Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon, the show, the characters, etc.; they are owned by Bandai. I do, however, own a couple of characters.

"Quest of Tears."
Chap. 01 --
"Family Demons."

"She's O.K., Guilmon. She's just tired."

"Mind telling us what's going on, cus'?!"

"It's long story!"

"Mnm?! What happened!? Where am I!?"

"Easy there, Little Man." BlackWarGreymon said as he helped the now wobblely Ryo. "You're gonna O.K. now!"


"I'll never understand why everyone freaks when they see me?! Most of the time, I'm very gentle!"

"Momentai, big fella?! Freaking out yourself isn't gonna help anyone."

"Thanks, I think?!"

"Jeez, man?! Talk about sad?!"

"No kidding!"

The next morning, at Rika house.....
"All right, Grandma said you & your Digimon can for a while, & my mom said she wouldn't mind, O.K.?!" Rika said as she showed Lor, Jake, BlackWarGreymon, Dorumon around the house & to the guest rooms. "So?! This'll your rooms, unpack & make yourselves at home, got it?!"

"Nothing's changed!" Lor said with a sigh. "Home, sweet, home."

"Lor, be nice." BlackWarGreymon said with a smile. "It's very lovely, Rika."

"Hey!" Rika exclaimed as she was confused. This was not like her cousin. "What's with you?"

"What do you mean?"

"You're acting like me?!?!