Ive been thinking on writing this one. I know that this is just a short one but I got kind of inspired by the other H/S stories here in Well enjoy :)

Hermione Granger was up all night just thinking about his smile. His dimples that went deep his cheeks when he smiled and his hair that matched perfectly his face. And dont even get her started in his voice. She loved that irish charm that went out of his system everytime he spoke a word. And as you may know, it was none other than Seamus Finnigan.

It was Valentine's day and being alone, she felt isolated inside. All the teachers was with the students at Hogwarts. The only teacher that was probably in the building was Severus Snape, who enjoyes himself being his own company. She thought of her bestfriends. Harry was probably wondering with Cho and Ron probably with Lavander.

"Oi Hermione !" a voice boomed behind her. She didnt even have to turn around to figure out who it was. It was Seamus. They were the only one in the room.

"Seamus !" she cried. "What are you doing here ?"

"Oh .. well I didnt even go to Hogsmeade. Figure I stay here yeh know ?" he said hiding something in his hands and his back. "Why are you here ?"

"Well .. Ive figured Id probably just feel like a fifth wheel to Harry and Ron since theyve got someone special with them going." she said flushing red.

"Well whoever said you ave to be alone ?" he asked. "Isnt there any bloke that has your heart ?"

"Yes there is a bloke that has captured my heart."

He finally handed her what he has been hiding. It was a box of chocolate that Hermione bought from Hogsmeade every year.

Hermione gasped as if it was she was being asked with a wedding ring. "Howd you know ?"

"Ve got to admit, ve done a lot of stalkin the couple of years weve known each other."

Hermione got confused on what he has just said. "Wait ... does this mean .. "

He didnt even had to answer that question. He has pressed his lips againts her. The butterflies in her stomach was flying all around and the strength on her knees flew away. He had to tilt his head up because he was resting at her thigh. His tongue nibbled on her lower lip and it made his way inside her mouth. She couldve sworn that there was nothing better sharing spit with him. His hand rested just abover her arse and her hand was at his temples. When he pulled away, he noticed that she was smiling with her eyes closed.

"You alright ?" he asked. "Was t that bad ?"

She opened her eyes and shook her head no. "Oh no .. its just that you knew that you were the guy I liked."

"course I knew ! Why else did I call him bloke ?"

Was it bad ? If it is .. then .. cheyeah. Its my first story about them though. If I get good reviews I might write about them again :)