A/N: I only own Melanie Rosella Gacerez-McMahon. This takes place on July 23, 2007

Extended Summary: Melanie Gacerez-McMahon, a WWE diva and wrestler, finds herself in a most difficult position when given a new storyline. At first, she was in love with just one guy but as time passed on, she found herself starting to have feelings for the other guy in the storyline. But what happens if we add a third guy, who may change her world around. There are three guys, who each have something to prove to her. Who does she end up with in the end? Well that's a journey you're gonna have to take through reading this story.

The Next Victim

Melanie, a petite filipina girl, stood in the women's locker room dressing up. She was dressing into a nice mini-skirt that was really short. She slipped on a mid-riff halter top that was white. The next thing she slipped on were her white tennis shoes. She fixed her black waist-length hair into a pony-tail with a couple of her hair slipping down her face. She did her make-up while Maria and Alexis were talking in the room. Alexis looked at her friend.

"Well who are we trying to impress, Lia?" Alexis asked as Maria chuckled.

"Oh no one in particular. I have to get ready with helping Cody and Dusty." Melanie said as she took one last look at herself in the mirror.

"Right." Alexis said.

"You must be trying to impress Cody." Maria said.

Melanie blushed then looked at her friends again.

"No and I have to go now." Melanie said rushing out of the room.

Maria looked at Alexis.

"She likes him." Maria said.

"I agree totally." Alexis said as they went to talking again.

Melanie walked towards the gorilla position. She was really nervous with what she was about to do. She couldn't help it. She had never been in this type of story-line but of course she was willing to take the risk. But there was one thing that was making her nervous above all things. Cody Runnels. He had been the one thing that had been on her mind since his debut. And ever since they first interacted, Melanie had fallen in love with him. Well maybe not fallen in love with him but held a crush on him. She didn't know what attracted her to him. Maybe it was the fact that he was a nice guy and that he was a family man. But he knew what he wanted in the business. She, of course, knew what she wanted in the business as well. Her background had gotten her here. She wanted nothing more than to leave her past behind. It was a horrible past that was for sure. But she would rather not speak of it. She made her way to the gorilla position and waited for her cue.

Conclusion of the Cody vs Randy Match

Cody's match ended with him losing to Randy. Randy was about to attack Cody but Dusty came to save his son. Randy had gotten out of the ring at that time. He stood outside of the ring. Dusty was checking to see if Cody was okay. Cody was laying against the ropes. As Dusty bent down to check his son, Randy attacked him. This was Melanie's cue. She rushed out from behind the curtain. She and Randy had a little problem in the past. During his days in Evolution. And now the problem was just growing. Melanie slid under the ropes and helped the refs with trying to push Randy back. She looked into Randy's blue eyes.

JR: Oh my god, King! It's Melanie!

King: I can see that, JR! And she's standing up to Randy.

"Stop this, Randy! Why are you doing this?!" Melanie exclaimed as Randy tried to get through to Cody and Dusty.

Out of nowhere, Randy felt pain in his cheek. He placed his hand on his cheek.

King: Oh my gosh! Melanie has just smacked Randy Orton on the face!

JR: I can't believe it. This woman has a lot of courage to step into this ring with him.

Melanie held her composure after she smacked Randy hard on the face. She looked at him through her piercing brown eyes. For a moment, he regretted what he did. And in that matter of time, Randy realized something. Something he wanted. He stepped out of the ring and watched as Melanie rushed over to Cody and Dusty. Dusty was knocked out next to Cody. Melanie kneeled on her knees. Cody kneeled beside her looking at his father.

"Dusty, can you hear me?" Melanie asked as Dusty tried opening his eyes.

Dusty wasn't able to say anything. He was lost somewhere. The EMTS had gotten a stretcher to place Dusty on. Cody and Melanie slid out of the ring. Cody looked like he was going to cry. Melanie looked at Cody. She placed a hand on his shoulder.

"He's gonna be okay, Cody." Melanie said as the EMTs pushed the stretcher to the back.

As soon as they stepped into the back, Cody stood beside his father. They were going to get him into an ambulance. Melanie followed behind them. Cody looked at her and walked back over. He cupped her face in his hands. Melanie felt tears coming down her face. She didn't know why she was crying really. She just felt the need to cry. She wanted to show Cody that she was strong and that she was here for him. Never did she want to break down in front of him like this. She wanted to be his support system. She was going to be the one that held him up during this moment. But here she was crying and he stood there cupping her face.

"He's gonna be okay, Mel. Like you said. He's gonna be okay." Cody said as he touched his forehead with hers.

Melanie smiled at him weakly. She felt her hands wrap around his neck. She pulled him closer to her so that their lips were brushing against each other.

"Call me when you get news on him." Melanie said.

"You know I will." Cody said.

The two held their position as Dusty was being put into the ambulance.

"I love you." Melanie whispered as she kissed him on the lips.

"I love you too." Cody said when they pulled apart.

Melanie watched as Cody walked over to his father. He stepped into the ambulance trunk. Melanie watched as the ambulance trunk drove away. She wiped her tears and turned to walk towards the women's locker room. In a moment, she felt that her world was falling apart. And now all she wanted to do was lay in bed. All after facing Randy in the ring and smacking him hard across the face. She felt weak. All she wanted to do was feel his arms around her. She needed to be in his arms where she felt secure. The place she felt where she belonged. But that would have to wait. Because he had other things to do. And other things to worry about. Melanie walked into the women's locker room and grabbed her belongings. She started to pack her clothes and get ready to go to the hotel. Alexis, Maria, and Candice were in the women's locker room.

"You're leaving so soon, Lia. You all right?" Candice asked.

"Just tired, Candy." Melanie said.

"Tired from what? Saving Cody?" Maria asked giggling.

Melanie smiled.

"No just tired from smacking the shit out of Randy." Melanie said.

Alexis chuckled.

"Yeah that smack was pretty loud. I think we taught our girl so well." Alexis said.

Melanie smacked her best friend on the arm.

"You girls taught me really well that was for sure. Well I should be going now. I need to get some sleep." Melanie said.

"All right. Night Lia!" The three girls said in unison.

"Bye girls!" Melanie said walking out of the women's locker room.

Melanie walked towards her car. She got everything in the car. She didn't realize that aynone was actually watching her. But the person had their eyes set on her. They watched her carefully. Making sure to study her every move. And stalking her like she was a prey. She was stepping into the car when the person turned back to look at her. As she drove away, the person had a very good idea. And this idea was going to have Melanie apart of it.

Melanie was the next victim on their list

A/N: Well there's my first chapter. Wonder who this person is? And what's going on with Cody and Melanie. Interesting things happening. Hope you like it! I don't know who I want Melanie to end up with yet. So yeah please review!