Summary: Fred is gone, and now George has to move on. This is a bunch of one-shots about George remembering his fallen brother throughout the rest of his life.

A/N: This is my idea of what happened to George after Fred Died. I know everyone is doing this, but I have to. I feel obligated with the Twins being two of my favorite characters.

Disclaimer: Harry Potter and all characters and plotlines from it belong to JKR. Anything she doesn't own is mine.


Chapter 1: Gone Forever

George knelt down next to his twin's head. His mother had thrown herself onto Fred's chest, shaking with sobs, and he bit his own lip, trying to hold back his own tears that fought to escape. Somehow, he couldn't cry if he looked at his brother's face, at that smile that would stay etched there forever. As much as it hurt knowing that he'd never hear Fred's laugh again, or ever even hear his voice, he couldn't cry.

Maybe the realization of his twin's death hadn't really hit him yet.

He knew it would though... eventually.

George didn't know how long he sat there with Fred, staring at his last smile. Hell, he didn't even know what was going on outside of the little bubble of existence that he'd created around himself and Fred. He knew that his parents and siblings had dragged themselves away for a while, to celebrate with everyone else. They were trying to prove to themselves that there was still happiness in their future.

George didn't mind that they had left, because he was celebrating Voldemort's death with his other half. "Well Fred, who knew we'd both see the day right?" He almost smiled, but remembered that his twin had died before Voldemort had. His lip twitched, "Well, I hope you know what happened anyway..." He ran a hand over Fred's face, slowly closing his brother's blank, staring eyes with two fingers. "No use staring at nothing. Your eyes will get tired." He swallowed, and the first tear rand down his cheek...

Then the second...

Then the third...

And he finally began to cry.

Finally, at that moment, he realized with the full force what had happened, and he knew that there would never again be true happiness in his life .