Okay, so I'm really sorry for never updating this. I'm still alive. To be completely honest, I forgot all about this story until I got a story alert by someone a few days ago. People you have to review. School is starting September 6th for me. I'm going to end up forgetting unless if I see reviews or something in my inbox. What's the point of me writing something no ones going to read? I mean sure, I love writing but I really want some feedback when I get stuck. Please people, I'm on my knees now. (:

So anyways, my chapters take me a while because I try to make the fewest mistakes possible and the best wording I can. So yeah. If you read this far, you deserve a cookie. So anyways, just please review. Tell your friends about my story. I been reading a lot of fanfics for inspiration. So please, I'm doing the best I can.


Troy Bolton was always strong. He was never put down, not by no one. He hated crying in front of people. He was always the positive one. Everyone looked up to him.

But until this 3 syllable word escaped from Doctor Brushnet's cold hearted mouth, Troy knew his life would never be the same again.


As the silence grew stronger and Troy tried to hold back the tears, he could help but to let it all out.

"What do you mean…… paralyzed?' Jack Bolton asked.

"Well, the truck hit her from behind and injured her spinal chord." Dr. Brushnet explained.

"Is she going to be able to walk again?" Taylor asked as a tear rolled down her face.

"There's about a one in a million chance." the doctor said.

The beeping of a pager filled the room.

"Well, I need to go. I'll leave you all alone for now. If she wakes up, tell one of the nurses in the ER and they will contact me."

"Okay. Thank you." Jack Bolton said as the doctor left the room.

Ms. Montez looked down at her daughter and couldn't help but cry.

"It's going to be okay, she's strong She'll be able to do this." Ms. Bolton said hugging her.

"Guys, its getting late and there's school tomorrow. Do you want rides home?" Jack Bolton asked.

The gang nodded.

"I'll be back in a bit." Jack said to his wife.

"Dad, I'm staying here tonight and tomorrow." Troy said.

"Okay son. Chad, Taylor, Kelsi, Jason, I'm going to be in school tomorrow so if anything happens, I'll call you all out alright?"

"Okay." Kelsi answered.

The gang gave hugs to Ms. Montez and Troy.

"Chad." Troy said.

"Yeah man what's up?" releasing from the hug.

"Can you stay here tonight? I need someone to talk too."

"Sure man no problem."

"Dad, can he?"

"As long as his parents have no problem with it, I don't see why not." Jack said.


The gang left and a few hours later, Ms. Montez and Ms. Bolton left too and said they would be back in the afternoon and to call if anything happened.

The two boys slept in shifts for what would be a long, long night.


4:57 AM, Friday morning. Gabi's POV/

Where am I? Why am I laying here?

Gabriella Montez woke up in the morning in a hospital room.

Why is it so dark?

Gabi pulled a string which turned on a light which brightened the dark room she was in.

How did I end up here? All I remember was running from Sharpay. What happened?

Gabriella glanced around the deserted room. The hospital seemed really quiet that morning.

Gabriella looked down at her arm which has scratches and bruises all over.

Gabriella turned off the light that was blinding her eyes and let her thoughts turn into dreams.

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5:00 AM, Troy & Chad's point of view.

"Chad," Troy whispered trying to wake up his best friend. "Chad, wakeup." he said a little louder.

"Troy, its 5 in the morning, what do you wan--- where did Gabi go?"

"That's why I woke you up."

The two boys were sitting in an emergency room with a vacant bed that looks like no one laid in it for centuries.

"Troy, don't panic. I'm going to go ask the nurse outside."

Chad walked out and headed toward the ER desk.

"Uhh.. Excuse me?" Chad asked a young looking nurse.

"Hi, how can I help you?" she responded.

"Where did Gabriella Montez go? We woke up in her ER room and it was empty."

"Oh. Sorry to worry you. She was moved to room 309 on floor 5. We didn't want to wake you two."


Chad walked back to Troy who was shaking.

"Troy, she's in room 309 on floor five. Clam down. It's going to be alright."

The two took the elevator up to room 309 and entered to see a sleeping Gabi.

"Troy, do you want to call your dad?" Chad asked handing Troy his phone.

"Nahh. I'm going to let everyone sleep. I'll call later this morning."

The two boys grabbed chairs and fell back asleep.

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10:39 AM.

No point of view.

Gabriella Montez woke up once again in her hospital room only this time to see Troy and Chad sleeping in chairs by her bed.

"Troy, Chad." she said. "Troyyyyyy? Chadddd?!"

After a few minutes, Troy woke up.

"Gabi!" Troy said running over to Gabi. "How are you?" Troy asked kneeling by her bed.

"Terrible. Everything hurts."

"I know Gabi, I know."

"Troy, what happened?"

"Well, what do you remember?"

"I remember the whole Jon thing, and then running out of East High."

"Well that's not all of it. You see, you're luck you're even alive right now Gabs. I thought I was going to lose you."

"…What do you mean?"

"You got hit by a 6-wheeler Gabs. And you were banged up, really bad."

Troy didn't want to tell her the words, but he knew he was the one that had to do it. He could tell by Gabi's body he was hurt. But the pain inside of her must of hurt her even more.

"Well, your spinal chord is injured and you're"


"I can't say it Gabs. I can't believe it still."

"What is it? Just tell me."


Ok. So that was it. I'm sorry about the wait. I forgot all about this story.


that's all I ask. I might forget again.

Ughh. I need feedback and suggestions, please?

I beg of you people. Okay?

Fact: I was looking for my brush and couldn't find it and I was thinking of crabbing and I came up with Brushnet. Hehehe.


