Author's Note: I'm sorry I stole your idea, Dark Priestess Tsubaki. I hope you don't mind. But to everyone else reading, thanks for reading! I hope you like it! Please review!

Hermione Granger stood anxiously by her mail box at her muggle home in London, awaiting her O.W.L. score. When the mailman got there, Hermione snatched the mail out of his hand. Throwing magazines, bills, letters from her friends, and other letters to unimportant to be named all over the yard, she tore thought the pile of mail until she found the letter she was seeking. Throwing the bits of the envelope all over the yard, she hastily unfolded the paper containing her score, but her smile quickly faded.

"Ninety…eight?" she squeaked. She stood in astonishment for a few moments. "Ninety-eight?" she repeated. She sat down on the grass and began to cry. When she realized people were staring, she went inside to mope in her bedroom.

The next day, the mail arrived again (no duh) and Hermione received another letter from Hogwarts. But, she was to upset to read it, so she just put it in a pile. Then she decided to go emo. When she returned to Hogwarts, her friends tried to explain to her what the second letter was about, but she was too depressed to listen.

As it turned out, the second letter was one everyone had received. It was explaining to the students that the O.W.L. scores they had received were wrong, and they would receive the correct scores when the new school year started. And, as it turned out, Hermione scored a one hundred. But she was too depressed to read the letter she received, so she would never know.

Authors Note: I don't know if I'll write more chapters, so reply yes if you want more, and no if you don't. But I hope you liked it!