. After 15 minutes they made to the top where Larry, Nick, and Teddy Roosevelt stood. Octavius still supporting Jedadiah.

"You ain't get rid of us that easy," Jedadiah smiled.

"Are you alright?" Larry asked.

"My ribs and right leg hurts badly," Jedadiah replied.

Larry picked them and carried them inside. He set them down on the desk. Jedadiah laid down and Octavius sat next to him. He looked over Jedadiah.

"He is going to be fine. Just lay here and rest for awhile. Octavius stay with him," Larry stated.

Larry, Nick, and Teddy went to restore order. Octavius and Jedadiah sat in silence for awhile. Finally Jed propped himself up on his elbows grunting in pain as he did.

"You should lay back down," Octavius told him putting a hand on his shoulder.

"I just wanted to say back there you saved my life. Even after all the things I 've done to ya," Jed stated.

"Well I couldn't let you die. Like me you have people to lead," Octavius replied.

"Well I just wanted to say thanks," Jedadiah stated.

"No problem," Octavius stated.

Jed put his arms around Octavius' neck and hugged him. Octavius hugged him back. That was the way Larry found them. A few nights later, Larry brought Jed and Octavius a new remote control car. They drove it around with Rexy following behind.

"Lets ride," Jed smiled.

Jed put the car in gear and sped off with Rexy following behind.