Magic Words

She wanted to kill him. She wanted to make him hurt like he'd hurt her. Make him leave. Disappear. And she could. She walked towards the body she'd struck for the hundredth time, panting, bloody with the blows he'd given her. But then, just as her anger grew, pounding painfully in her chest, her heart burst as she put her foot down. She started to cry. Sob. Tears washed the blood to her mouth, chin, feet. She'd stopped moving towards him. She couldn't do it. Couldn't kill him. Then he would kill her. He was hardly himself anymore. No heart. She moved slowly, as if something was holding her back. She saw the memories. She saw his bloodied face. She kneeled in front of him.

"Kill me," she choked, staring unseeingly. She turned to him so she could meet his twisted red gaze before he killed her. He tightened his shut eyes before opening them. They were not red. They were black. She gasped, still choking with tears.

"No," he whispered. Touched her face. "No." He coughed. "Thank you."

Sakura sat up in bed gasping. "Sasuke! Sasuke-kun!" Sasuke!" He rolled over

"Sakura-chan?" He blinked to wake himself up. "Sakura, what's wrong?" She looked at him, striving to see in the dark. Striving to see. "Sakura-chan?" His eyes. His beautiful black eyes.

"It's… it's no-"

"That dream?"


"I'm still here." He pulled her down to him. "I'm not going." She sighed

"Say it, Sasuke-kun."


"Say it." She felt him smile against the nape of her neck.

"Thank you."