Maru-sha: You can't stop it! Here it comes! The sequel to Smile! You're on Inu Camera!!

It's been a month since we last saw our favorite half demon cameraman, Inu-yasha. Like always. He was bored out of his mind. He was hooked on some foreign video game involving a guitar, but grew bored of it when his ears began to bleed. Not a pretty sight for a person with doggie ears!

"I'm soooo bored! I wonder if anyone's ever died of boredom..." Inu-yasha grumbled into the couch he was currently laying face down on; his claws tapping against the hardwood floor.

"Oh sir!! I'm sorry!!" cried Sango from down the hall.

"Oh no...not more of her and Miroku's sex role-plays..." he thought, standing up. Then, as all the blood ran through his body again, Inu-yasha got an idea.

"My camera! I could film everyone again. But what if it's all the same stuff? And what if I get caught this time?!" he thought, dreading his fate if he was caught. "NO! I won't do it! I can occupy myself another way! I have self control!" he screamed.

(One millisecond later)

Mister 'self control' found himself sneaking down from the attic; his video camera in his hands. He caught the sound of Sango yelping in pain and quickly ran to her and Miroku's room. Conveniently, the door was slightly open and Inu-yasha peered through. But oddly, no one was there.

"Sir, I'm sorry for not doing the homework!!" Sango whined.

"You said that last time. This time you'll be firmly punished!"

"T-that sounds like..." Inu-yasha gasped, heading towards Sesshomaru's room and looking through the slightly open door. "Oh my God!!!" the hanyou thought, turning on the camera and filming the sight before him. Sango was dressed as a high school schoolgirl and was bent over none other than Sesshomaru's lap. He was dressed as how a professional teacher would. It appeared as though he was spanking Sango over her panties. "What the hell are they doing?! What sick ceremony is this?!" Inu-yasha thought as he saw Sango blush as she was swatted once more.

"Now will you finish your homework assignments on time in the future?" Sesshomaru asked, letting Sango up from his lap.

"Y-yes sir...honest!" she cried in the cutest schoolgirl voice ever.

"I hope you do, I wouldn't want to repeat this again" he said in his normally cold voice. Sniffling some, Sango began to leave and Inu-yasha leaped up and pressed his arms and legs against the walls so she wouldn't see long as she didn't look up. He kept the camera well balanced on his head and watched Sango go down the hall to her room. Then he heard Sesshomaru sigh and say something.

"I hope to play these kinds of games with Rin when she gets a little older. I hope that demon slayer doesn't mind that I use her for practice"

Hearing that, Inu-yasha snickered for a bit, and then flat out laughed. During his laughing he lost his hold on the walls and fell onto the floor with a hard thud. "What is so funny, foolish little brother?" Sesshomaru's icy voice asked, opening the door. Still on the floor, Inu-yasha sat up with the camera behind his back.

"Nothing really! I just...thought of something funny!" he lied.

"You'd better not be lying to me..."

"What are you gonna do? Spank me?" Inu-yasha asked, a terribly smug look on his face. Sesshomaru merely scoffed and slammed the door to his room shut.

"Oh yeah...the clouds of boredom have blown away! I wonder who my next victims shall be?" Inu-yasha asked himself, picking up his camera.

As if planned, a series of giggling came from Shippo's room. It sounded like more than one person. "I wonder what's going on now!" Inu-yasha laughed merrily, heading towards the kitsune's room.

To be continued...

Maru-sha: Like last time, no update until I get enough reviews! You guys are gonna love the next chapter! Sayonara for now!