(AN:) My 1st story on yea claps well...umm anyways the first three chapters of my lovely Inu/Kag

Story will be kinda well lame-ish??? is that a word? well trust me it gets better after that so bare with me for a bit and enjoy my somewhat cool story lol. and if you liked it plz review. if you want to give me some pointers I'd love that too since it is my 1st fanfic. flame it too if you want cause you have every right to state your opinion and I have every right to ignore it if I so wish :) bye and I'll update soon!

It was a cool afternoon day. The village was quiet and calm. The wind blew gently on the rust colored leaves barely lifting them from the ground. A conversation can be heard near the entrance of the village. Four village men are surrounding a group, as fear and concern is shown on their faces.

"So you see my friends we fear it is a jewel shard that is causing the demons to attack our village more frequently. They must be seeking revenge for the many times our village has defeated them."

"aye it is so" the other three nod in agreement

Miroku and Sango both look at each other with a serious look before turning to Inuyasha who nods and asks kagome,

"kagome...do you sense any shards?"

Kagome looks then points a finger to a set of mountains before nodding,

"yes, up there near the tip of the middle mountain I sense two separate shards and a set of three."

Miroku sighs and walks up to the men"very well then, we will help defeat these demons and assure your village won't be attacked by them again."

the village men smile and sigh in relief. The eldest grabs miroku's hand and shakes it

"Thank ye monk ye and your friends please you are all welcome to stay at the main house until the attack begins."

with that they head in the direction of a hut to tell the others of the plan. Sango walks up to Miroku and holds his hand gently

"Miroku dear what's the plan?"

"Well this is more for Inuyasha since he will be the one to track down their exact moment of attack."

the two stare at Inuyasha who replies

"what else miroku? We'll wait for them to attack in the spot the villagers told us about, kill them and get the shards that simple."

"kill them and get the shards hardly begins to explain our plan Inuyasha ...moron."

"feh, why don't I sacrifice you to the demons so they'll stop and give up the shards that might work!"

Inuyasha at this point had started walking up to miroku lifting up his sleeve and balling up his fist ready to punch the monk out. Miroku shrinked back a bit and hid behind sango, who gave a "do your thing" look towards kagome who simply sighed and said, "Inuyasha...sit boy"

Kagome, with shippo on her shoulder, walked past inuyasha who was cursing her under the dirt, and stopped in front of miroku.

"look lets worry about our plan later, when it's around the time for us to wait for the attack. For now let's check out the main house and get some rest."

Kagome smiles and walks in the direction of the main house with miroku and sango following behind.

Kagome turns around and shouts out towards inuyasha

"hey catch up inuyasha or we'll leave you behind!"

Inuyasha lifts himself up and wipes the dust from his haori before stomping off in the direction the others were taking. Mumbling to himself,

" It's been over a year and she hasn't changed a bit geez what's it take to get some respect around here. No appreciation at all!"

On top of a mountain three demons stand overlooking the village below. The first one is of a broad build wearing a blue and white hakama with black armor spikes surrounding the whole armor. He has a greenish skin color and emerald colored eyes with a dark orange hair. The Second one wore a similar outfit but his skin was a slightly darker green and his eyes were a bright red. The last one who stood taller than the other two wore a red and black hakama with marble colored armor. On his shoulder was a rather large staff which glowed a menacing black aura. He possessed more human like traits than the other two his skin a ghostly pale color his eyes are a piercing turquoise color and his smile showed knowledge of something the other two demons knew nothing about. They continue to watch the village as the demon army behind them begin to grow restless with anticipation of the raid of the village coming that night. The second demon is the first to speak and directs his question to the leader.

" brother, tell me what are we to do now?

"what do you mean mashii?"

"the two demons we sent to scout the village earlier have informed us of the group of demon exterminators, what are we to do about them?"
the demon stares at Mashii then chuckles

"I am not concerned about a half demon or a demon slayer even more less of a monk and a priestess. They are no match for our tactics my brothers. They are most likely assuming that we are blood thirsty demons seeking only to end the lives of those pathetic humans. Who are willing to blindly to go to battle."

The demon next to Mashii, Niiro eyed his brother strangely then asked,

" Toruko, by the tone in your voice I should assume you have some sort of plan to stop these humans from stopping our attack am I right?"

"yes brother I do indeed have a plan. And it's quite simple we will surprise them."

both demons stare at Toruko a bit confused

"surprise them?"

"yes, if you two haven't noticed the young miko possesses a large fragment of the jewel all we simply have to do is separate them from the girl, convince them we will be attacking from a specific location and then quickly attack from the opposite end. We take the jewel fragment and kill those villagers that have humiliated us for the last time."

Mashii stares at Toruko for a moment before replying,

"are you sure this will work brother we cannot afford to underestimate those people down there."

I know Mashii do not worry though everything will work out fine. Now, call the other demons align them and inform them of our new strategy. They must keep the demon slayer, monk and half demon as busy as possible...leave the miko to me."

The two brothers bow in understanding and walk towards the troops shouting orders as they near them.

Toruko remains behind keeping a vigilant watch on the village, specifically the main house where he sees the jewel fragment's glow. Smirking a bit he talks to himself,

"soon miko very soon I shall claim that jewel fragment that you possess and then...I will end your life."

With that he turns and prepares for the upcoming attack.