Disclaimer- I do not own Harry Potter.

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Chapter I- The Changing of Houses

"You want to what!" James Potter spat out furiously as he tried process what the Headmaster just told him. Lily Potter on the meanwhile looked like she was on the verge of tears, but after all, what good self-respecting Gryffindor wouldn't be?

"You heard what I said James," Dumbledore replied, unfazed by the Potters' reaction. "As the future hope of the Wizarding world, Harry needs to understand that not all Slytherins are evil, only the ones who choose to be." He paused for a moment to pop a delicious lemon pop into his mouth. "And in order for him to do that, he must become a Slytherin for at least a year."

"Bu-But he's going to be eaten up alive in there!" Lily was terrified by what those sneaky, disgusting Slytherins would do to his precious son. "And why do that? Harry is the perfect student! Aside from his attitude problem, he is a model kid!" Well the Boy-Who-Lived had a pretty big attitude problem though. To put it simply, his ego was so big that he could make the Malfoys feel like Mudbloods in comparison.

"Exactly," James said in agreement with his lovely wife. "In his past two years at Hogwarts alone, Harry has done more things than most people do in their lifetime! What other preteen was able to kill a mountain troll, defeat a fully trained wizard possessed by Voldemort, defeat a beast that could kill at a glance, defeat an enchanted object possessed by Tom Riddle and still finding the time to be the best damn Seeker in the entire school!"

"And most importantly," the red-haired woman added proudly, "He still managed to be at the very top of his entire class for Transfiguration, Charms and Defense Against the Dark Arts!"

"I am all aware of young Harry's incredible achievements," the Headmaster said while he popped yet another lemon pop into his mouth. Of course I know, thought the elderly man, he has yet to stop bragging about it! "But no matter how great he is, we cannot merely excuse all of the negative things he has done to others in his time here!"

"I know that my son can be a bit of an arrogant prat at time but he's a good kid at heart," James defensively said, "What other child would risk his life to save the school and everybody in it?"

"Oh your son is indeed a generally nice young man," Dumbledore said in agreement, "Of course only to everyone except the Slytherins. In the past two years alone, he has managed to prank, hospitalize, and enrage more Slytherins than you, Sirius, Remus and Peter have ever done in your seven years. So many families are already complaining about your son's disdainful attitude towards those who wear green. I cannot merely allow him to get off without punishment, you two should know that."

"But haven't you heard of the Muggle concept of a 'cruel and unjust punishment'?" Lily inquired while James tried to remember how many Slytherins he had tricked in his years at Hogwarts. "Why not make him do detentions for a whole year, or maybe remove Quidditch privileges? Making him live with the Slytherins, go to class with the Slytherins, and generally making him become a Slytherin is too much!"

"Why yes, I have heard about that ingenious concept, but nonetheless it is either this or expulsion. The powers that be gave me an ultimatum- Either I should expel Harry, or else they would all use their political influence to remove me- and they have more than enough- then they will expel Harry."

Dumbledore merely ignored the fuming Gryffindor as he continued speaking. "I was not prepared to let either of those things happen, so I decided to make a suggestion of my own. I suggested that Harry Potter was to be a Slytherin for at least a year and if by the end of his year, he has changed for the better, than he will be allowed to stay in Hogwarts."

"And what if he hasn't changed at all?"

"Then I must unfortunately expel him," the Headmaster gravely said. "The Slytherins agreed to my suggestion rather eagerly- I believe they think that Harry will not live up to the challenge. My beliefs are quite opposite- I do think that if he tried hard enough, your son will realize that Slytherins are humans just like all of us."

"Well then I guess you don't know my son very well at all," Lily muttered under her breath.

"Anymore questions?"

'Far too many to ask now," muttered the distressed father.

"Well we've got to be off now and tell my son the awful news." As he and his wife prepared to leave the room, Lily then added, "Thanks for not giving into their commands, sir. We appreciate it that you're giving Harry a chance to save himself from getting expelled…"

"Glad to do it," Dumbledore replied as his two former-students left his office. As he stared into the starry night, he knew that the life of Harry Potter would forever be changed by this.

Whether it was for the better or for the worst, he honestly did not know.

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"I have to what!" said the Boy-Who-Lived furiously at his parents. "I'm not going to let myself become into a dirty Slytherin!"

"Well either it's that or expulsion," Lily told him in a futile attempt to calm her son. "And besides, it'll only be for a year."

"Oh yeah, it's only a year with snakes sounds like so much fun," Harry snidely remarked as he absentmindedly wiped his glasses. For a very brief moment Lily seriously wanted to point out how Malfoy-ish he had just sounded, but he didn't want to further infuriate her son even more. "I look forward to all the fun slumber parties filled with fun unisex contests about who has the best looking hair, and most importantly, the oh-so important fun dialogues about who has the 'purest' family line. I'll seriously have such a fun time there."

"So I take it that you're willing to go?" James asked, secretly amused by the great distaste shown by his son towards the Slytherins.

"Do dogs like to lick their arse for the hell of it or do they have a choice?" Harry retorted rudely.

Lily and James glanced awkwardly at each other for about a second with their eyes asking the same question- How in the hell did we raise such a spoiled prat? "Ok, so I take it you're complying then."

Harry then nodded before he asked, "So mum can I ask you a question?"

"Of course dear."

"After this year am I still allowed to have 'fun' with those Slytherin basta- I mean Slytherins?"

The two exasperated parents looked agonizingly at each other for a few moments, before they slowly shook their heads in disappointment. They had a feeling that his third year was going to be one exciting and fun year for Harry Potter.

Authors Notes

Premise- I pretty much just added a twist to the whole 'Harry is raised by the Potters but he's a Slytherin' cliché. Instead of Harry being born a humble yet incredibly intelligent Slytherin, this Harry will be the total opposite. He is an arrogant prick, an incredibly intelligent and talented one of course, but he is still a prat. The Boy-Who-Lived has a deep hatred for Slytherin, but he will come to understand and become a part of them, as the story continues.

Pairings- If I do have pairings it will be Harry/Slytherin Girl but that's just a maybe.

Next Chapter- Harry prepares to go to Hogwarts and he boards the Express. Expect the next chapter to be much longer.