I See, I Want, I Need


Chapter One: She Hurts

Sakura turned her thoughtful gaze out the window as she tapped a ballpoint pen to her slightly parted lips, her eyebrows bunched into a knot of worry and tension. She glanced over at her patient, pretending to write down a few things before looking up and smiling brilliantly.

"Well, Unagi-san, I don't think you're sick. You're sore throat is most likely due to the fact you were singing last night." She rummaged through her purse and handed him a packet of peach tea. "That should help quiet a bit. Until then, take it easy on your vocal chords, kay?"

The man eyed her wearily before accepting the packet.

"Thank you, Sakura-san." He stopped at the door before looking back. "Um.. And Sakura-san... My name is Ugi. UGI." He said, stressing the U. Sakura blinked then let out an embarassed laugh.

"I'm so sorry, Ugi-san!"

He waved her off as he exited. She slumped on the counter and smacked her temple lightly.

Ren was beginning to get to her. Sakura hadn't given much thought as to whom she would marry, seeing as she had had her hope set high on Sasuke realizing what a fool he was in shunning her and come back running, beggin on his knees. Sakura pulled out a sucker and allowed these fantasies to continue running their course. After finally moving the emotional blindfold out of the way, Sakura had come to realize that they would never be a pair.

That was about the time Ren had entered her life. Ren had been a love hopeful, writing letters back and forth to his friend whom resided in the Suna Village. His friend being a young woman of stature and grace. She'd never heard a foul word against the girl from anyone.

Sakura stared down the street as Sasuke stalked away for the tenth time that day. She couldn't say she was exactly heartbroken, but it wasn't as though it didn't hurt. She'd sniffed and pulled back the army of tears before anyone could see them as she sat at the bar to herself, fiddling with her water.

'Sake please.' came a masculine voice beside her. A young man took his place at the bar, ruffling his tan mane of hair before slumping forward on his elbows. Sakura, being too depressed to noticed cursed herself for fending off sake this week, slammed her head into her folded hands on the bar and poked her sashimi. Apparently she meritted some pity from the man beside her.


Sakura looked up, quirking her eyebrow drowsily at him. He was giving the pity-smile. Scrunching her nose she looked away and watched her sashimi with renewed interest as though wondering when it would crawl away. There was the sound of a cup scraping over the surface and the man tapped her shoulder slightly.

'What?!' she snapped.

'Sorry. You look like you need this more than I do.' he said with another grin as he handed her the shot glass. 'Besides, alchohol is better with friends eh?'

She blinked at his boldness, then took the drink before chuckling.

'You didn't drug it did you?'

He laughed.

'Ren. Sashie Ren.' He introduced, holding his hand out. She took the calloused hand and shook it gladly.

'Haruno Sakura, apprentice to Tsunade-sama.' She replied with a small smile.

Another week later they bumped into one another at the hospital and arranged another 'date' to just go out and have a drink after she'd gotten off work. They hit it off, being friends for at least several months now. Sakura enjoyed their time together, laughing and talking about nothing. They'd made fun with everything, told one another random jokes, played jokes, just about anything and everything. He grew on her, she had to admit. They were wonderful, close friends.

Sakura supported Ren when it came to his penpal girlfriend in Suna. Many times he would come in depressed about the distance, the time. Time! Sakura spun and looked at the clock on the counter, then cursed and threw off her lab-coat before bolting out the door.

"Oh lord, he'll never let me live it down." She groaned as she tossed her coat on the breakroom table. She headed down the hall, knocking before poking her head into Shizune's office.

"Sorry to bug you, Shizune. Tell Tsunade-sama I'm off for the night." Shizune looked up from her paperwork and smiled.

"No problem Sakura. But come in early tomorrow, Tsunade has to speak with you about something." Shizune answered before placing her glasses back on the end of her nose. Sakura nodded and hurriedly made her way out of the hospital. Late for another meeting with Ren.


There he was, sitting in the Dabora reading his infamous smut to a tall, cold glass of... water. Thats right, water. Even Kakashi needed to repeat that last line, but shrugged it away as he continued his enthralling journey through Icha Icha: Return of Junko. Junko was currently seducing a certain nurse when the Dabora employees shouted welcome to another unsuspecting visitor. Raising an irritated brow, he decided he would never come back here to read. But the food wasn't too bad. Maybe he'd call and have it to go. Looking up from his book to see who the mortified newcomer was, he found to his surprise a familiar rossette haired ninja. He old student was about as pink as her hair as she moved through the crowd toward a young man whom had risen and was pulling a chair out for her.

Kakashi blinked. Since when had she gotten a guy? His curiousity piqued, he watched from his corner at the bar to watch them over the light blue cover of his new book.


"I'm sorry! Sorry sorry sorry!" She laughed as he poked her hard in the ribcage before she took a seat. Ren shook his head as he flopped into his seat.

"You're getting about as bad as that old sensei of your's." He groaned with light humor. She reached across the table and smacked him upside the head as he laughed.

"Kakashi-sempai may be old, and he may have been late, but he can still bring your noob butt down." she defended valiantly. Ren shuddered.

"That Chidori of his looks like it'd leave a nasty mark."

"His HAIR would leave a mark if you touched it." Sakura snorted. "So, how are you, what've you been up to?"

Ren hesitated, then looked up sheepishly.

"I'm headed for Suna tomorrow." He grinned. Sakura tried not to choke on her drink.

"Oh?" She said, eyebrows raised in surprise. Ignoring the twisting in her stomach, she smiled bright. "So you are finally going to go see her."

Ren nodded with a light blush.

"Yeah, I have the money now. ANBU finally sent my check for the information I translated. Finally." He said. She forced a laugh.

"Yeah, it normally takes some time before they send those out. Stingy! So, you excited?"

Ren nodded with enthusiasm.

"Really. I'm surprising her for her birthday. I should arrive the day she turns 20." He said proudly. Sakura hoped her face looked as happy as she didn't feel. A pang of jealousy ran through her as she thought about Ren being with another woman, even though she'd known good and well about Sayuri. It seemed like he didn't know what he was doing to her. Sakura fought off a sigh and kept her smile on.

"Thats fantastic!" She grinned, pausing before looking serious. "You do have a gift for her, right?"

Ren's face went blank, then contorted in the most interesting kind of panic. Sakura giggled behind her hand to hide her smile, but the sound didn't go unnoticed.

"Stop laughing at me, this is serious!" He whined. Sakura shook her head and flicked his forhead to merit a glare.

"Stop your womanly fretting, I have something you can give her." She said. Ren's relief was imminent.

"Thanks, Sakura." He sighed, ruffling her hair. "I'm such an idiot."

"Yes you are!" She confirmed with a nod as the sushi came to the table. She pulled apart a pair of chopsticks and snatched the first piece. "But I won't hold that against you."

Ren shook his head and winked at her.

"So how are you and that Ken kid?" He asked through a peice of succulent rice. She paused from her chewing and studied her plate.

"Eh.. He isn't exactly what I thought he was." She said with a grimace. Ren smiled sympathetically before calling her attention.

"Hey. You'll find someone eventually! Just look at me and Sayuri." he said softly, chucking her chin lightly. Somehow it hadn't helped like he would have thought it would. Sakura simply smiled and continued eating in silence.


Kakashi, watching the whole scene noted the way she stiffened when the young man, Ren, said he'd be going to Suna to visit someone. Apparently a woman. He guffawed at the idea she was jealous. After a few moments they paused to eat, and he'd asked something about.. Ken. Ken, he lip-read. Oh! Ken-san. The one he'd nearly pantsed after proposing that he and Sakura take a detour on the happy-train to his place. Childish, of course. But Kakashi refused to watch the little blossom used in such a foul manner, even if she was 19 and could fend for herself. She was still his student. And for some odd reason, Kakashi still felt an attachment to the girl that pushed him to be responsible for her.

Oh the things he did for that kid. Her first drink went horribly wrong. She bummed drinks off the other Jonnins and Chunnins, and before you knew it she was smashed dancing on the table in nothing but her undergarments and a jonnin's vest. And he'd only left the room for a minute to pee.

Kakashi turned from the couple as Sakura and her male counterpart said their goodbyes for the night, giving one another quick hugs as Ren went out the door. Sakura had stayed behind watching for him to leave before headed in his direction. She took a seat about six seats down before noticing him.

"Kakashi!" She greeted, waving from her spot. Kakashi gave a lazy wave back and rose, pocketting his book and hand as he came to sit beside her.

"Hey Kiddo." He said, ruffling her pink hair with his free hand. "Why the long face."

Sakura eyed him wearily but kept her smile on.

"Ha ha, Kakashi. What are you doing out tonight?" She questioned. He pulled out a corner of the book he'd just been reading. She laughed.

"Not exactly the place to read, is it?" She commented. He shook his head, eye happily creased.

"No.. but then again reading and training you guys wasn't exactly the place to read either." He answered with a shrug. "Not that I couldn't do it."

Sakura caught his underlying meaning in an instant.

"You're just the funniest guy, aren't you sempai?" She growled playfully, jabbing him in the chest with a slender, polished pink finger. He snatched it before she could pull it away and bent it painfully. She yelped and beat his wrist away, tapping him with chakra so he would stop the abuse.

"I better get outta here.. Tsunade needs me in the morning for something anyway."

Kakashi grinned beneath his mask.

"Good to see you again! Be sure you visit more often in a year!"

Her lips pulled into an exotic pink pout.

"Ugh, sensei! I have a job, give me a little credit!" she said as she rose and went to the door, waving.

"Slacker." he grumbled after her. Ducking smoothely beneath a kunai, he smiled to himself.


Sakura opened the door to her small apartment. It was neat, tidy. Anything you'd expect from a student with the practice of medical sterilization beaten into her. Her walls were not the pink you'd expect of her, but a light shade of green. Her house was modeled in earthy tones, relaxing browns and pastel greens. Sakura slumped onto a shabby but comfortable brown loveseat located at the far wall of her apartment and curled up. It felt so empty inside, almost chilling. Lonely. Sakura shook herself out of her depressing thoughts and went to her bedroom to dress for bed.

Curling up into the navy blue comforter she wished for something other than a pillow to warm her back. The unfortunate thing was that the something, rather someone, would be warming another bed with his comfort. Sighing, she allowed herself a single tear of selfishness before drifting off into sleep.

A/N: Ha ha ha! Look who jumped onto the wagon! Finally... I haven't had the guts to start a good Kakashi/Sakura fic yet.. until now. I dunno, I just figured it was 'that time' and all. So you all have to like, read and review so I know whether or not you want me to continue this lovely piece. Even if I don't quite clear five reviews I'll still post chapter two... It gets a tiney bit fluffier in chapter two...


GS!! Bwaa ha ha ha!