Disclaimer: I DO NOT own The Suite Life Of Zack And Cody. All I own is Mark and his mother.

Zack and Cody were playing catch in the lobby when Mr. Moseby came in.

"Zack, Cody, how many times did I tell you not to play catch in the lobby?" Mr. Moseby shouted to them.

"Ask Cody, he's the math geek," Zack said to Mr. Moseby.

"Five hundred and six," Cody responded.

"Why don't you just go to college? It would lighten the hotel's burden," Mr. Moseby said. They walked over to Maddie's candy counter.

"Hey sweet thang. How's about some free chocolate?" Zack asked.

"No, and because you're going to ask me again, no," Maddie responded. Then, a boy and his mother came in threw the revolving door.

"Remember Mark, you cannot fail this job. It is crucial that you follow it," the woman told him.

"Yeah, I know mom," the boy, who was apparently called Mark said.

"Hi, we bought a room on the twenty-third floor under the reservation of Smith," the woman said.

"Yes, I know, here is your key card," Mr. Moseby said.

"Hey, he's moving into our floor! We should go say hi," Cody said, and they walked over to Mark.

"Hey, I'm Cody, and this is my brother Zack, we heard that you're living in the same floor as us," Cody said.

"Cool. I'm Mark, I live with my mom," Mark said.

"What was that job she was talking about?" Zack asked.

"Nothing important. Give me a second," Mark asked, and he looked through a list.

"Can you tell me where I can find a Mr. Donovan?" Mark asked.

"Sure, the wrestler who just checked in. He's sitting right over there," Cody said, pointing to the guy sitting on the Tipton couch.

"Great, hold on," Mark said, he took a suitcase and he went to a secluded area. Zack and Cody followed him.

"This is my job, but it's supposed to be a secret," Mark said.

"We can keep a secret," Cody said.

"OK then," Mark said. He opened the suitcase, and he put on a black cloak. Then, he took out a scythe, and he pointed it towards Mr. Donovan. A white smoke came from his body into the scythe, Mr. Donovan grasped his chest, and he fell over.

"Oh my goodness, what just happened? We need a doctor," Mr. Moseby shouted. Dr. Chip Walters came over.

"He's dead," Dr. Chip said. Zack and Cody looked at Mark.

"What is your job?" Cody asked.

"I'm the Grim Reaper," Mark said.

A/N: I know that this is kind of short, but I promise that future chapters will be longer. And, yes I know, this was kind of rushed, but it's how I work. Please review or I will delete this!