Hey You guys! this is my second story, so yeah i'm still improving. Anyway, this story, i got my ideas from a book i'm reading. Like i said in my profile, reading helps me ;)

I also got some lines from the story that book that will perfectly fit in this story. I'm planning to make Lola like an ' evil ' person. Don't worry the main characters as you know will be paired. Some of the characters will even play roles that they don't usually do. But i assure you, this story is completely DxL and a little ZxC and NxM.

Now, please read on.

Dana Cruz was relaxing on her bed listening to her I-pod when someone knocked at the door.

"Dana, are you awake?" The voice asked.

"Yes dad, I am, just listening to my I-pod" She replied.

Her dad opened the door and sat down next to her on her bed.

"I have great news." Her dad said.

"What is it?" Dana asked taking off her headphones.

"There's this terrific basketball camp, somewhere, where your mom lives. It's somewhere in Malibu, so if you want to go, it would be great, I know you're amazing in basketball, but you can improve. So how 'bout it?" Her dad asked.

"Does mom know about this?" Dana asked.

"No, but I'll talk to her as soon as you made the decision." He replied.

"Okay! I'll go, but how long is the camp?" Dana asked.

"It's a week." Her father said.

"Okay, I'll do it, I am staying at mom's right?" Dana asked.

"Yup, now I'll go tell her the news." Her dad got up and went back downstairs to tell her mom the great news.

"Oh, and Dana! You're flight leaves tomorrow night, so pack-up!" Her dad yelled from downstairs.

Xoxoxo- -


Wow, I'm going to Malibu, yeah I've been there but only to visit my mom. My parents got divorced when I was 13 so sometimes during my summer vacation I go to visit her. I took out my gym back and a suitcase. My gym back was packed with my basketball, for practice and my shoes, and my clothes (for my camp). I took out the rest of my clothes and started to pack them into my suitcase.

I'm 18, just graduated from high school so yeah. I got a basketball scholarship so when school starts I'll be going to PCA, Pacific Coast Academy. I think I'll live with my mom since PCA is like 20 minutes away from her house. I can't wait to go here my high school was full of people who thought the whole world revolved around them. I only had one friend, her name was Michelle, we were both on the basketball team, but the people on the team were sore losers, just cause I got a scholarship and they didn't they started rumors. Typical high school crowd and now, I get to go to PCA for University, well, after this entire camp.

I reached for the phone to call Michelle. I dialed her phone number. A few minutes after endless ringing, she answered the phone.

"Hello?" She asked.

"Hey Michie! It's me Dana." I said.

"Oh, hey! What's up?" She asked.

"I just wanted to tell you that I'll be gone for a week, I'm going to this basketball camp in Malibu. I'll call you as soon as I get there!" I said.

"I'm so jealous. Tell me everything, Ms. Scholarship, down to the cute guys, your coach, and the new friends you make." She said.

"I promise" I said and laughed.

"Anyway, I got to go, I have to continue packing." I said.

"Alright, wait when are you leaving?" She asked.

"Tomorrow evening, I'll miss ya!" I said.

"Me too, I would give you hug but I can't, anyway, good luck!" She said.

"Thanks, bye!" I said.

"Bye!" She said and hung up.

Michelle and I barely hang out in the summer since she lives father than I do, it's like 2 hours of driving for me to get to her place. She and I go to the same school but she drives 2 hours, I walk for 30 min.

I continued packing. Then my phone starting beeping, meaning that a phone call has been transferred

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey baby! How are you?" A lady's voice said.

"I'm fine mom, how are you?" I asked.

"I'm very excited! I can't wait until you come here!" My mother said.

"Me neither." I said.

"Alright, I'll leave you to your packing, see you tomorrow night!" She said and hung up.

I put the phone down. I continued packing, after an hour, I double-checked everything. I have all the things I need. I went downstairs for a quick dinner.


Dana came back upstairs, and took a shower, she was extremely excited for her flight tomorrow. Little did she know…she was going to meet the person who would change her life…

Yeah, i know pretty short, but that's just cause i got the idea, now it's time for me to get 'into the zone' LOLS! don't worry the next chapters will be longer. Please give me some ideas and stuff. If you do, i'll love you for life:)

