Disclaimer: I do not own Teen titans

Starfire stirred in her sleep.
The ring of her communicator awakened her. She took one glance at it before sleepily turning in off.
Reluctantly, she pulled off her soft warm sheets. The cool of the night air wrapped itself mercilessly around her attractive body.
It was dark out, and she had to stick out her hands, searching for a pair of shoes. She stumbled as her feet caught on something, and she fell.

Found them.

She smashed her hand over her mouth, as soft as her pink, fluffy, carpet was, if still hurt when she fell. She didn't move for a second, waiting to hear footsteps approaching. Had anyone heard her fall? She thought she heard Robin turn over in the room next door. But nothing else happened.
She threw on the flip flops she fell over, and blindly stumbled over to her window. Grunting quietly with the weight of the window she opened it, winching as it squeaked slightly, and, trying not to make a sound, slipped out of her window ,leaving it open for her return.
As she flew over the darkened town, cool night air washing over her, she admired the lights of houses, whose people were still awake at this late hour, glittering below.
She remembers the first time she snuck out, she was so nervous that the titans would find her, but now it was almost natural. She had practically lost count of her late night adventures.

The night was relatively warm, and humid. The summer's night was calm and peaceful as the cricket's chirped merrily.
Starfire imagined that they were singing to her, cheerfully chirping a lullaby.
She had always liked crickets despite that fact that they were insects...

oOflashbackOo (A/N Summer before the one Starfire is currently in)
"Aaaahhhh!" Starfire screamed, her throat hurt a little from it, she could yell loudly when she wanted to.
Immediately she heard Robin coming. She loved how he was always ready to help her, no matter what. She could always count on him.
He burst into her room, ready to fight to the death for her. He looked around. Starfire stood atop her bed, clutching the sheets up to her chin in fear, (covering her skimpy, faded, floral printed, night gown which was topped with a very small light pink velvet bow at the collar along with some small white lace. Much of her legs showed and Robin tried not to stare) a look of utter horror on her face. "T-There" she stuttered, pointing a shaking finger the floor beneath the window. "I went to close my window, and found that monster there!" she whimpered.
Robin cautiously approached the window and bent down to the floor.
There was a very small cricket.
"Aw, Star," he said, trying not to laugh "It's just a cricket," Robin bent and scooped up the little cricket into his green gloves. It chirped, frightened.
He moved toward Starfire to show her. She squealed and shied away.
"It's okay," Said Robin.
Starfire immediately trusted him and leaned over to see the tiny bug.
Robin smiled; he loved how Starfire trusted him without question. He thought trust was important in a relationship. Not that he planed of having any relationships anytime soon.
It chirped musically, and Starfire giggled. She stuck out her pointer finger (which had fingernails painted a soft light pink) and gently stroked the little cricket.
It chirped happily and took a small leap into her hands. Her eyes sparkled with happiness. She walked down to the door on the bottom floor with out a word. Robin followed. She opened the door and set the little cricket down. It hopped away chirping once more. "Good bye!" Starfire called, waving.
She turned to Robin "He is going home." She stated as if it was the most normal thing in the world. Like anybody would have rescued the nasty bug instead of squishing it.

Robin smiled. Starfire was so cute. He admired her kindness.

There was silence, Robin and Starfire stared at each other smiling. Robin cupped her chin in his hand before they were rudely interrupted:
"Hey Star did you -" Beast boy walked in, and seeing the scene, felt his face flush, and robin immediately let go of Starfire's chin. "oh, um, bye!" he ran out the way he came. The door shut behind him, there was a short pause filled with silence before it creaked open, one of his green eyes showing, watching to see what would happen. Like Starfire and Robin couldn't see him clearly.

oOend flashbackOo

Starfire wiped a tear form her face. She reminded herself (once again) that Robin changed and he was no longer like that anymore.
She spotted the beach and smoothly landed, on top of the largest sand dune.
A dark figure was lying there, on his back hands behind his head, watching the sky.
"You're late," he said.
"I know, sorry," she said, crawling up to him and laying her head next to his, ignoring the sand that suck to her hands and knees.
He turned his head toward hers slightly and softly and lovingly laid his lips on hers. A tingly feeling spread through Starfire to the tips of her toes. They watched the sky together. He held her close to his side, (as though he might lose her) as they watched the stars twinkle. They did chit chat for a while but mostly there was silence, they were just enjoying each other's company.
She did eventually have to leave her lover's side. With a soft kiss and an "I'll be back, tomorrow,"
"Can't wait already," said the dark figure, hating to see her go.
As she hovered outside her open window, she carefully brushed the sand off of her, before entering.
She crept back into her room, and slid under the now cold sheets, and back to sleep from her night out.

Dun, dun, dun!

Please, Review! I don't know how good this story is.