Disclaimer: Throughout this whole story I never implyed, nor am I now, that I own the Winchester characters.

Author's Note: I want to thank all of those who have reviewed and stuck with this story. I really appreciate it. You made me keep pushing myself to get it done. So, for "Voted Out" this is the last chapter! So, enjoy! But, don't worry. Another story will be out for you all to read soon:)

Chapter 9


A surge of emotion rushed through Dean as he jumped out the window after Jo. He knew the demon would do that, so he was on his game and ready. Luckily, he caught Jo by the wrist, but he didn't stop himself so he tumbled out the window as well. Because of his hunter instincts, he acted fast while in mid-air. Flipping himself under Jo and holding onto her tightly, all he heard was Sam yelling his name in a pure panic.

"OH MY GOD! JO! DEAN!" Ellen screamed. Sam took off running down the hall and skidded to a halt at the top of the stairs. He didn't think about Ellen who was trying to catch up with him, all he was worried about was saving his brother--yet again.

"Sam! Wait!" Ellen yelled after Sam who was skipping five steps at a time to make it down faster to Dean. Sam rounded the corner of the first floor and sprinted with all the energy he had left outside.

"Sir! You weren't supposed to be-" the nurse tried to tell him.

"Sam!" Ellen panted as Sam ran outside into a light sprinkle.

"Dean!" Sam whispered when he caught sight of his motionless brother on the ground.

"Jesus!" Ellen mumbled pushing past a frozen Sam and rushing toward the two. "Sam! For God sake! Help me!" Ellen struggled to lift her daughter off of Dean. Sam swallowed his panic, rushed to Ellen's side, lifted Jo off of Dean, and placed her on the grass beside him. "Honey?" Ellen said brushing Jo's hair out of her face.

Sam knelt beside Dean's limp body while Ellen tried waking her unconscious daughter. "Dean?" Sam was scared to touch him. He was scared to find out if Dean had made the fall. He always did stupid things to save people's lives.

"Mom?" Jo whispered squinting to make out her mother's face.

"Oh my God! Jo!" Ellen cried wrapping her arms around her daughter. Jo struggled to sit up and glanced over at Sam once Ellen released her from the hug.

"What-" Jo looked down to see an unconscious Dean. "Dean!?" Sam pushed his fear aside and started shaking Dean.

"Dean?" Sam asked shakily. A few moments of silence passed by before Dean started to stir.

"Why--Why the hell are you shaking me?" Dean grumbled hoarsely.

"Dean!" Sam exclaimed hugging his brother.

"DUDE!" Dean grumbled. "Knock it off!" Sam stopped and smiled. He was glad that his brother wasn't actually dead.

"Don't you ever do that again." Sam said helping his brother up.

"What happened?" Jo asked once they were all on their feet. Dean rubbed his head and then glanced at Jo before looking down at his pants and brushing off the grass. The sprinkles of rain slowed.

"You were possessed." Sam said, filling the awkward silence.

"That doesn't explain why Dean and I were unconscious." Jo said. Ellen and Sam traded glances. Dean needed to be the once to tell her. They didn't know why Dean jumped out the window after her.

Dean knew that he should be the one to tell her. He actually needed to tell himself why he jumped out the window. "The demon…..he sort of made you fall out of the window, and I…uh….went after you." Dean said uncomfortably staring at Jo.

"You jumped out the window….to save me?" Jo asked.

"Uh, ya." Dean said. He hated to admit that he kinda liked Jo so he tried to make a joke out of it. "Well Sammy's afraid of heights, and Ellen is just--well Ellen--so I did."

"I'm surprised you didn't break anything." Sam said quickly switching the subject before Ellen could comment on Dean's joke. "You thought fast. I thought Jo would have landed first." Dean shrugged.

"Well," Jo said after awhile. "I think I owe you a huge thank-you, Dean." Dean moved his eyes to the ground. "So….Thank you….for saving my life."

"Ya, it was nothing. Don't worry about it." Dean smiled awkwardly. Sam looked at the window Jo and Dean fell out of, and then where they both landed. He was still trying to figure out how Dean did it. "I'm just that good, Sammy." Dean said patting his brother on the shoulder, knowing what Sammy was doing.

"Where are you going?" Sam called after Dean who brushed past him.

"We need to get this thing over with!" Dean called over his shoulder. Jo, Ellen, and Sam followed Dean to the Impala's trunk. Dean dug through the trunk for weapons. He pulled out a bottle of Holy Water, salt, Rocksalt gun, and chalk. "Let's go." Dean said balancing the items in one arm, and slamming the trunk with the other.

Dean tucked all of them in his pockets, and with a confident walk, Dean made his way to the Hospital. No one could tell that he just plunged out a 3-story window for a girl.

"Sir!" a nurse said noticing the four of them.

"I don't really have time for this." Dean mumbled under his breath. Dean looked back and Sam who had a "What the hell are we going to do?" look on his face. "Are you the only nurse on call?"

"Wh--Ya." the nurse replied confused.

"And all your patients….?" Dean asked.

"They were sent to different hospitals across the county." the nurse said. "Look I saw this gentleman and this lady just come from upstairs." the nurse pointed to Ellen and Sam. "No one is allowed up there."

"So," Dean said changing the subject. "My Aunt…Lisa wouldn't here?"

"Uh, no." the nurse was oblivious to why Dean was ignoring her comment.

"Is there any security on call?" Dean asked. Sam, Ellen, and Jo looked at Dean. What was he trying to get at?

"Yes. Frank. He's in the restroom right now-" the nurse started. Dean smiled wryly before punching the nurse. She collapsed in unconsciousness to her desk.

"Dean!" Sam shouted. "What the hell are you doing!?"

"I couldn't think of an excuse, and I'm really not in the mood to flirt my way up there. This demon is pissing me off." Dean shrugged flattening himself against the wall beside the Men's room door. "Jo! Scream!"

"What!? No!" Jo snapped.

"Do it!" Dean hissed. Jo looked at her mother who was studying Dean, trying to figure out what was going on. Jo then looked at Sam. Sam nodded.

"HELP! HELP! THE NURSE HAS FAINTED! HELP!" Jo screamed. Dean straightened his spine and anticipated Frank rushing out of the bathroom. Like clockwork, Frank rushed out of the bathroom and was greeted by Dean's elbow in his face, which knocked him out cold.

"Well done." Jo nodded. Dean took off up the stairs and the rest followed.

"Here, Sammy." Dean said tossing the chalk over to him once they got in the room. "We need a Devil's Trap." As Sam started drawing, Dean turned toward Ellen and Jo. "I think it'd be best if you weren't here. I don't want any of you to get hurt." Dean turned toward Jo. "And I don't want to be going out any more windows anytime soon."

"No!" Jo protested.

"We'll be downstairs." Ellen nodded, ignoring Jo's protest. "You'll yell if you need anything?"

"We will." Dean nodded.

"I'm not going! I'm staying here, and I'm going to help!" Jo said. Ellen grabbed her daughter's arm and drug her towards the door.

"Finished." Sam sighed marveling at his work.

"Good. Now all we have to do is--" Dean started. Ellen swung the door open, and she was face to face with a spirit. She didn't even have time to scream before it sent her flying across the room.

Sam rushed to help Ellen up. Dean turned to Jo. "JO! GET AWAY FROM THERE!" However, Jo was mesmerized by the spirit. She had never been that close to one. With one big swoop, Dean grabbed Jo by the waist and drug her back before the spirit could even touch her. "Sam! Can you hurry up, please?" Dean asked. Sam gave up on getting Ellen up and propped her safely at of harms way by the corner, and threw a hospital sheet on her.

"Dean, what chant-" Sam started. Sam looked up from Ellen and noticed who the spirit was. "Gordon." he hissed.

"Hello, Sammy." Gordon smiled evilly. "Got some unfinished business."

Dean glared at the spirit. "I'd stay away from us, if I were you."

"Oh, Dean." Gordon cackled. "I hoped I would see you again, but before I get to you I need to finish things with your brother."

"You aren't touching him." Dean said through gritted teeth. Sam made his way to Dean's side.

"You know where the morgue is, right?" Sam whispered. "I can hold him off."

"No." Dean said roughly. "I'm not going to do that."

"It's the only way. Give me the Rocksalt gun. I'll be fine." Sam said. "It's the only way. He wants me."

"Touching. You boys." Gordon mocked.

"Go to hell!" Dean spat. Gordon smiled teasingly as the eldest Winchester handed the gun to the youngest hesitantly. Sam grabbed Jo's arm and drug her by her mother. He threw a "Don't move" look to Jo and looked at Gordon.

"You want me?" Sam asked fanning his arms out. "Come get me."

"Sam! No!" Dean protested. Gordon smiled and charged at Sam. Dean ran out the door, but paused only for a moment to see his youngest brother shoot Gordon. He took off down the hallway as Gordon reappeared in the room and was greeted by another blast from the gun. However, this time Gordon didn't appear in front of Sam. In one big blur, Sam was up in the air gasping for breath.

"Sam!" Jo exclaimed.

"You thought you could deceive me? After all you did to me?" Gordon hissed. "You thought you would win!?"

"I…will….win." Sam choked out.

"How?" Gordon asked, intrigued by his willpower. "Can people win when they're dead?"

"You aren't winning, are you?" Jo asked grabbing the Rocksalt gun that fell from Sam's hands. She loaded it quickly and shot it at Gordon's head. Sam dropped to the floor in one big heap.


Dean raced to the morgue. Before he knew it, his tires where squealing into the parking lot. He jumped out and grabbed salt, matches, and gasoline. He fumbled in his pocket for some paper clips and tried picking the lock. Sam was always the best at it, but thinking about Sam motivated him to get the job done faster. It was a stupid idea doing this. He shouldn't have left. He had a feeling in the pit of his stomach that something was wrong. Nevertheless, he got the lock picked. He picked up his stuff and ran inside. The place was unusually dark and eerie, but that didn't stop Dean's drive and determination.

After looking up his name on a Roster sheet, Dean found himself right in front of Gordon's slot. He slid the tray out and dumped all the salt on him and all the gasoline and lit a match. He hesitated, only for a moment, before watching Gordon burst into flames.

Quicker than Dean had ever been in his life, he cleaned up his mess and hightailed it out of there. Before long, he was screeching to a halt in the hospital parking lot and rushing inside and past the still unconscious security officer and nurse and up to the room.

Jo had her arms folded and was staring at Sam wildly.

"What's going on?" Dean panted, still trying to catch his breath. "Is Gordon gone?"

"Ya." Jo nodded, not removing her gaze from Sam. "The demon's back, and it's not very smart."

"I'll be coming after you-" Sam started his eyes turning black. Dean glanced down at the floor and saw that Sam was trapped in the Devil's Trap.

"What happened?" Dean asked.

"Gordon ended up choking Sam. I rock salted him and Sam got knocked out, but when Sam woke up he wasn't Sam. The demon obviously thought I was stupid, and it tried to kill me by trying to be Sam, but I led it into the Devil's Trap instead." Jo gloated.

"I thought catching you would be harder." Dean shrugged. Jo smiled, and stepped back so Dean could start the chant.

While doing the chant, Jo walked over to Ellen who was stirring. "What-" Ellen started after Jo took the hospital sheet off of her. "Why is there-"

"To protect you. Sam's idea." Jo smiled.

"What the hell is going on?" Ellen asked standing up.

"Gordon choked Sam, Dean killed Gordon, Demon possessed Sam, Dean doing exorcism." Jo informed her. Dean finished the chant, and Sam snapped his head toward the ceiling and the demon came out of him and made him crash to the ground. Jo watched as the demon seeped through the Devil's Trap.

"It's going to hell right? I mean, it's not coming back?" Jo asked her mom as Dean helped Sam up.

"Ya, it's not coming back." Ellen said.

"It possessed me didn't it?" Sam asked rubbing his head.

"Ya, Sammy. It did." Dean nodded.

"So, we're done?" Sam asked.

"Ya, with this job." Dean nodded. Sam walked over to Ellen and Jo, Dean followed hesitantly.

"Thank you guys. I'm sure we'd all be dead without you." Sam smiled.

"Likewise." Jo said glancing toward Dean with a smile.

"We should be hitting the road, Sammy." Dean said after awhile.

"Same here." Ellen said following the boys out of the room, downstairs, and out into the parking lot. "If you boys need anything-"

"We'll call." Sam nodded as Dean revved up the Impala. Sam jumped into the passenger seat as Dean put it in Drive and hit the accelerator. Dean looked back, only once, to see Jo slowly walk back to their car. However, little did the Winchester's know their troubles were only going to get worse.