Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

Author's Note: This just randomly came into my head. It's not my best work, and I'm not that proud, but I hope someone out there likes it.

Summary: A short rant by Sakura, in which she tells it how it is.

I'm not a princess.

I'm not Little Miss Perfect.

I'm not ugly. I'm not sexy. I'm not innocent.

I'm a kunoichi, and I'm bloody, mean and deadly.

But I'm also sunny, smart and nurturing. I'm a medic-nin.

I'm not the strongest ninja in the village.

I'm not the weakest.

I won't betray my friends and I'm not afraid to die.

Death is my gift. Life is my gift. That is my ninja way.

My hands are stained with blood. My heart filled with ice.

My hands have saved lives. My heart loves many.

I'm not sadistic. I'm not insane. I'm not heartless.

I won't cry when I shouldn't. I will never give up.

I'm not Naruto. I don't have boundless energy, and a demon. I won't be Hokage. I can't always save the day. I'm not Naruto, but sometimes I secretly wish I was.

I'm not Sasuke. I don't obsess with revenge, I love my friends, and Sharingan doesn't haunt my dreams… at least mostly. I don't like snakes, and I'm not a prodigy. I'm not Sasuke and I'm okay with it.

I'm not Kakashi. I'll never be the copy ninja, and I'll never read Icha Icha Paradise. I don't have ninja dogs, but I share the same shampoo as them. I don't wear a mask, and I'm not aloof. I'm raw, and emotional, and not afraid to scream. My teammates are still alive and I'm going to make damn sure it stays that way. I'm not Kakashi, and I hope I'll never be.

I'm not Tsunade. I don't drink and I don't gamble. I'm not hiding my appearance, and blood doesn't scare me as much as it should. I don't have any debts, and I'm not lazy. I'm not Tsunade, but sometimes it feels like I am.

I'm Sakura. I'm the weakest member of Team 7, and I'm okay with it. I don't have demon chakra, or Sharingan, or ninja dogs. I have healing jutsu and monstrous strength. I'm not going to be Hokage, I'm not going to kill my brother, I'm not going to drown my pain in sake, and I'm not going to read porn.

I'm Sakura. I'm the girl that heals all the bruises and broken bones. I wipe away the blood, and try to put the pieces back together. I'm the shoulder to cry on, the backup that's always there. I like to cause scenes and my hair is pink. I'm not cocky, I'm not ignorant.

I'm just me.