Maru-sha: Here's the next chapter. Who else is falling into Inu-yasha's little "film project"? Laugh and Enjoy!

The giggling grew louder as Inu-yasha made his way to our favorite kitsune's room. "He's probably just playing with some toys or something. Nothing worth filming" he thought, peering into Shippo's room. Not only was Shippo there, but so was Miroku.

They both were looking intently at something between them. Taking a closer look thanks to the camera's zoom in, Inu-yasha saw they were looking at a magazine together. Shippo was blushing pink al over and his nose was bleeding heavily while Miroku was only grinning widely.

"And you say you read these all the time?" Shippo asked shakily, having lost much blood within the last few minutes.

"I wouldn't say read...and I only look at these when Sango isn't around" the monk said as he turned the page.

"Whoa!!!" they both gasped at the same time.

"Oh yeeeah..." Miroku panted, loosening his shirt collar.

"That's a nice car she's washin'..." Shippo breathed.

Inu-yasha was shocked and appalled at the sight. Miroku was showing Shippo a dirty magazine! "I can't believe this...doesn't that monk have any morals? Showing a little kid such filth!" Inu-yasha whispered.

Of course, Miroku had showed him some of his magazines a while ago, but that was understandable, them both being matured sexually. Inu-yasha then shook his head and cleared his thoughts, the past memories really making him blush. Then he heard footsteps coming from down the hall.

"Quick! Hide Shippo!" Miroku gasped. The hanyou went into another room and kept quiet. Then Sango's voice was heard and she wasn't too happy. More would've been heard, but the door got slammed shut. Exiting from hiding, Inu-yasha opened the door silently and filmed from the tiny opening.

"Ahh!! Sango I'm sorry!" the pervy monk shouted.

"I'm sure you are! You're going to be punished, my naughty lapdog!"

"Ah, that scene again!" Inu-yasha mused to himself as Sango took a whip from a drawer. Poor Miroku was backed into a corner trying to talk his way out of his following punishment. Inu-yasha left after Sango started whipping her puppy...I mean, Miroku.

He only felt sorry for Shippo, who was hiding somewhere in that room and had to hear the whole thing...

To be continued...

As last time, no update until I feel enough of you reviewed! Next time Inu-yasha will film Hakudoushi and Kanna, so sayonara for now my dear fans!