Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling does and some other people I think.

It was a silent and dark night, as a dark figure moved gracefully towards the large house, hidden by an ancient enchantment, called the Fidelius Charm.

The man strode silently up the large driveway to the old gothic house. The man's red eyes gleamed with evil and ill will, as he took out a slender wand from the folds of his robes.

BANG! The main doors were blasted away from existence as the man sent a blasting curse towards them.

"Lily, take the boys and get out of here!" yelled a man's voice from the house. He was clearly trying to make someone go to safety, from the man outside.

"No, James! I won't leave you alone to fight him!" said a woman's voice, replying to the man, now identified as James.

"Just GO!" shouted James.

The man outside the house entered, smirking.

"Voldemort!" said James, flicking his wand and watching as some of the debris from the fallen wooden door rose up in the air and sped towards the intruding man, now known as Voldemort.

"Hello, James." said Voldemort, unaware of the danger behind him. Only James smirking face alerted him of the fact.


Voldemort had torn through the anti-teleporting enchantments and had teleported behind James. He quickly flicked his wrist and spells came shooting out of his wand.

James rolled away from the volley of spells, returning his own as he dodged. He created a golden shield as he rolled to his feet. It seemed he was just in time to block a series of lethal spells.

"I won't let you get to my wife and children, Voldemort!" yelled James as was pressed on to the defensive.

"Then you shall die, my dear James Potter." said Voldemort, moving his wand in a series of complicated wand-movements. "But that shall wait. I will give you the honor of seeing me destroy your children!" he released the build up magic in his wand.

James eyes widened at seeing the raw magic heading towards him, fast. He knew there was no escaping this, but he had to try, for Lily, his wife and his two twin sons Harold Potter and Charles Potter.

But he could do nothing but watch as the black raw magic sped towards him. A second later, he was unconscious.

Voldemort shook his head at the waste of potential. He would deal with James Potter after the wife and the two children were dead. He pondered the decision to come here, to kill the future obstacles in his path to ultimate power.

A servant of his had come and told him about a prophecy told by one Sybil Trawleny, a known disgraced descendant of Cassandra Trawleny the Seer. Sybil had no talent in Divination, but she had one true prediction under her belt; she had prophesied about Voldemort's rise to power.

Who's to say she couldn't prophesies another person's rise to power. Abruptly brushing aside his thoughts, Voldemort concentrated more on finding the woman and the children.

Hearing a baby's cry coming from the room on the right, he entered. He was surprised to see a frightened Lily Potter standing in his path to the Potter twins, wand raised.

"You really think you can beat me, girl?" asked Voldemort mockingly, as he raised his wand. "Your husband could hardly scratch me!"

"AVADA KADAVRA!" yelled Lily desperately.

Voldemort easily dodged the killing curse. He sneered at Lily. "You shall get the same honor as your husband: see me as I destroy the Potter heirs."

"NO!" yelled Lily. She threw herself to Voldemort's feet. "No, please, no. Don't kill them, please. Kill me, but not them. Please not my one year old boys, please…"

"Step aside foolish girl, step ASIDE!" At the end Voldemort was yelling.

"NO!" Lily's defiance ended with her unconscious.

"Pity." Voldemort whispered, obviously not feeling pity at all.

Abruptly, he turned and stared at the two baby boys in the crib, in the middle of the room.

With his back to the door he cautiously approached them; they were supposed to be his downfall after all. Every cold-blooded Slytherin would be cautious; their lives depended on it.

Not sure who was the one in the prophecy, he prepared to kill both boys tonight.

But first, his greatest weakness: gloating.

"You would have been my downfall, Potter children." Voldemort whispered. "But, the meddling old man Dumbledore didn't protect Sybil from the Death Eaters enough. As their leader, I can find anyone, even you."

Finished gloating, Voldemort surveyed the children. The boy on the left was black haired. He had bright green eyes, with a black tint around the irises. He was average sized, but Voldemort knew tallness was in his blood. The boy was a bit thin, but a bit strong looking. He was a handsome baby, with thin, long fingers. Voldemort knew the legend that powerful people had long fingers. Dismissing it from his mind, Voldemort turned his attention to the other baby in the crib.

The other boy was, unlike his brother, auburn-haired. He had hazel eyes, like his father. He was a bit chubby and fat. Unlike his brother he would not be considered handsome, but was cute, because of his chubby little face and bright hazel eyes.

Finally deciding whom he was going to kill, Voldemort raised his wand slowly.

With deliberate slowness, he pointed his wand at one of the babies.

"Avada Kadavra!" Voldemort had only whispered the spell, but the hate behind it was strong, as was the fear. The bright green light sped towards the baby, ready to kill.

The boy was lucky though, with strange magic the unstoppable curse stopped inches away from his face, the like an insect ready to jump, it leapt upon the boy's forehead and leapt back to it's caster.

Voldemort only had time to be surprised, then the curse him full on in the arm, left forearm to be exact. There was carved a lightning shaped scar. However, Voldemort cared none for that, for burning pain was racing through his soul. The killing curse was designed to kill the body and destroy the soul.

Voldemort screamed like he was being attacked by demons. The killing curse wove through his body, and then destroyed it.

The body turned to ash, and then the ash was devoured by the desperate soul that had been expelled from the body by the killing curse. The killing curse had however lost a lot of its magic when it had hit the baby Potter. So Voldemort was only expelled from his body, not destroyed with it.

The dark Lord's spirit tried to hold on to one of the boys, to have a body to feed upon but the Potter magic would not allow a spirit to possess one of it's heirs.

Screaming the spirit of Voldemort turned and fled, hoping to find a body to hide in it.

The force of the magic performed had caused the roof to cave in, so the falling debris had caused a gash across Charles Potter's stomach. However the other baby, the one who was hit by the killing curse had gotten a lightning shaped cut, similar to Voldemort, on the left part of his forehead. The cut, unfortunately, also ran over his left eye. Blood rushed through the new opening in the child's body.

However Harold Potter didn't cry, he was numb from the pain of the cut; the killing curse, to prevent pain, numbed all senses when it hit the body.

Charles began crying. The front door to the house banged open and somebody cried out, "JAMES!" downstairs.

A spell was performed and a few moments later, the boys' father yelled, "Lily! Harold! Charles!"

Hurried footsteps ran up the stairs and a second the door banged open. James gasped at his wife's prone form. The other man, James best friend and companion, Sirius waved his wand and incanted a spell. Lily gasped and looked around. Seeing the boys, she rushed up to then and took Harold up, James taking Charles.

She immediately saw the cut. Gasping again, she waved her wand and the cut sealed over, but a lightning shaped scar remained. Waving her wand again she vanished the blood and cleaned Harold's face.

James had done the same to Charles' cut. There was no scar.

Hearing Sirius gasp, they turned around and saw the burnt remains of Voldemort's robes. Gasping, James whispered, "Is that…?"

"I think so, yeah." Sirius whispered back.

"How…?" Lily asked.

"Probably the boys!" James said astonished. He stared at the Potter boys.

"But who?" asked Sirius.

"I don't know!" said James. "It was probably Charles! See, his scar on his stomach healed, that means he has more powers, which means he defeated Voldemort!"

"Are you sure?" asked Lily.

"There's no other explanation!" said Sirius.

Putting down Harold in the crib, Lily cried out and took Charles from James arms. Kissing Charles over and over on his face, she said, "Our baby is the Child of the Prophecy!"

They forgot that they had another baby too: Harold, who was sitting silently in his crib, waiting for his mother to pick him up, which she would do after Dumbledore had arrived: to give Harold to him to inspect.

Chapter One:

It was a quiet morning. The grass was wet from the dew, the birds chirping happily.

However, one person didn't enjoy the nice spring weather. He was Harold James Potter, son of James and Lily Potter and brother of Charles Potter the Boy-Who-Lived.

Harold was sitting in his study, on the east side of the Potter Castle, reading and not playing outside like Charles who was flying on his new broom, with their father.

Flipping a page absently, Harold thought about why that thought did not bother him.

Charles Potter was famous throughout the wizarding Britain for his defeat of dark Lord Voldemort on Halloween 1981.

That had been ten years ago. After that day, James and Lily had devoted all their attention to Charles and ignored Harold.

Though they were not so cruel as to leave him unattended. They assigned two houselves, Springy and Ding, to him. They had also given to him all the East Tower, the tallest and second largest tower, the largest being the West Tower, which was assigned to Charles.

It was at noon that Harold was in his study reading, as usual. The curtains were closed and no light penetrated them into the room. There were silver torches hanging from the wall, in the shape of a serpent.

The thick book was unusual for an eleven-year-old child to read but Harold was far from ordinary. He was tall; almost 5'2", and he liked staying indoors rather than play outside. He sometimes said, "Playing is for people who have nothing to do with their lives." They all ignored him.

He didn't wear glasses, unlike his brother and father. His features were light and pale from staying indoors and in the darkness of the big libraries of the Potter Castle.

His long fingers nimbly turned another page and his sharp green eyes danced across the page, reading the secrets buried in the old book.

He had found the book, The Magicks and Secrets of Merlin the Sorcerer, when had been told by the houselves that they had found an old room in the tower.

He had gone with them to the base of the tower, and there hidden expertly and by magic was the thick gold door to an ancient room. He had explored it; he found out that it lead to even more under the castle.

After descending three hundred steps he reached the bottom and found a golden room, empty except for the bookshelves on the wall, full and stuffed with thick books, and thick fluffy golden carpet and two red armchairs.

He had afterwards found out that it was the room hidden by Gordic Gryffindor, co-founder of Hogwarts, a respected British wizarding school. Gordic had once lived I the castle, there he had hidden the room, which contained all his knowledge, and the one he filched from Rowena Ravenclaw, co-founder of Hogwarts, considered the smartest witch in the history of magical Britain.

The particular book that Harold was reading was written by Merlin and given as a gift to Salazar Slytherin and Rowena Ravenclaw, as a token of their completion of their apprenticeship to him. Gordic had stolen it fro Rowena's private library in Hogwarts.

Harold had found another book, written by the same Salazar Slytherin who had been Merlin's apprentice, named: The Writings and Speaking of the Serpents.

The book had taught Harold about snake-speakers: Parselmouths. Parselmouths had a special and secret kind of magic called Parsel magic. He had found out he was one of those privileged ones who could wield that magic and speak the serpents tongue. Salazar Slytherin had been the last famous parselmouth; the most recent parselmouth had been dark Lord Voldemort, heir and descendant of Hogwarts co-founder and the most famous parselmouth and dark wizard in history of magical Britain: Lord Salazar Slytherin, lord of the Slytherin family.

Right now, Harold was reading the most famous book in history: the Magicks and Secrets of Merlin the Sorcerer. Merlin had been some kind of a god to wizards: his powers had been beyond the limits of mind and imagination.

Some had said that the gods themselves had sent a wizard to rule over them and teach them. But the truth was that Merlin had only gotten as he was because of rituals and practice to stretch his already large magical core.

Merlin also had one other equal. A sorceress by the name Morgana LeFay.

However, Morgana had used her powers for destruction and chaos, unlike Merlin.

Although it wasn't a widely known fact, as the Potters had tried to hide it for centuries, it was true that Morgana was married to the second son of the first Lord Potter. The second son had plotted with Morgana to kill his older brother and gain the Lordship of House Potter.