A/N: Yay! So Here's the next drabble in this little compilation. There should be more to come soon.
The blonde whined as another bolt shot down to the ground with a violent crack. He'd always had a fear of storms, and it seemed to have gotten worse as the years passed. "I hate you..." He spat to no one in particular, pulling the covers further over his face.
Unknown to him another male had entered the room and stepped up behind him. The figure stopped near the blonde's bundle of quivering sheets and watched the dark silhouette for a minute. Forde was afraid? Of what? And with that though another bolt of lightning cracked outside the window and a small cry was heard from within Forde's sheets. Kyle's face fell into a sympathetic grimace as he pulled the sheets down gently and sat on the bed, pulling his friend into his lap. He hushed him before wrapping his arms around the smaller male. "Don't worry" the green haired male sighed, "I'll protect you."
A/N: I do apologise to all of you lovely, lovely readers and reviewers, my short stories must annoy the heck outta you ;; but I do try to be funny. So please just bear with me