Somebody to Love

Disclaimer: I don't own Life with Derek.

Chapter one: Dealing with the Devil

"Let's just face it Spacey, we both know that I'm completely irresistible." Derek smirked.

Comments like that usually started their early morning 'wars.' The rest of the family just simply rolled their eyes and continued on with their morning meal. They seemed to have learned how to ignore Casey and Derek's routinely breakfast battles.

"Oh please. You are NOT 'completely irresistible' you are 'completely' IDIOTIC!" Casey fired back.

"Call it want you want, sis. But even your best friend Emily seems to think so."

Damn that Emily, Casey thought.

"Okay Mr. Irresistible. If that's the way you want to play it, how about a little game?"

"Keep talking."

"I bet you can't get a girl to ask you out by the end of the week."

"Oh geez Case, really one girl? That's gonna be so hard." Derek said sarcastically letting out a slight chuckle.

"Uh-huh yeah funny, but here's the catch ... I get to pick her."

Derek nodded, agreeing to Casey's bet.

"If I win, you have to clean my room for a whole month." She said with a smile on her face.

"And if I win?"

"I'll clean yours."

"Okay then, you have yourself a bet."

"Agreed," They said simultaneously, shaking their hands to seal the deal.

"Now, if you two are done here go to school, or you're going to be late." George said, scurrying them out of the door.

When they finally reached the beloved high school hallways, Casey saw a girl. A girl that would be perfect for the bet. She's it! She's the one! Casey said in her mind, And, she would never fall for Derek and his stupid lines. As soon as Derek saw Casey smiling, he immediately knew she had found someone.

"Whatcha doin, Spacey?"

"Derek, I found her!" She said a little bit too excited.

"Okay. Who's the lucky lady?"

"That girl right over there," She said pointing towards a girl wearing chains and an all black attire.

"A-Adrianne Berwits?" Derek said just loud enough for Casey to hear. "You've got to be kidding me. She's hated me since grade five when I pushed her off the swings!"

"Not my problem Derek. You said that you can get any girl to ask you out by the end of the week…unless you would like to give in now and lose the bet?" Casey said with a huge grin going from ear to ear. "Have fun cleaning my room and don't forget to scrub the floor, I like my floors shiny."

"God I hate you."


Dragging him along they reached Adrianne in the middle of the hall.

"Hello Adrianne, I'm Casey McDonald and this is-"

"Derek Venturi," Adrianne said cutting her off.

"Well, it looks like you two have a little chemistry going on here." Casey chuckled.

"Go to hell," Derek mouthed towards to Casey.

"Well, if you excuse me I forgot something in my locker." Casey said giggling at her own sick pleasure of Derek's discomfort.

He watched her walk towards her locker, where she still had a perfect view of them.

Oh good God, Derek thought. This girl's going to murder me.

"Hi A-Adrianne," he said attempting a smile. "Long time no've ya been...Heh. Heh..."

"Just go, Venturi."

"Will do," Derek managed to say under his breath as he walked away.

As Casey starred at Derek and how badly he was already losing, she couldn't help but smile.

"And what are we so happy about, today?" Emily asked as she walked up to Casey.

"What's Derek doing talking to Adrianne Berwits? I thought she hated him."

"It's just something I'd like to call 'Derek's Defeat."

Casey saw Derek walk away from Adrianne, he looked confused but yet frightened, and it made her twice as happy as she was before. There is no way Derek can woo her into asking him out With that settled, she decided to walk to class, with a big smile on her face, nothing could bring her down.

Her classes went by with a breeze, she felt as if she was on top of the world. When lunch came, Derek invited Casey to sit with him at his table.

"There is no way I can do this, Case. That girl despises me."

"Oh, well like I said before, bro. Not my problem, besides it's like what you said this morning, you're 'completely irresistible,' right? She'll be all over you soon enough."

The rest of the day went by as any other day would. Casey went to class, and well, Derek skipped his. When school ended, Derek was determined to have Casey change her mind. There was no way he was going to talk to that Adrianne Berwits chick again. He even went out of his way and 'wooed' a couple of her friends into going out on dates with him, hoping that would be enough for Casey's bet.

"Come on Casey, please? I even got three other dates."

"Are any of them with a person named Adrianne Berwits?"

", but-"

"Then no, Derek."

"They're with losers just like her!" Derek started to whine, "They're her friends. Doesn't that count at all?"

"Uh-huh. Let me think, um no?"

Just then, Derek got an idea, "Let's raise the stakes then shall we? Winner gets the car for an entire month no questions asked...and the loser has to clean the winner's room and wear a ridiculous costume to school for a whole day...winner's choice of course, deal?"

Casey wondered what got Derek to go from groveling to scheming in less than a second's time, but she didn't really care, this was her chance to finally humiliate the bane of her existence.

"Deal," she said agreeing once more, little did she know, she was now dealing with the devil...