A/N: Didn't you think that JKR failed publishing some chapters that should definitely have been there? Well, she couldn't have published them, for she lost them. But keep your cool, I found them: they were right there in my head! Follow Remus, Dora and Teddy through 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows'!

Disclaimer: I actually do not own anything, and everything you will recognise belongs to JKR. And I'm sure you know that what I'm going to publish here are not real chapters from the book, I made the whole thing up. Just so we don't misunderstand.

This first chapter is set before DH actually, the others will be set during the book.

It was a warm day in July and the Order of the Phoenix had taken a break from planning Harrys removal from privet drive. They had been planning carefully for weeks now, but today there was something different on their minds.

The Weasley kids and Hermione Granger had joined them on the very top of an irish hill, just as Ted and Andromeda Tonks had.

Remus Lupin stood, facing the crowd, next to Professor McGonagall, nervously shifting his weight from one foot to the other

"She will come, right? I mean… I could understand if she didn't, but still… She will come, won't she?"

Minerva smiled "When Nymphadora told me you proposed she wore the happiest of smiles. She will be here soon enough, Remus"

The groom wore an emerald green dress robe and a single white rose stuck in the fabric on his chest. He hadn't worn an undamaged robe for months, let alone one that made him feel young and whole, too.

He looked over the guests, seeing happy faces until he met the gaze of the Tonks's, Andromeda crying and Ted eying him suspiciously. 'They don't want her to marry me' shot through his head. What he did not know was, that mothers often cry when they feel like losing their children and that fathers always see the groom of their little pincesses with suspicious eyes, for they never want them to suffer and hardly anyone can be good enough for them. Ted and Andromeda Tonks were happy with the marriage of their daughter, for they knew this was what their daughter wanted, and they could see in Remus Lupins eyes that he loved her with all his heart.

But Remus Lupin was used to people thinking of him as unworthy. He had never experienced that parents saw him as worthy for their daughter, never had someone that wanted him as a son-in-law and therefore he expected Mr and Mrs Tonks not to want him and so he interpreted their behaviour wrong, for he expected them to be disgusted with him being a werewolf.

While Remus was still doubting that his wife-to-be would show up, Nymphadora Tonks stood in front of a mirror in their shared Appartment, deciding to match her hair the embroidery of her white gown. Ivy entwined itself around it, emerald green as her hair was now, along with her eyes. Her hair was tucked up loosely, white roses decorating it and she smiled at her reflection "Nymphadora Andromeda Lupin"

"Yes, dear" her reflection replied, "but only if you hurry up and get going. They won't wait forever, even for the bride, you know?"

"Yeah, you're right… Wotcher, Tonks, you'll be Mrs Lupin the time I come back here!"

With that, Nymphadora Tonks turned on the spot and vanished, only to appear on top of the irish hill, lily petals whirling around her.

All faces turned towards her and she was beaming back at them.

Hermione hurried to bring Nymphadora her bunch of Lilies and white roses and Ted Tonks slowly stood up to walk her over to Remus Lupin.

When Remus saw Nymphadora walk towards him, smiling, all his doubts vanished. She looked so happy and besides, she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen and she was more he had ever wished for. He smiled back at her, feeling at peace with the world and more confident than ever.

"Don't you hurt her" whispered her father into his ear "or it'll be the last you've ever done!"

"I won't Ted. How could I? I love her"

Ted nodded approvingly, then turned to lift up the wedding veil and kiss his daughters cheeks "I love you, Dora"

"I love you, too, Daddy!"

When Ted left, Remus took his place in front of the woman with the emerald green hair that looked astonishing "I… I just… you take my breath away, Nymphadora. I love you" and he looked younger than he had for years, carefree.

"Love you, too, Remus. Now let's get this done with, I want you all for myself" with that, she smiled nervously, taking Remus's hand and turning to face Minerva McGonagall.

"We assembled here today to help tie the ribbon that will connect Remus John Lupin and Nymphadora Andromeda Tonks for all their life and beyond. They decided against the standard wizarding marriage ceremony, for no ministry official would hold it, out of reasons we neither understand nor appreciate. Therefore, they decided on an ancient ceremony that combines two souls through the approval of their family and friends. This is the reason why I ask you" she nodded and Hermione and Ginny took small, silver bowls and stood up, walking through the lines of guests "to pluck out one of your hairs and place them in the silver bowls."

Remus and Nymphadora turned, smiling, to see that everybody plucked a hair out, symbolizing their approval. When Ginny and Hermione had soon reached the last guests, they plucked out their own hairs and walked towards groom and bride, who were holding a slightly bigger silver bowl now in which the girls tipped the content of their bowls.

When they had taken their seat again, Remus and Nymphadora turned to face each other again and Remus plucked his hair out and held it over the bowl "I, Remus John Lupin, promise to love you, Nymphadora Andromeda Tonks, forever, all my life and beyond" with that, he let go of the hair which fell into the bowl, emitting a silvery light.

Then Nymphadora plucked out one of her emerald green ones "I, Nymphadora Andromeda Tonks, promise to love you, Remus John Lupin, forever, all my life and beyond"

After her hair had reached the bottom of the bowl, the content glowed even stronger.

Minerva McGonagall plucked out one of her own, grey hairs and added it to the others, holding her wand over the bowl "We, all the assembled, approve of your marriage and wish you all the best" With a flick of her wand the bowl turned into a ribbon which wriggled around their ring fingers, parting and turning into silver rings, Nymphadoras showing a beautiful emerald on the top of it

"May I now present you Mr Remus John Lupin and Mrs Nymphadora Andromeda Lupin"

The guests stood up when Remus lay his hands around Nymphadoras back, pulling her closer, mumbling "I love you, Mrs Lupin". Nymphadora beamed at him, placing her hands around his neck "And I love you, Mr Lupin"

They shared a kiss that promised everything and apparated to what Nymphadora supposed to be their flat.

When she opened her eyes, she saw a living room that looked just like the one in their flat, only slightly bigger. When she looked out of the window, she saw a garden full of white roses and lilies instead of Mr-next-doors kitchen window.

She turned on the spot until she faced her husband again "Wha..?"

"Well, I…" Remus again shifted his weight from one leg to the other "I always thought this was to big for me alone, but I'm not alone anymore, so I thought why not go and live in the house I grew up? I inherited it from my parents and thought we could, you know… If you want it…"

"Oh Remus, we can come and live here? In the house of your parents? Where you lived as a child? Is that really true? Is that where you went so often these last weeks, telling me you had a surprise?"

"Yeah… I wanted to make sure you felt… well, home here…" He looked more like a small school boy now than like a newly-wed "I love it, Remus!" Their lips met again and Remus lifted his wife (how great that sounded, his wife!) up to carry her up the stairs of their new home, into the bedroom where the bed was decorated with, again, petals of white roses and lilies.

He lay her down onto the bed, kissing her neck and stroking down her sides.

Nymphadora giggled "Wait Remus, I got a surprise for you, too"

Remus drew back, frowning "What is it?" She smiled seductively, took her wand out of nowhere and flicked it. Her wedding gown vanished and in its place, Remus found a white corset, garter belt and stockings.

The air got caught in his throat and his eyes went wide "I... wow… You're beautiful, Dora, gorgeous"

She giggled again, unbuttoning her husbands dress robes and flipping the both of them over, straddling him "So do you, Mr Lupin" she decided her hands were not at all fast enough, so she just took her wand and vanished Remus's clothing, bathing in the sight of the effect she made on him: His member was rock hard, pressing against her entrance, and his head was thrown back, eyes closed.

Nymphadora bit her lip before she slid down onto the floor and in front of the bed and Remus wanted to sit up, look what she was doing, but before he had himself pulled up even half the way he felt her delicious lips taking his cock between them, sucking him in.

She let her tongue flick over the top of it and Lupin fell back onto the bed, groaning "Dora…"

She bopped her head up and down, until her hubands 'wand' touched the back of her throat.

She then kept flicking her tongue over the top, one hand circling the base of his member and the other massaging his balls "Dora… stop, or I'll…" When he felt her lips turning into a smile while he was still in her and flicking her tongue even faster he couldn't help but releasing his sperm into her mouth and she drank every drop of him, licking first his cock clean and then her own lips, not wanting to waste a single drop.

She crawled up straddling him again and kissing him, their tongues battling for lead, the taste of him on her tongue and lips and Remus would never have thought that the taste of his own sperm could arouse him that much.

Nymphadora reached down again, but Remus caught her wrist "Oh no, Mrs Lupin. Gimme a rest. It's your turn now"

And with that he flipped them over again, reaching down to rub at the point that was her clit, kissing her lavishly, enjoying the feeling of her, groaning into his mouth.

He pulled his hand up again, slowly stroking her corset-clad breasts, bending down and nibbling at the top of them.

She felt him grin against her skin and saw him look up, mischievous, before he slowly crawled down and nibbled at her clit, letting his tongue dart out and penetrate her. Dora clutched the sheets "Merlin, yesss!" and Remus grinned again, flicking his tongue over her pearl and loving the taste of her "Remus, I'm… I'm…" He stopped abruptly, not wanting her to come like she had made him. He crawled up again, letting her taste her own juices this time and thrusting into her, conjuring a high-pitched scream against his mouth. Nymphadora groaned, panted and rolled her eyes while Remus felt her inner walls pulsating against his member and he himself came again, into her, collapsing onto her chest.

Slowly Nymphadora dragged her fingers through his hair, caressing him, loving him "I love you, Mr Lupin" "An I love you, Mrs Lupin"

Hope you enjoyed, please review!