His hands cover your eyes. "Jack, where are we?" you laugh. "We've been sailing for an eternity!"

"But I've got an eternity to spare, darling, and so why should you think that matters?"

He always knows just what to say, you reflect.

"So. . ." You duck down without him expecting it and his hands are removed from your eyes. "Where are we going?"

Jack sighed. "We're going to see a Cebu."

"What?" You laugh, wondering how the heck Jack could possibly recall something from the Veggie Tale movies you had watched growing up when they wouldn't even be invented for another two or three hundred years. "Cebu don't exist!"

Jack raised his eyebrows. For all of half a second, you wondered if he was serious. "Cebus do exist, darling. They look a bit like a cow."

"Haha." You playfully punch Jack's shoulder. "Cebus don't exist."

"I'll tell you what, darling, after this trip, I'll take you to see a Cebu."

(A/N: Yea. . . the Cebu from Veggie Tales made its way in. . . my sister was listening to it while I was writing this. . . I thought it was funny so I decided to let it stay. Lol.)


The voyage had gone on for -what seemed like- ever. Although you never tired of the gorgeous Caribbean waters, you were getting a bit sick of not knowing where you were going.

"Jack!" You call, hoping this time, he'll relent.

He appears, looking as handsome as ever in the morning illumination. Normally, you wouldn't be up at this hour, but Jack had wanted you to stay up and see the sun rise with him. The sunrise had been beautiful. . . you allow a quick flashback in your mind.

As the first rays of dawn peered over the horizon, you began to see why Jack loved sunrises so much. The heavenly light reflected over the waves, the serene peace coasting towards them with the illumination. The sun began to show its face, coming up slowly, but elegantly, like how the Queen of England would enter a room, you mused.

Dark sky vanished in the light. It reminded you of how evil flees in the presence of Jesus. Not a cloud could be seen, nor any land on the horizon. The sun rise on the ocean was more beautiful than anything you had ever seen.

Jack had been standing next to you the whole time. Instead of watching the sun, however, he was watching you smile, watching the simple joy on your face at seeing the sunrise. Wind caresses your hair, and Jack tousles it a bit along with the wind. You resist the sudden urge to sing "Colors of the Wind", since you finally under stand what Pocahontas meant. You don't, however, because you don't want to spoil the beauty of the moment.

The sun was halfway up now. The breeze is making you a bit chilled, so Jack slips both his arms around you and pulls you close, so you can feel his heart beat and hear his breath. You lean into him, and look up, smiling. You have never felt so loved.

The rays of the sun break through the water, shining in ways you never believed to be possible. The sight is arresting. You steal a glance at Jack, who is looking at the vision of heaven with such intense love in his eyes, you can't help but absorb it into your eyes as well.

The sun has risen; morning has dawned. He doesn't want to let you go, and that's fine by you.

You whisper his name, still not wanting to break the serenity of the moment, and ask him if the two of you can do this again tomorrow. He smiles, joy filling him in the fact that one of his treasures is now yours as well. He kisses your forehead, and you know everything will be perfect, even if the only perfect thing is the love you share.

A kiss from your husband brings you back to the present. "Hey."


You laugh. "It was a good hey."

"Okay." Jack smiles, and you let your heart melt. Actually, it was impossible for your heart not to melt, especially anytime he looked at you with those perfect brown eyes.

"Jack, you know how much I love you. . ."

"If you've called me over to ask where we're going, I'm not going to tell you."

His grin was playful, but you knew he was serious. "Why?"

"Because I feel it is unnecessary and trivial for the time being."

"Come on, Jack!" you ask. "Please!"

"Why do you need it know so much?"

"OCD." You retort.

"OCD?" He looked a bit confused, making him look even hotter in your eyes.

"Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. When I need to know things, I need to know. It's only minor OCD, though. That and only a couple other things bother me."

"Really? That's very interesting to know. I will be sure to use it to my advantage in the future, since you're always very cute when you act like this." He kisses you on the forehead, his mustache tickling you. You can't help it. You're ticklish. You laugh.

"Jack!" You moan.

Aww. You know you love him.

So that's what you get when you let your heart win. An immortal pirate husband who loves you more than anything, with the sweetest chocolate eyes that hold a spell so powerful, you are okay with not getting your way.

Just this once.

You laugh at your thoughts. You're the farthest thing from a brat, and the last thing you're used to is getting your own way.

You reach for the necklace around your neck, the one with both your parents' rings. You hold onto them, thinking. Jack would have loved them. Your dad always loved pirate movies, and your mother had always loved the ocean.

"Okay, Jack." you relent. "You don't have to tell me. You can keep it a secret. I'm good with that."

He looks at you, surprised. "Why would I ever keep it a secret from you of all people, love?"

"But you just said~"

"No I didn't."He smiles at you almost. . . mysteriously. "Why would I keep it a secret? We're here."


You heard the scrape of the wooden life boat against the sand on the shore. Rocks sink deeper into the sand from the weight of your foot as you shakily climb out of the boat and onto the island. You wonder how long its been since you set foot on land.

"I'm not gonna write you a love song. . . Cause you ask for it cause you need one. . ." For some reason unknown even to you, you're in an especially good mood this morning. You catch Jack's eye and smile.


The island looks to be made of spare ship parts, even containing some almost-complete pirate ships. The sight takes your breath away. It's mystifying, eerie, beautiful, haunting and breathtaking all at the same time.

"Are you coming, darling, or do you just want to stand and look all night long?" Jack teased. He pulled you close and helped guide you on the treacherous path. You gently pushed him away, saying you didn't need his help.

"I'm pirate too now, remember? I think I can handle myself." You turn aside and brush the hair away that the wind had blown into your face. You take a confident step forward and then another. "See, Jack? I'm perfectly fine."

He held up his hands, as if to surrender. "All right, love."

You grin at him and take another step. The boards break beneath your feet, and your leg plunges through the wood.

"OUCH!!!!" You scream in your head, you want to yell, but you want to be right more. You stand up and brush yourself off, ignoring any trace of pain. You continue on your way.

"You're sure you're alright, darling?" Jack asked.

You nod.


"Yes." Your answer is through your teeth.

"Because there's a large rip in your pants and a thick river of blood running down your leg."

"It's nothing."

You swipe at it, but it just starts to hurt and bleed more. The red river stains your dark blue pants, turning them purple in places. The deep cut hurts.

Relinquishing your pride, you admit to Jack that maybe you don't know the way.

He smiles, and gives you a squeeze.


Jack leads you the rest of the way. Upon entering what could have been a captain's quarters at one point, you gasp at what you see.

There is a table, a very long wooden table. A chandelier dangles from the ceiling. Bullet holes are cut into the wood of the wall. The place oozes of piratical history.

"This is where the first Brethren Court bound Calypso in human form." Jack whispers to you. He looks at you, and you feel the piratical history begin to run through your veins. He tells you this place was where King Elizabeth Swann was voted King of the Brethren Court, and where they had decided to fight the East India Trading Company, a decision that saved piracy.

Light is reflected off various globes and jewels. No sunlight seeps through the cracks in the wood.

You hear heavy footsteps, but ignore them, thinking its only Jack, forgetting Jack is right next to you.

"Who did you bring, boy?"

The voice makes you jump. You whip your head back, seeing who's behind you.

There is a man standing behind you. He is tall, and intimidating. His hat is rather large, with a feather in it. You are a little intimidated, but you refuse to let it show. You neither stare him down, nor lock eyes with him. He possesses an air of command, as if he were a Musketeer in a movie or something.

"Darling, this be Captain Teague Sparrow, Keeper of the Code." Jack whisperers in your ear.


"Aye. He be my father."

Captain Teague remained standing there, his pirate royalty apparent. He was the Keeper of the Code, and carried a book thicker than you to prove it. The book contained all the rules and loopholes to piracy, including things like "Parley" and how war could only be declared by the King, and the King had to be elected. It was all very interesting. You wonder how long the code took to write.

"Who did ye bring, boy?" Captain Teague demanded.

"My lovely wife."

"Who be ye?" Teague looks at you, and your heart freezes. His stare holds power. Pirate power. Very extreme pirate power. You swallow, not quite sure how to answer.

"She's be the Pearl of me heart, my one and only. She's amazing, with as many shades to her personality as the sky before a storm has colors." Jack broke in.

You thank God he spoke when he did. Your throat was so dry, you doubt you could have spoken. "Hello." you squeak. You were right about your voice.

Teague considers Jack's words for a moment. "She's a bit silent, Jackie boy, but I believe she's a good one."

Jack smiles, revealing the crooked smile you love most. "I knew she was a good one from the moment I first layed eyes on her."


Without thinking, you reach for his hand. He holds yours close, softly caressing it.

"Care for some food?" Teague offers. "I'll not have you come so far this way and leave hungry."

"I think we will stay for a bit." Jack says, squeezing your hand and then letting go.

You nod in agreement, hoping to convey "That sounds really nice" in your movement.

Jack follows his father into another room in the ship, one where salted meat and rum galore are found. He hands Jack a bottle and you one as well. Cautiously, you lift the rum to your waiting lips. It tastes different than you are accustomed to, perhaps older or a different brand. However, it succeeds in coating your parched throat with moisture, so at least you can speak. "Thank you for your hospitality."

"She speaks!" Teague jokes. Huh. You hadn't figured him a joking sort of man.

Jack sips his rum, and asks his father, "So how've you been? I haven't seen you since that war with Davy Jones and the Pirate Lords."

"And what a good war that was." Teague said, reminiscing. "I believe that was the last fight I had the chance to witness. Well, if it was the last, at least is was the most important."

"Last?" Jack asks, sipping his rum a little quicker. "Why the last?"

"Well, son, as you obviously know, I retired some years ago to become the Keeper of the Code, because it seemed the right thing to do at the time. But now, that has begun to wear on me, and I find it a mundane and thankless task."

"Which is what I told you when you gave up the sea to do such a thing." Jack cut in, swishing the rum around in his bottle.

"Now I find myself in pursuit of other pleasures, simpler ones, actually." Teague continued. "Ones involving the pleasurable company in the world."

"Ahem." Jack cleared his throat. "Need I remind you my wife is present?"

"My apologize, Mrs. Sparrow." Teague says.

"Um, it's quite alright."


Your stay with Teague went quite without a hitch after that. He announced to Jack that he was moving to retire in Tortuga for a permanent stay. Jack lead a toast in his honor, and the three of you downed rum after rum all night. You, however, knew you couldn't stomach such things, so you simply disposed of your rum, switching your full bottle for Jack's empty one, pouring yours out a window very subtly, or even giving it to the dog, who seemed to have the stomach of Captain Teague himself. You giggle at the thought, as the dog sloppily laps up the remnants of the liquid in the bottle.

"You like my dog?" Teague asks.

"Yeah, he's really sweet." You pet his head, hoping to mask the fact that you're feeding him your rum. Luckily, Teague was very drunk at this point, so he didn't really notice.

"He's a good boy, that he is. He came off an island of sea turtles using nothing but a pair of cannibals strapped to his feet."

You give Jack a questioning look.

"He escaped an island of cannibals with a pair of sea turtles strapped to his feet." Jack whispers to you, with the scent of rum on his breath. You don't find it very attractive.

Without meaning to, a yawn escapes your lips.

"Oh, please excuse me!" You feel a blush creep up your cheeks.

"He didn't notice." Jack laughs softly.

"I didn't notice what?" Teague asks, not at all quietly.

"That we're out of rum. And that's a good thing at this point, because I promised the Mrs. I'd show her something worth seeing and I can't be to drunk to find my way." Jack said.

"Ah." Teague answered. "I'll be seeing you both another time, then."

"Yes, another time." Jack nodded. You leave the cabin of the ship with him, glad to go. The immense quantity of rum was getting to you, even though you hadn't really drunk much.

It's very dark, but stars hold back the sheer blackness of the sky, pinning it up into the inky dome it belongs in. You expect Jack to lead you back to the ship, since you are so tired you can't keep your eyes open, but he leads you away from the ship, towards a river on an island near Teague's home. Actually, he leads you towards a row boat that will take you to the island that is dimly in your view. As you row closer, trees come into your view. Eventually you can see small houses and other row boats, and the occasional small animal. You are enjoying the sights, but you're still curious as to why Jack is taking you to some arbitrary island in the middle of the night. You're happy just to be with him though, so it doesn't really matter, and the night is just beautiful, with endless stars pinning up the abyss, and the occasional comet darting across the night. You breathe in deeply, enjoying the fresh air of Shipwreck Island. You laugh at the irony of the name.

"Who in their right mind would name a piratical island Shipwreck Island???" you laugh. "It's like, inviting shipwreck."

"We are no longer on Shipwreck Island, love. This is Isle Parona, a small haven known only to one kind of species besides the norm. Here, on the left side of our boat, you'll find an exquisitely lovely flower, but it is not quite as lovely as you."

"Aww." You sigh and reach for Jack's hand. "I love you."

He softly kisses your cheek, and reaches down and plucks the same flower that he was just speaking of and places it in your hair. You smile, and your heart fills with a now familiar warmth. You know there is a soft light in your eyes, and you wonder if there is enough starlight for Jack to see it. When he shows you his playfully charming grin, you know he can. You feel so blessed with him.

The oars slip softly in and out of the water, the night breeze is a bit chilling, but it keeps you awake. You fear you won't be awake for much longer, though. Jack slows the boat and looks to the island in the distance. "Love," he whispers.

"Hmm?" You looks up, half awake, half dreaming.

"Look." He points into the distance.

You see a shadowy lump of brown fur that resembles a cow in the weirdest fashion. "What?"

"Darling, it's a cebu." Jack looks at you with his dazzling smile.

"Oh!" A smile slowly grows on your lips. "That's so cool!"

You stay and watch the cebu with Jack until the first rays of dawn pierce the darkness. Then, exhausted, you collapse into sleep as he rows to shore. You don't even awaken to board the Pearl, but you faintly remember him lifting you in his impeccably strong arms and carrying you to your quarters, laying you down on the bed and kissing you softly before falling asleep beside you.


A/N: I am so sorry about my horrible lack of updating!!!! I've actually been working on this chapter little by little since summer. Life just got so busy, and then my computer crashed. Completely. I almost lost it all. And then the plot for this chapter was a little more time consuming then I had first thought, which is good, because you guys are always telling me to write longer chapters ;) . Anyway, so many things got in my way. I wish I had finished this sooner, but then, maybe it wouldn't have turned out like this. I know my updates have been taking forever lately. . . I'm trying to do better. But thanks for being so awesome while waiting on these new chapters. You guys are the best people ever!!! haha. Don't forget to review! Thanks so much. Love you guys!!! ~Meg