A/N: Epilogue! WHEE! One less story to worry about! Now I only have to finish… You Think You're a Man, Vampire Angels and Veelas, Retake and This City is Far From Here. Wow. I know This City is Far From Here won't be that long, and yeah, my only two long ones are Vampire Angels and Veelas and Retake, those are going to be longer yet. But other than that…I'm good.

WARNING: Fluff, M-Preg (what? I couldn't help it okay?) and SLASH!

DISCLAIMER: Don't own it! Obviously.

Epilogue: Six Years

"Daddy!" A little girl cried as she ran to her dad. "You're home!" She jumped into her dad's arms. He laughed and swung her around in circles. Her white-blonde hair shining, her emerald eyes bright with happiness.

"Where's your mummy?" He asked the young five year old.

She giggled and pointed to the kitchen. "Mummy is in there… Daddy…can I get a kitty?"

Harry laughed and kissed her cheek. "We'll go see what we can find, okay?"

"Yay!" She giggled and ran outside to play in the sun. He grinned and walked to the kitchen. He stepped behind his husband of five years, hugging him around the waist. He kissed his cheek.

"I'm back." He said, grinning as Draco's eyes brightened and he jumped into Harry's arms.

"Finally! Gosh, it's been two days! I hate when you go on business trips. Then I have to take care of that crazy brat out there!" He said jokingly. Arianna in fact could be quite a brat, but Draco handled her much better than Harry. He was too much of a push over when it came to her.

"Well, it seems we'll be taking a trip to Diagon Alley today."

"What? Why?"

"Miss Arianna wants a kitty."

"What?! You told her yes! I had told her no!"

"But Draco, don't you love kitties?"

"I'll have to take care of it though!"

"You did a fine job with Hugo!" Draco blushed at being reminded of the name he had given kitty Harry.

"Harry, I was silly then! If you were a real cat, I probably would have killed you with all the cake and junk I gave you!"

"Only because you loved Hugo Armani Malfoy SOOOO much! You're a puddle of love, I think you it'd be a nice to get a kitty."

Draco rolled his eyes. "Fine! But you're taking care of it! AND, if it pisses anywhere on my perfect carpet I'll kick it out! If that thing scratches anything, I will get rid of it!"

"Oh, you're just being a Mr. Cranky pants. Come on; let's get the kitty. I think it'd be nice for Arianna to have a pet."

"Fine!" Draco cried exasperated.

Arianna pouted as she crossed her arms. She had only gotten a few seconds with her kitty before her mummy had it held captive! She had decided to name the cute little thing Hugo; he had black, black fur and big green eyes, she had loved it instantly. Apparently so did her mummy.

"MUMMY! I want Hugo now!"

"Not now sweetheart, me and Hugo here are bonding."


Harry stood by laughing. The second Draco had seen the cat picked out and the name, he had feel in love with the tiny creature.

"Draco, let her play with the cat. It is hers after all."

Draco pouted but gave the kitty to Arianna. Harry laughed. They were so much alike. "Go play with your kitty now Arianna, dear." Harry sent her on her way to play with the tiny thing. He sat down by his pouting husband and gave him a gentle kiss. "Hey, you already had a kitty named Hugo, and if I recall, he looked just like this one, let her have her fun."

"But Harry! You were Hugo! Here I thought I had a sweet little cat, then looked what it came out to be!"

"I didn't hear you complaining before…"

Draco laughed and hugged his husband. "I'm just kidding. I loved having you as a kitty. And I'm glad it turned out to be you." He kissed his cheek.

Harry smirked. "You better be, I had to go through a lot being a cat!"

"But now you have me, so quit complaining." Harry grinned.

"I wasn't planning on complaining." He grabbed Draco around the middle, pulling him onto his lap. Draco blushed.

"Harry, Arianna could come in at any second!"

Harry nuzzled his neck, a low noise erupting from his throat. It took Draco a few seconds to realize he was…purring! "But your kitty wants to play Draco, she has her kitty, you have yours. I think you should really be taking care of him…" He purred more, his hand gliding up Draco's shirt…

"Ooh…oh my…" Draco jumped up, grabbed Harry's hand and ran to the bedroom. Arianna walked into the house as they scurried to their room.

"Mummy? Don't you want to play with Hugo some more?"

Draco stopped long enough to answer. "I'm going to sweetie, just go outside for awhile, okay?"

It was years later, when Arianna finally was old enough to understand what her 'Mummy' and Daddy got up to in the bedroom, did she finally get what her mummy meant. "Ew!"


A/N: Ha-ha-ha, I loved it! Oh my god, Arianna, so cute! Ha-ha, yeah, this is done now, so leave me happy reviews, okay!

Hugs, KITTIES and spreading of DRACO'S crack!

Laynie xox