A/N:Hoeee…at least I can update this story…, sorry for the long-far-long wait for this chapter. It's just…the plot hasn't sunk enough and I lose interest in continuing, but now, I have mood to write it, heheh. Anyway, no need to read my babble here. Please do read and ENJOY!

Disclaimer: Naruto is not mine and never will be…

Warning:foul language, oOC-ness (a bit), yaoi thing (slight ItaNaru and sasuNaru)…


Chapter 3: How does Alien Eat?

—Konoha's City; Sasuke's house-living room; 13:30—

Sasuke yawned slightly when he flipped the page of his book, while Naruto was examining the television in interested look. Sasuke glanced slowly at Naruto who was somehow shouting how strange the television was in excited look. He sighed while blushing slightly again when he felt that Naruto was indeed really bright and cute. Sasuke covered his face with his book in embarrassment.

Hasn't mom done yet with the lunch…?

Sasuke thought silently. He really couldn't stand being alone with Naruto. He didn't know what accident might occur if they're alone together like this.

"Ne, ne, Sasuke," Naruto's call startled the raven as he suddenly clasped shut his book in loud sound. Naruto looked at him oddly. "What's wrong?" he asked in complete wonder to Sasuke's response.

"It's…it's nothing!" Sasuke replied nervously and then he looked at Naruto's face directly instantly blushing again as he tried to look away. "Do-do you need something?" Sasuke asked slowly. Man, did he stutter again just now?

"Well, I'm kind of hungry, why don't we go out to find some food?" Naruto asked in sheepish grin.

"If you want food, mother is making them. Just wait for awhile and we can eat together at home," Sasuke said.

"Eeeh? Humans eat at home? Fushigi da ne (it's quite strange)…," Naruto said slowly in surprised look.

"Well, it's not always at home…, but what do you mean by being strange? Usually people eat at their house, right? Doesn't alien do the same?" Sasuke said in confused look.

Naruto shook his head. "Nope…our way to eat is rather…different," Naruto said while thinking.

"Your eating way…? What kind of way it is?" Sasuke asked, interested to the new news. He really wanted to see how alien ate.

"Well…it's…," Naruto looked pretty troubled at that. He coughed slightly and then, "It's a secret," he said while grinning.

"Aaah, it's not fair, Naruto!" Sasuke said while putting his book down and standing, walking straightly to Naruto. "Hey, tell me, how you eat something," he said, prying the blonde.

"No way, I don't want to!" Naruto stepped back and then they ended up playing tag.

"Hey, don't be so stingy! Let me know!" Sasuke shouted while chasing after the blond alien.

"I don't want to, Sasuke!" Naruto replied while running away from him, running around inside the house.

"Hey, wait! You'll not lose anything by telling me, right?" Sasuke shouted.

"Even so…I don't want to tell you!" Naruto thrust his tongue out to Sasuke in teasing face and it pissed Sasuke off.

"Heeeey!!" Sasuke shouted again still chasing after him.

The two boys continued playing tags until suddenly Naruto tripped and fell to the floor. "Whoa!!" he shouted in surprised as he fell, and because Sasuke was running too fast, he couldn't stop his feet and ended up tripping as well on Naruto's feet.

"Whoaaaa!!" Sasuke shouted in surprise as he fell on top of Naruto and their head hit each other very hard.

"OUCH!!" the two boys yelped in pain at the same time while holding their bumped head. "Ouch-ouch-ouch—!" they whimpered painfully at the throbbing head.

"What are you doing, Usuratonkachi!?" Sasuke shouted in annoyance by giving the pet name to Naruto.

"Teme, it's your fault for chasing after me!!" Naruto yelled back in annoyance as well. Then the two boys opened their eyes, wanting to yell at ach other again, but somehow their voice dried out on their throat as they realized in what kind of position they were.

THUMP Sasuke's heart suddenly beat hard once, and then it continued beating so fast, hammering his chest when he looked at Naruto's azure eyes underneath his gaze. Slowly but surely, the heat crept on his face when he saw those cute face and soft pink lips.

Sasuke…, Sasuke move from here! Move…! Don't stare at his eyes for too long…! Don't stare and move now!!

His brain told him to, but it seemed his body couldn't obey his mind anymore. He was captivated by those blue skies which were Naruto's eyes. Those pools of sparkling aqua marine shined to his black coal eyes, as if they wanted to drown him in the ocean of diamonds.

"Na-…Naru-…," Sasuke didn't know what happened to his sense; he leaned closer to Naruto's face and….

"Mom, I'm home…!" Suddenly Itachi opened the door of living room and immediately dropped his bag in a shocked look as he saw the hot scene before his eyes.

Sasuke snapped when he heard the sound of something dropping, and then he turned his face at Itachi who was staring at them, gaping in mouth hanging open. Sasuke's jaw dropped in horror and in shock at the same time as he realized that he was still on top of Naruto, pinning him, and worse…the situation now, if it was seen by Itachi's point of view…. It looked like Sasuke was attacking Narutosexually.

"Oh My GOD—!" at least, after the forever silence, Itachi sighed in disbelieving face as he stepped back.

"Wa-wait, Itachi, it's not like what you…!" Sasuke quickly got up from his spot.

"I can't believe that my brother is…my little brother is…!" Itachi turned his back at Sasuke in trembling body.

"It's not what it looks like! It's just a misunderstanding!" Sasuke desperately wanted to explain what happened there.

"MY LITTLE SASUKE-CHAN IS GAY!!" Itachi shouted very loudly suddenly while bursting out laughing like a mad man. Sasuke fell down to the floor, face faulting and sweat dropping as well. "Oh my GOD!! Help!! It's too hilarious!! I can't stop laughing!!" he continued shouting between his laughter while clutching his stomach painfully for too much laughing. It's the first time he laughed that hard. He couldn't stop until the tears leaked out from his eyes.

I thought he was shocked until he died…!

Sasuke thought silently still sweat dropping as he thought he was wasting his concern towards his brother. "Hey, I said it's not what it looks! Listen to me! It's just an accident!!" Sasuke shouted at his brother in blushing face. However, his brother neither listened to him nor stopped his laughter and it pissed Sasuke off so much. "Listen to me, damn it!!" he yelled in annoyance mixed in embarrassment, but it useless. Itachi couldn't stop laughing.

I should just kill him someday….

Sasuke continued thinking while clenching his fists in anger and in embarrassment because his brother had not stopped laughing at all. "Shut the hell up, you-stupid brother!!" Sasuke shouted at him while blushing madly and smacking his head hard. It didn't stop Itachi from his laughing state though.

Meanwhile Naruto was looking at them in questioning face, having no clue at all of what happened.

Some times later…They all were seated around the dining table to eat lunch. Itachi was still trying hard to suppress his laughter in trembling body and covered his mouth while Sasuke was closing his eyes in twitching eyebrows and the veins had popped up, throbbing on his head painfully. He felt like exploding in short times now. Then the source of Sasuke's annoyance, Naruto, was looking at Yukiko's appearance in slightly interested face.

"Yuki-basan, you look extremely pretty in that suit," Naruto complimented her in sparkling eyes.

"Wah, no way, Naru-chan, you make me blush!!" Yukiko said in blushing face while smacking Naruto's head with the Uchiha fan which came from God-knows-where, sending Naruto fall from his chair.

"Hon-honto da teba (but it's-it's true)…," Naruto said while crying literally painfully at the poor abused head.

"Wah, American people surely are really honest aren't they…?" Yukiko said while squealing in delight as she covered her cheeks. She looked extremely happy though.

Isn't she complimenting herself just now?

Sasuke and Itachi looked at their mom, sweat dropping.

Then Yukiko helped Naruto to sit up again on his chair. "Saa, saa, Naruto-kun should eat lots, k? Oho-ho-ho-ho!" she put lots of rice on Naruto's bowl while smiling and laughing happily. When Sasuke saw that, suddenly….


His mind screamed in excitement. He would have a chance to see how Naruto eat and he would not let it pass. Sasuke put down his bowl of rice on the table and watched Naruto carefully with his narrowing eyes. "Well then…I will not waste Yuki-basan's cooking. Itadakimaaaasu (I'll eaaaat)!" Naruto said while clapping his hands in front of his face. Then the blonde reached his hands to his bowl and chopsticks.

This is it!!

Sasuke widened his eyes as the blond alien was about to touch the eating equipments, but suddenly Itachi drop the ketchup bottle in front of Sasuke. "Ah, the ketchup," he said. Instantly Sasuke followed the bottle's movement and avoided the splash of its content. "Whoa, sorry, Sasuke!" Itachi said while taking the napkin.

Sasuke sighed in relief as he didn't find any stain on his white clothes. "Be careful, niisan, you almost stain my shirt," he said rather annoyed.

"That's why I said sorry, didn't I?" Itachi said slowly, sweat dropping again. Sasuke huffed faintly and he was about to look at Naruto again when….

"Gochizousama (thanks for the meal)," Naruto had put down the bowl and the chopsticks back to its place and clapped his hands once again in front of his face, hinting that he had just finished his meal.

That's fast!!

Sasuke looked at him in a shocked look, stunned, and his mouth was hanging open in disbelief. He lost his chance to look how Naruto ate his food only in seconds because of his brother.

"Wow, Naruto-kun…you surely eat so fast! I even didn't realize it when you ate!" Itachi said in awe and in wonder.

"Really? That's just the thing I am good at," Naruto grinned proudly to Itachi. Sasuke just glared at Itachi for losing his chance to look at Naruto's eating style. The younger raven chewed his food in annoyance because of that. He mumbled something like 'stupid older brother' and something like 'stupid alien' or something like those.


—Uchiha Residence; back yard; evening—

"Hey, can't you just tell me how you eat?" Sasuke was still prying on Naruto about that subject while tugging the blonde's sleeve (yep, he had borrowed some of Sasuke's clothes before he went to buy his).

"You're still at it?" Naruto asked while looking at the raven weirdly. "Humans surely don't have 'give up' character on their dictionary…," Naruto continued while thinking hard in amazement.

"That's not it. I'm just curious you know, and I hate being curious. I want to know, tell me!" Sasuke said, not letting the blonde escape.

"Jeez…you're so persistent, Sasuke," Naruto looked at the raven tiredly. "Anyway…why are you so curious? It's not like not knowing how alien eat can kill you right?" he asked the raven in questioning look.

Sasuke snapped at that in nervous look. He went silent for awhile before looking around if by any chance his shitty brother started stalking him again (yes, Itachi often did that to Sasuke because he liked teasing his younger brother so much and wanting to know everything about Sasuke). Then Sasuke came back to look at Naruto's quizzing eyes.

Sasuke coughed and looked at Naruto seriously. "If I tell you, you will tell me about how you eat," Sasuke stated clearly in low voice.

Naruto thought for awhile before he smiled. "Ii yo (it's ok). It's a deal then," he said confidently.

"Well…actually," Sasuke blushed and coughed several times before continuing. "You see…I have dream to be an astronaut," he said very lowly almost whispering. "I love stars…and I want to go there someday, make some friends with outer space creatures, and then return to earth bringing many things from outer space…." The raven spoke his dream for the first time to stranger, moreover, alien. He spoke in soft face, as if he had been looking on his beautiful dream.

Naruto smiled at him in satisfied look. "That's really nice dream, Sasuke!" Naruto shouted while grinning widely at the raven. "Look, you have accomplished one of your dreams, right? You make friend to me, an outer space creature. Isn't that fun?"

Sasuke looked at him in wide startling eyes. He thought everyone would laugh at him if he told his dreams. It seemed he had been wrong. Naruto didn't laugh. He said it was wonderful dream. Sasuke smiled in small happy smile. "Yeah, and honestly I really want to know more about you," Sasuke said. "That's why I want to see how you eat," he continued again while looking at Naruto pryingly.

Shit…he doesn't forget about his intention…!

Naruto thought while sweat dropping. Then he looked at Sasuke in his eyes seriously. "Do you really want to know how I eat?" Naruto asked slowly in serious tone. Sasuke gulped and nodded eagerly. Naruto smirked and then…, "Oshienai (I won't tell you)—!" Naruto said while grinning teasingly.

Sasuke fell from his seat face faulting. He quickly stood up. "Hey!! That's not fair!!" the raven yelled in annoyance. "You said you would tell me, you-Usuratonkachi!!" he continued yelling at Naruto who only laughed and made fun of the raven. "NARUTO!!" Sasuke yelled again at the alien. He wanted to grab him and pried him again, but Naruto had fled away from him.


—Uchiha Residence; Sasuke's room; 20:30—

"Damn that alien-prick!" Sasuke mumbled in annoyance as he opened his book to study. "He has gut to fool me, this Uchiha Sasuke-sama. I will give him lesson tomorrow!" Sasuke swore that he would definitely kill the blonde painfully for tricking him.

Then Sasuke began to study. Well, he had good concentration in his study because Naruto was not around. However then, later the raven wondered why the blonde was not there. It had been night already, and he thought Naruto would not go anywhere without him. Sasuke looked at his book blankly as his thought wondered to the beautiful alien who always smiled cutely. Then he blushed again.

Shit…why do I think about him that way…?

Sasuke had questioned his sanity as well. Then he heard rustling sound outside his window. Sasuke was a curious person. He would not ignore something unusual happening around him. He closed his book, got up and walked to the windowsill. He peered outside to the yard. He saw Itachi there from behind so he only saw his back.

What the heck is that stupid-aniki doing there this late?

Sasuke asked inwardly in odd face. However then, his eyes caught a glance of something yellow in front of his brother. Sasuke focused his sight on that yellow thing, and then he found Naruto.


Sasuke was quite surprised to see them together. However then, at first he thought that Itachi only escorted the blonde around somewhere until Naruto held Itachi's shoulder intimately. Now Sasuke's jaw dropped again for the second time in that day and it kept hanging open as he slammed the glass window with his face and hands to get a better view of what happened to them.

Sasuke saw Naruto close his eyes, and his brother bent his head slowly, nearing the blonde's face. "OH MY GOD—!!" Sasuke sighed in disbelieving eyes as he thought it's not the time to observe or Naruto would be molested by his perverted-brother.

Sasuke opened his glass window and then jumped to the yard. "W-a-i-t a s-e-c-o-n-d—!!" he tried to shout while jumping and running, but by the time he got to the place, he had been too late. He saw in his widened eyes that Itachi and Naruto were kissing passionately, very…vividly

Sasuke was silent for awhile in a shocked-gaping-mouthed face before he found his voice again and, "KORAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY)!!" he yelled while shoving the older Uchiha off from Naruto in flushing angry face. "You-shitty-brother-BASTARD!! How could you do something so improper to Naruto!?" he shouted and yelled at his brother mercilessly. He was really angry for some reason he didn't even know.

However then, Itachi only looked at Sasuke blankly before closing his eyes and falling asleep to the ground. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!" Naruto cried suddenly in 'what a waste' kind of face, surprising Sasuke. "What are you doing, Sasuke!?" the blonde yelled at the raven in annoyance.

"What…I tried to save you!" Sasuke shouted back in annoyance as well as confusion.

"Saving me…are you blind!? I was the one who wanted to kiss him!" the blonde yelled.

Sasuke was about to yell again before, "WHAT!?" he asked in disbelieving face. "What do you mean you wanted to kiss him!?" he asked in hell of confusion.

"I'm trying to eat, teme!!" Naruto shouted again.


There's long brave silence before Sasuke could register what the blonde was saying. Ten seconds later…"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH!!?" the raven shouted in disbelief. "Eating…you want to EAT my BROTHER!?" he asked in full of horror.

"Not literally, baka!! I want to eat his hormone!" Naruto shouted, sweat dropping. Sasuke stopped his horror face and looked at Naruto with big question sign on his head. "That's the way my kinds eat. We eat hormone of living creature." Naruto explained.

Sasuke's jaw dropped again in shock. "Bu-but, you eat rice in lunch and in dinner!!" Sasuke protested still in disbelief.

"Ah, that's not eating," Naruto said. "Indeed I chewed and gulped the human food, but my body couldn't absorb its nutrition. My kinds can not live without hormone," he continued.

"But it doesn't mean you have to kiss my brother, right!?" Sasuke still protested.

"The hormone will be transferred mouth to mouth so we have to kiss each other," Naruto explained more detail. Sasuke just looked at Naruto in really alienating face. 'You're extremely weird!!' his face seemed telling Naruto. Naruto sighed weakly. "Aah, Itachi fainted…. I can't eat from fainted person," Naruto really wanted to cry. "I'm hungry—!" he whined.

"I can't believe you actually eat hormone…. Then what did you eat yesterday night?" Sasuke asked in confused face. He didn't recall seeing Naruto kissing someone that night.

Naruto looked at Sasuke in full meaning eyes, and then his forefinger pointed at him.

"Eh?" Sasuke looked at Naruto's finger and then to himself. ……………………………………………Again, there's a long brave silence before, "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!?" the raven shouted in disbelieving face. "Ho-how, when, why didn't I feel it!?" the raven asked in complete horror.

"It's hallucination," Naruto said. Sasuke looked at Naruto in confused look. "I used this to you that night," Naruto slipped his hand in his pocket and then he took something out and, "TADAAAAAH!!Mysterious Item Alien Naruto Number 003! A Hallucinating Perfume!!"­ Naruto shouted in excited voice as he showed a small purple bottle on his hand.

Sasuke looked at the bottle curiously while narrowing his eyes. "You see, Sasuke, this perfume can make anyone who smell it hallucinate. I said you saw the person you wanted to kiss most that's why you kissed me obediently while I ate your hormone last night. I said the same thing to Itachi though…," Naruto grinned innocently at Sasuke who was bending his head.

The raven stayed silent for awhile before glaring daggers at the blonde as if he had been ready to kill him anytime. Naruto sweat dropped again in nervous look as he saw that. "A-ha-ha…Sasuke…don't tell me that you're…angry?" Naruto asked slowly.

Sasuke closed his eyes slowly and then he inhaled deeply before, "OF COURSE I'M ANGRY, YOU-USURABAKA!! HOW CAN YOU—HOW COULD YOU POISON ME WHEN I WAS KIND ENOUGH TO LET YOU STAY IN MY GODDAMN HOUSE!!?" Sasuke screamed bloody murder at Naruto while shaking Naruto's shoulder in crimson face. "How could you—!!" Sasuke really was angry and embarrassed at the same time. He didn't know who he was thinking when he kissed Naruto, but he didn't recall having someone he wanted to kiss except the blonde….

Wait…. He didn't just think that! He didn't want to kiss anyone, moreover, the alien!

"Uwaaa…, that's why I didn't want to tell you—!" Naruto whined while crying literally. "I'm sorry…, I'm sorry, Sasuke—," Naruto was dizzy if Sasuke shook him like that. "Actually I didn't want to eat from you…but I don't have any choice that time…," Naruto said weakly. "I lost all my supply (frozen hormone) because my plane was broken, and I had not eaten since the day before…. I would have been dead if I had not eaten from you. I really thank you because you gave me life…," Naruto continued while smiling softly, even if the raven was still shaking him violently.

Sasuke stopped shaking him when he heard that. He was about to cry when he looked at Naruto's peaceful face. "Sasuke is really a good human. I'm glad to see you and become your friend, Sasuke," Naruto smiled again cutely at the raven. When Sasuke saw the innocent smile in Naruto's face, Sasuke couldn't help but forgive the blonde. He blushed slightly to see the bright cuteness on his smile.

"Ck…, I can never stay angry with you," Sasuke tried to scowl, but his face was red of embarrassment. Naruto grinned at him again in happy look.

"Well then…since you have known about it, why don't you feed me once more, Sasuke?" Naruto asked in hopefully eyes.

Sasuke was silent for a moment before blowing red in embarrassment. "Y-you…what are you saying!? Doesn't that mean we have to ki-kiss!?" Sasuke yelled while still blushing madly. He couldn't help but stutter while pointing at Naruto.

"Well, yeah, of course," Naruto said in questioning look. "What wrong with that?" he asked.

"Of course it is wrong!! Two men don't kiss each other!! Kiss is just for lovers!!" Sasuke yelled at Naruto, sweat dropping while blushing.

"Lovers?" Naruto asked in confused face.

Sasuke slammed his face with his right hand in tired look. "Listen to me, alien…. In human world, a kiss is a thing for…how can I explain if you don't even know what lovers are…?" Sasuke was confused his self. "Ok, let's use father and mother. Do you have them?" Sasuke asked.

"Father and…mother…," Naruto said slowly and somehow Sasuke caught his solemn face when he said that. Sasuke looked surprised, but then Naruto nodded in eagerness, not seeming just showing that kind of expression.

Was that my imagination?

Sasuke asked inwardly. However then he decided to ask it later after explaining what kiss was. "Ok, a kiss is a thing which only mother and father are allowed to do," Sasuke said clearly. "And it can be done only between man and woman! At least in earth, that's the rule!!" Sasuke stated firmly.

"Eh, but in my planet everyone kiss each other to eat," Naruto said, seeming protesting.

"Then how can you differ between lovers and friends there? Using sex?" Sasuke asked impatiently.

"What is sex?" Naruto asked again having no clue.

Sasuke fell to the ground completely face faulting. He quickly stood again though. "Then how can you be born if your parents don't have sex!?" Sasuke shouted in irritation as well as in embarrassment because he had to explain about sex as well.

"Being born…do you mean reproducing?" Naruto asked, beginning to catch the clue. Sasuke nodded slowly. "Oh, our kind can reproduce by our selves," Naruto said while smiling.

"Eh?" Sasuke looked at Naruto in stunned eyes.

"Haven't I told you? We're hermaphrodite, Sasuke," Naruto said.


There's a serious thick brave silence before, "HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH!!?" Sasuke shouted in shocked face. "Her-hermaphro…!? Do you mean you can have children by your selves!?" Sasuke asked in disbelieving tone. He couldn't believe this.

"Yes," Naruto said in confident innocent smile.

"T-that means…," Sasuke was silent when hundreds thoughts was running and spinning in his heads. Then suddenly he smirked for no reason. "GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!! NO!! What am I thinking!?" he shouted and yelled like a mad man suddenly, surprising Naruto.

"Are you ok, Sasuke?" Naruto asked while sweat dropping. Somehow he began to worry Sasuke's sanity as well.

"No, I'm not ok," Sasuke stated firmly in horrible look. He looked as if the world would end soon.

"Then…how about feeding me?" Naruto asked again, insisting this time because he was really hungry. Sasuke looked at Naruto while thinking.

It's not like kissing him will kill me though…even if I don't know what kind of hormone he may eat. I'm still alive even if he has ever eaten from me…but…kissing a boy...?

Sasuke felt rather sick at that thought.

Well, it is a life and death matter. Just think that I have to give him a CPR…yeah, I think if it's just for awhile….

Sasuke's resolution became weaker. He coughed and closed his eyes, and then he opened it again to look at Naruto's beautiful azure eyes. He blushed when those pools of Safire stared at him straightly, without any doubt. "Uh…if-if it's just a little…," God, Sasuke stuttered again. He felt really embarrassed suddenly.

"WAAAI (yay), thanks Sasuke!" Naruto smiled childishly and happily.

Then Naruto closed his eyes and titled his face to face Sasuke. Sasuke was really nervous. It's the first time he had to kiss someone (before, Naruto was the one who kissed him). Sasuke gulped and touched Naruto's shoulders. His shoulders were small and thin. Sasuke thought, and his eyelashes were long and he looked so cute. Sasuke blushed again as he slowly bent his head to nearing Naruto's face.

Then…Sasuke closed his eyes slowly, kissing Naruto's lips. They're so soft and warm. Sasuke didn't feel Naruto absorbing his hormone at all. He only felt those lips of his. It's incredibly good.

For the time being they stayed like that until Naruto pushed Sasuke's chest. Sasuke was startled and released him. His face was flushed and red in embarrassment. "Sasuke…it seems you kiss me on purpose," Naruto said while blushing severely, touching his lips.

Sasuke was shocked. "I didn't!!" he yelled at Naruto in shock, blushing madly.

"I'm kidding, Sasuke, kidding. Jeez, can't you take a joke?" Naruto said in bored face at Sasuke.

Sasuke's face was blank for awhile before, "NARUTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" he blew up in anger and in embarrassment at the same time again because the blonde made fun of him again.

Naruto just thrust his tongue naughtily and grinned foxily when he fled away again from the raven.

That night Sasuke decided to not knowing anything more about how alien ate….

End of Chapter 3


A/N:Ahahaha, this is chapter three. Well, I have to say sorry for making you wait long for this chapter. I have so many things to do, and next week college has started again. I'm sorry. Maybe I can't update my other stories in weeks later. But I will try my best to update them. Just wait for a little while, k? Then, how do you think about this chapter? Is it good or bad? Is it crazy enough? Hahaha, I like the part when Sasuke was shocked as Itachi and Naruto are kissing. He surely gaped like fish. Well then, I think it's all for this time. Oh, and I want to ask you some ideas to make MYSTERIOUS ITEMS ALIEN. Honestly I lose the idea to make those things. I hope you can make something interesting, magical and weird enough to be the mysterious item. Ok, then thanks for reading and don't for get to review! See you next time and…I love you all!!

With Love,
