LAST CHAPTER GUYS!!! sniff you're probably like 'finally!!! this person took forever to upload!' and you are right (sorry)!!! hehe! anyways, i guess i'll have to say goodbye to Ellie! waaaaaaaaaaaah! ok i'm better! now just read the chapter and tell me how i did! please! ok just read! i know i'm a distraction and i'm shutting up now...

Chapter 15: Dreams

The sun was beating down on everyone at the scene. No one moved; no one made a sound. Beads of sweat started to glisten on Ellie's forehead as she stared up at Barricade. Everyone was thinking the same thing: What would happen now?

Suddenly, Ellie stepped forward and was about to open her mouth to speak. But then, Starscream moved out of his place. He took two strides towards Ellie and violently picked her up.

"This is why we've stopped fighting? Because some disgusting human decided to start some drama? And what's worse is that YOU," he looked around at his fellow Decepticons, "you actually are interested in this shit!" He threw Ellie back onto the ground. She landed on her arm. Sam winced as he heard her arm crunch as she impacted with the ground; her arm had broken.

Starscream looked at the girl and laughed. "Maybe I should put her out of her misery. Then, everything would be better, and we could get back to killing you!" He shot a glance at Optimus.

Optimus took a step forward, ready to lunge at Starscream, but stopped when he saw Barricade punch Starscream in the face.

"Don't you ever lay your hands on her again! I'll kill you!" Barricade took out his cannon and pinned Starscream to the ground with it.

"You traitor!" screeched Starscream. "I always knew you'd make a terrible Decepticon. You know why? Because you're weak! It's disgusting! You're a freak! You don't fit in with the Decepticons or the Autobots! No one wants you fighting on their side, because you always mess up! I hope you're happy with the choices you've made!"

Barricade lost control and fired. Starscream let out one last yelp before his life ended. Barricade looked into the lifeless eyes of Starscream. "I am happy, you fucking bastard!" Barricade backed up and looked up to see the shocked faces of Decepticons and Autobots.

With the death of yet another one of their leaders, the rest of the Decepticons took off. It would be a few weeks before they established a new leader and came back to attack, but for now, the fighting had stopped.

Sam rushed over to Ellie after all the commotion was over. He kneeled down beside her and helped her stand.

"OUCH!" yelled Ellie as pain shot through her arm.

"Sorry!" said Sam, trying to be gentler.

"Here, let me see if I can help the human," said Ratchet as he scanned Ellie's arm to examine the damage. "I know I've only fixed Autobots before, but I think I'd be able to fix Ellie the in the same ways."

"You could?" asked Optimus curiously.

"Yeah, but I'd have to get your approval first, Ellie." Ratchet looked back at Ellie.

"So, what exactly would you do to fix my arm?" asked Ellie. "I mean I don't think you have the power to speed up my bones healing."

"You're right, I don't, but I could replace you're bone with, uh, a mechanical one. And that's why I need your approval," explained ratchet.

"Oh," Ellie looked a little shocked, "You mean…I'd have a bionic arm?"

"Well…yes. It'd be the same as your old one, just stronger. Who knows how many more battles you'll throw yourself in the middle of?"

Ellie laughed nervously. "I guess that'd be all right. It's kinda weird, but I think it'd be better than just waiting around with a cast on forever!"

"Ok, I'll fix you up as soon as we get back to base. I don't think you'll be disappointed." He smiled at Ellie. Ellie smiled back.

"Hey Ratchet! I want a bionic arm too!" shouted Sam

Ratchet just sighed and walked away. Ellie laughed at Sam.

"What? I think it'd be cool!" said Sam defensively.

"Oh Sam, you're such a nerd!"

Sam let out a small laugh. "Not a big as nerd as you are, Ellie!" he fake punched her on her good shoulder.

"What are they doing?" asked Optimus as he was watching Sam and Ellie.

"I think they're having a nerd fight!" laughed Bee.

"C'mon guys! Let's get back to base! Before Ellie breaks anything else," shouted ratchet to 'the crew'.

"Let's go, Ellie!" said Sam as he grabbed her hand to leave.

Ellie didn't move. Sam looked at her questioningly. "Go on ahead Sam. I…have just a little more business to take care of," she glanced over at the sight of Barricade in the distance looking over the edge of a cliff. Sam followed her gaze. "Oh," he said, "I understand."

Ellie gave him a weak smile as he turned to join Bee and the rest of the Autobots. Then, Ellie turned and started her walk towards Barricade. She held her arm as she walked, it still hurt and the pain was immense. Ellie had fought with herself before with whether or not she should talk to Barricade, but she couldn't just leave him there, he looked pathetic. So, here she was standing in the shadow of Barricade, facing the sunset.

Ellie cleared her throat.

"Damn it!" Ellie jumped at the sound of Barricade's shout. "Why did you have to come here and see me like this? Why did you even have to come into my life?" Barricade still stood facing away from Ellie.

"What?!" gawked Ellie. "So now you're mad at me? Now it's my fault?!"

"Yeah, that's right human! It's your FAULT! Want me to spell it out for you? God, you're stupid. Just leave me the hell alone!" shouted Barricade.

Ellie didn't know what to think of this. Was this Barricade? The same Barricade who had pathetically apologized to her earlier today? Ellie felt a little hurt at his words.

"Barricade?" said Ellie softly, almost a whisper.

"F-U-C-K! O-F-F! There! I spelled it out for you! Happy?" growled Barricade.

"Y-y-you filthy Decepticon!" Ellie's voice shook with anger. "Why don't you fuck off? Starscream was right! No one likes you! No one wants you to fight on their side! You know why? Because you are weak! You can't even look me in the eye and say the stuff you said! What? Are you afraid? I thought you had changed, but I was wrong. You're the same as when I met you, worthless and pathetic. I HATE YOU!" Ellie turned her back on Barricade.

"I'm weak?" shouted Barricade. He turned around and grabbed Ellie at the waist. He picked her up in his clenching fist. "You think I'm weak?!"

Ellie gasped for breath. "I…can't…breathe!"

Barricade laughed and Ellie started to cry. She went limp in his fist and stopped trying to fight her way out.

Barricade placed her back on the ground, a little gentler then when he had picked her up. Ellie breathed heavily and shook even more violently than before.

"Leave!" said Ellie as she turned her head away from Barricade.


"I said…LEAVE! JUST GO! YOU DON'T BELONG HERE! Just stop wasting your time. You've hurt me ENOUGH!" fumed Ellie. "I never want to see you again."


"I'm not turning around, Barricade. I'm done with the lies and the pain and everything. I just can't stand to look at you anymore. I want you gone, so that if I ever do look back, I won't see you. And I won't remember any of the things you've said to me and done to me. I want to forget all those horrible memories and that will be a whole lot easier without you, wouldn't it? I've just spent too many tears on you. But now I've realized that you're not worth it. Knowing you has been a waste of time. All the memories I have of you are just a waste of space. And you, you're just a waste of space too, aren't you? I want you to know that this will be the last time I'll ever speak to you again. So please, just go…now. And remember…that I could never love anyone like you. I…hope you're happy."

Ellie walked in a straight line, away from Barricade. It wasn't easy. She still wanted to know why he had changed so suddenly. She also wanted to kill him. But, Ellie kept walking, despite those things. She slowly counted her footsteps. One…Two…Three…Four…Five…Six…Seven…Eight…Nine…Ten…

Then, she quickly looked over her shoulder. Empty space. He was gone. Ellie turned the rest of the way around and looked into the almost set sun. The wind whipped her hair around her face. He was gone.

Meanwhile, Barricade had been running through the desert at full speed. He didn't know where he was going, just…away. It killed him to have had to say those things to Ellie, but it was the only way that she would forget about him. He had no choice.

5 or so hours later-

Ellie was in a deep sleep back at the base. The operation to replace her arm bones had already begun and the medicine had knocked her out good. Naturally she was dreaming, but didn't quite know that she was dreaming.

It was cold out, and Ellie found herself walking along a dark road. She felt like she was being followed so she abruptly turned around. It was…Barricade? Ellie remembered that he had left, but why was he here now? This was weird. Ellie also noticed that his eyes were a strange color. They were…purple? That confused Ellie even more. He had red eyes, right? But wait, he had blue eyes that one time…but when had his eyes ever been purple? Ellie shrugged and decided not to think about it much. She reached out a hand to make sure it was really Barricade that she was seeing.

"Barricade?" asked Ellie.

"Um…no. Ellie, are you feeling alright?" said Sam.

'That was trippy!' thought Ellie. Barricade had turned into Sam. Or had it always been Sam. 'Just go with it Ellie,' she said to herself.

"I think I'm alright?" said Ellie back to Sam.

"Oh, okay!" smiled Sam.

"Where's Bee?" asked Ellie.

"He's on a date with Optimus, remember? They told us they were going to be going out."

Ellie scratched her head trying to remember. "Wait a second! When have Bee and Optimus started dating?"

"Are you sure you're alright, Ellie? They started going out right after we got married," explained Sam to Ellie.

"Oh, that makes sense," Ellie paused. "No wait! It doesn't! First of all, you used to be Barricade and then you turned into Sam, Sam!"

"That's impossible Ellie. How could I be Barricade? He owns the donut shop down the street and he's down there working today," he laughed.

"Right. Barricade owns a donut shop, Bee and Optimus are dating, and we're married. That's not even legal at our age! And when did we arrive at a grocery store?" asked Ellie, panicking a little.

"Oh, sorry I just had to pick up a pair of pink flamingos for my mom, Ellie. She ran out yesterday," said Sam.

"No! They don't sell pink flamingos at a grocery store! I refuse to believe this! And what in the world could your mom possibly use pink flamingos for? Wait! I don't need this! I'm leaving!" Ellie ran towards the doors that led to the outside of the grocery store. She opened them and then woke up.

"Ellie? Are you awake? I'm all done…you can wake up now!" said Ratchet, he sounded far away to Ellie.

Ellie slowly opened her eyes. "Huh? Ratchet? Wha?"

"The operation was a success. You can move your arm now and it's stronger and you won't be breaking it anytime soon. Yeah, you're still a little sleepy, huh? I'll go get Sam."

Ellie decided to try and lift her head; maybe the meds were wearing off. She was successful and she could see Sam walking towards her.

"Hello beautiful!" said Sam.

Ellie couldn't help but laugh. "Sam…you're ridiculous!"

"What? You are beautiful! …Even if you are still half asleep in Ellie-land."

"Hey! I'm fully awake now, see?" she threw a pillow at him. "Wow! My arm really does work! Sweet!" She continued to flex and move her arm as Sam watched even more curiously than Ellie.

"It looks so real," said Sam. "You could never tell that it was bionic."

"Yeah…" Ellie gazed off into the distance. "Last month I would have never dreamed that I would have a bionic arm. It's funny how things happen…"

All of a sudden, Ellie gasped as she remembered something. It was about her dream. About Barricade. Ellie replayed the events of her last real encounter with Barricade. When he picked her up, she did see his eyes. They were purple! Why were they purple? Ellie gasped again. He didn't want me to see them. That was why he had his back to me. Ellie felt sick. It was all an act. He still loved me. He was trying to protect me.

Ellie started crying again.

"Ellie?" Sam was startled. "What's wrong? Did I say something?"

Ellie didn't respond she just ignored him and walked over to find Optimus.

She stood at his feet like a small child who had just woken up from a nightmare.

"Optimus?" squeaked Ellie.

"Ellie? Why are you crying? Did something happen? Are you in pain?"

Ellie sniffed. "No. I just…what does it mean if one of your kind has purple eyes instead of blue or red?"

"What? That's not possible, is it? Did you see it?" asked Optimus

Ellie nodded.

"On who? Oh wait, I think I know. It was Barricade, wasn't it? I don't know what to think of him anymore. I guess he's just chosen his own path. Maybe he's tired of fighting and choosing sides. Maybe he's smarter than all of us. I don't know, Ellie. I don't think even he knows what's going on."

Ellie looked down at her feet. "Optimus?"


"What if someone had fooled you to make them mad at you and then you said things so horrible to them that you made them leave and that somebody's plan was to protect you from further harm, but you still feel horrible because you didn't realize at the time that they weren't actually a jerk, but just pretending because they care about you, well, what do you do?" Ellie took a deep breath.

"Ellie, relax. Whatever it is, it's not your fault. I forbid you from beating yourself up over this. Barricade made a tough choice, but in the end this is what he wanted, for you to be safe and happy. So don't let him down. He would hate to see you cry."

"I guess you're right, Optimus. Thanks." Ellie hugged his leg.

Optimus smiled and gently patted her on the back.

"Oh, one more thing!" said Ellie.


"You and Bee...well, uh, you aren't, um, oh never mind! I guess I just had some weird dreams while I was knocked out!" Ellie laughed at her stupid dream.

Optimus stood there a little confused for a little bit but then shrugged it off. I mean, it was Ellie he was talking to after all.

Then Ellie ran back over to Sam, a big smile on her face. "Everything's going to be okay, Sam!"

"I know," he pulled her into a warm hug. Ellie looked up at Sam and was glad he was there for her. They had been a little distant these past few days, but Ellie wanted to change that.



"I'm ready."

"Ready for what?" asked Sam, unsure.

Ellie gave him a small smile and a nod.

"Oh, that," he smiled seductively back.

Ellie giggled and Sam took her hand to lead the way.

The End