Unofficially for the 30 breath takes community lj
Theme: (8) You're good at what you do.
Author: CI
A/N: Teh fluff.
DGM Disclaimed

Crooked tie


Allen doesn't do it on purpose, it just comes naturally.

And really it's nothing really noticeable; no one really cares.

But lately Rinali's been noticing it, and really the face she makes is something like how she looks when she's condemning Komui. She huffs slightly, arms akimbo, and stops him in the hallway.

"Allen-kun your tie, it's crooked." She tilts her head slightly confirming her statement and reaches out to retie it.

"Uh. .thanks." Allen blushes slightly as she reties it. He thanks her again before they walk down the rest of the hallway together. They'll stay like that for the rest of the day because it's reoccurring; like Allen's crooked tie, Rinali's chiding words, and the exhale of breath both share when they finally breach contact.

The other exorcists who witness don't mention a thing, though they notice each day that: The bow looks exactly the same as before.

Of course it does. But Allen and Rinali don't notice.

And tomorrow Allen will go to Rinali and straight up ask her to tie it for him, because he knows she is the only one who can. And Rinali will tease him because she knows it too.


Reviews are love eaten with a spoon.