KIM and RON: The Black Lotus
Disclaimer: I do not own Kim Possible or any characters here just the story.
Ship: Kim and Ron
Chapter I: Reunited
Ron was packing his things in his trunk. The books were shelved, notes good to go and his clothes tucked away neatly. Earlier tonight, he has just graduated from deli de François School of culinary arts. He looked at his clock it read 11:15. 'Oh! My gosh, that late already'. He took a last look at his diploma. He was admiring the words.
This is to certify that:
Ronald Adrian Stoppable
Has passed with remarkable performance, the requirements in the mastery of the art of Culinary.
The deli de François School of Culinary arts is proud to present him with the title of cum laude,
The highest rank of honors in any five-year course.
The diploma was in parchment; it had a golden border and was engraved by the school's seal, a circle that had the words deli de Francois and France's flag, at its lower right corner. He placed the diploma at an envelope and tucked it away neatly at his already packed trunk. He brushed his teeth and put on his pajamas. He went to bed with a relief. 'Ah, yes my studying is now over', he whispered to his dormitory room; as he went to deep sleep.
Ron woke up early in the morning; he prepared his usual breakfast a slice of loaf with a side of eggs and some bacon. He checked around if he was forgetting something. He got dressed his bed side clock read 7'o clock. 'Hmmm… only an hour left before I get to the airport'. He went down his trunk on a small trolley and went to his dormitory's landlord. Ron knocked and the landlord opened the door.
'Oh!' the landlord exclaimed 'leaving already?'
'Yes, sir, I want to know how much is my month's rental fee?'
'Ohhh… don't worry about that Ronald… someone has already paid for them'
'Huh? Who?'
'Your parents, Oh and before I forgot here's a letter they've sent you'
Ron took the letter and opened it. It was with no doubt from his parents. He then started to read.
"Dear Ronald,
Hi son. I just hope this letter reached you before you leave; I and your mom received the e-mail you've sent us. We are so proud of you; A "cum laude" doesn't appear as often to the Stoppable family. I believe you're the first to have done it. We're moving to Upperton today. The old place is crawling with termites and your mom keeps insisting on it. I don't think you would be too uncomfortable in Middleton though. After seeing your new house and car, I really doubt that. You're a big boy now Ronald. We wish you a happy trip. Oh and another thing don't think about your last payment for your dormitory, we've already settled it. Think of it as our gift.
Mr. Stoppable"
'Hmmmm…. At least I can see the house and car Bueno Nacho gave me in Exchange for the 2nd Realty check', he thought to himself.
'Well, that saved me at least a hundred or two Euros'
'It sure did m'boy and Oh do you want some breakfast?'
'Uhmmm… No thanks, sir, I just ate can I use the phone'
'Oh sure go ahead and this one is my graduation gift to you'
The man went to the phone and inserted two coins.
'There that should be more than enough', he said as he handed Ron the phone.
'Thanks', Ron replied to the landlord's kindness.
'Now what was that number' his hand was at the phone's directory.
'Hmmm… fire…electricity…Student Affairs… ah, transportation'
He dialed the number 415-5858; he then waited for someone to answer. Moments later a voice said.
'Can I help you?'
'ahh… yes I would like a cab from the third Dormitory of deli de Francois to the airport'
'Please wait for five minutes, Sir. The cab will arrive shortly'
'Thank you', he then placed the phone back on its place.
Ron waited outside his dorm. He can see some of the students being picked up by cabs and private cars. He also saw some of the students carrying heavy bags and heading for the bus or train station, yet there some who are still in their home dresses. It wasn't too long for a cab to pick him up too.
'Where are we to, sir?'
'The airport'
Ron arrived at the airport in just a little over thirty minutes.
'That'll be 5EU sir'
Ron paid the driver and checked in. There were quite a small number of people in the airport. Apparently, it was still in lunch time that the airport's schedule became crowded. Ron looked up the small TV that previewed the flight. He looked for flight 107. The TV flashed:
Ron went to gate 1A. He was greeted by the stewardess. Soon enough he was seated and moments later the plane moved. Then a voice from the speakers came: Please tuck your seatbelts as we prepare for takeoff.Ron saw the plane move from his side windowed; he leaned to his comfortable chair and soon was in a nap while the plane flew in that fine French morning.
It was around five in the afternoon when Ron arrived in Middleton Airport. In his way out he was surprised to see some of his colleagues.
'Hey there's the Ronster', Shawn exclaimed.
'What y'all doing here', Ron asked.
'We've got a business offering here Shawn and I', Fred answered.
'And what about the two of you?', His face towards Michael and John.
'I just hit U.S. in look for a job, I hope to find an opening soon', Michael replied.
'I see and what about you John'
'We'll I live here.'
'Oh you live here too?! Why didn't you say so?'
'Because you never ask'
The four laughed.
'Well, I'd better be going now. See ya'
'See ya 'round too Ron'
Ron headed down to the arrival's section. He left quite quickly after getting his passport checked. He entered a cab and the driver asked him 'Where to?'
'#29 florescent str., my good man and step on it. I'm quite on a hurry'
'Yes sir'
He arrived at his house. The house had a fine modern finish; it was walled on four sides. The garage gate was made of what seems to be titanium. The gate was made with grills and some metal leaves painted in gold for decoration. The first person he saw however was Ned.
'What are you doing here?'
'Someone in Bueno Nacho told me that you'll arrive today. Well, how can you get in without your keys'
'Oh', Ron almost forgot that he hasn't received the keys yet.
'Here are the keys Ron, their labeled according to room. I think you can figure out on your own and here's the one for the car… and I'll better leave as a Bueno Nacho supervisor I still have work to do'
'You're now a supervisor'
'Yup, just got promoted 2 weeks ago'
'Good for you then'
Ron looked at the keys. They were all metallic silver. He searched for the one that labeled 'Gate'. He opened the gate closed it and headed for the main door. 'MD', he thought this must be it, he tried to unlock it but the door won't budge. 'hmmmm', he whispered. 'What can it be then', he tried every key until the last one opened it. He looked at the key label it read 'KR',
'Now how can KR be the main door's gate', he thought.
Ron entered the main hall; it was fantastic there was a small slow-flowing waterfall inside of it, on his right was a bowling alley, a dance floor, a small champagne bar and a billiards table. He went towards the kitchen. It was fully-furnished a high-end refrigerator elegantly camouflaged by the semi-metallic cabinets, so with the oven and the countertop was superb. 'I can really practice cooking here', he thought. The dining set impressed him so; it contained a simple wooden table with an elegant mantle surrounded by four light-brown wooden chairs. On the top-left corner of the room was a small LCD TV. He entered the master's bedroom or in this case the only bedroom which was unlocked by the key labeled 'MD'.
'So that what's the MD meant. Master's Bedroom… hmf, it'll be better if it was labeled with 'MB' rather than 'MD'', he said.
His disappointment on the labels was soon vanished as he saw a very beautiful modern bedroom. It was simple and sophisticated. The Plasma TV was in front of the king-size bed. There was the usual bed side table, lamp, cabinet and even a safe. What caught his attention though is the hidden control panel near the windows which was in the far side of the room. He opened the panel; it had the settings for the whole house, laid upon him in an LCD touch-screen. He opened the tab named 'centralized air-conditioning'.
'Oh my gosh!' he said with a glee 'This place has everything'
He turned on the air-conditioning in the bedroom; it wasn't quite long before the room was cold. 'Man I feel sleepy', he said. He looked the room's far left and saw two doors.
'Hold on', he thought. 'I know that a master's bedroom is commonly connected to a bathroom, but why two doors.'
Curious, he went closer to the two doors. One was with no label while the other was labeled with something that made his face grow a smile.
'A spa!' Ron exclaimed 'Now I will never complain with Bueno Nacho's sudden price changes'
He entered the so-called spa room. Right at the center was a Jacuzzi, there was a hanging cabinet that seem to have different type of shampoos, soaps and fragrances. The opposite side of the room was a small hanging place with two bath robes. Next to it was the sink with a faucet engraved with a dove. On his left, he saw a bathtub and shower in one. He opened the water in Jacuzzi. The temperature was cold; he then noticed a dial and moved it a little to the red side. This made the water's temperature just perfect.
'Oh, I am so gonna take a bath at this later'
Ron unpacked his things in his bedroom. He placed his notes and books on the shelves nearby and arranged his clothes in the cabinet. He pulled out his diploma and put it the room's safe. Ron was checking his things and found something that inspired for more than 18 years of his life. 'Man I miss you Kim', he said as he placed her picture at his bed side table. Ron's mind wandered for a moment 'he thought of the last time he'd saw her three years ago and the thing he promised her when he came back from France. 'She also graduated; she said so in the letter', Ron's spoke to the cold air. Ron eyes were beginning to close, he was already lying in bed but in that moment, Ron felt his stomach grumbling. Sleepy, he said 'I can't go on empty'. He went to the kitchen and checked out the fridge. It housed a decent amount of food considering that Ned just knew that he's coming today. He took a slice of beef and some fine spices and moments later wrapped up a succulent Roast beef with fine herbs for his dinner. He had his fill in the dining room watching American Star-maker and finished up just before 9.
'9?' he thought, 'that late already, well, the rest in the bags can be finished up tomorrow'
Ron looked around and noticed a room he hasn't looked at. It was the living room. The room looked more like an audio-visual room. There was a massive LCD TV with surround sound speakers; there was a roomy couch in front of the TV and a glass table too. Ron looked for the light switch. He saw three buttons and a dial. He pressed the one in the top and the room illuminated white. He then pressed the middle one and the room turned yellow, but the third did nothing. He pressed again and nothing happened. He tried the dial but still nothing. Frustrated, he pressed the third button again and turned the dial. Two yellow light bulbs began to illuminate. He turned the dial to the left and the lights illuminated some more, a little to the right and it dimmed. 'Nice one', Ron said. 'This house is simply beautiful.'
Ron was now sleepy, his eyes more than willing to close. 'Yeah, just a shower perhaps', he thought. 'Opening the Jacuzzi will take me forever'. He opened the bathroom and took a quick shower; he brushed his teeth and went into his pajamas. He was walking to the bed and looked at Kim's picture. He sat at the bed and took Kim's picture. He was now admiring it as though he has just seen it. 'Well, KP I'm back and I'm going to fulfill my promise to you', he placed the photo back to the table and lay upon his king-size bed. 'Kim, I hope I dream about you', he yawned and fell into a deep sleep.
Ron woke up early that morning he took a quick breakfast. He started working out his left-opened bag. He started with his other clothes which he tucked away neatly but with great difficulty, he then turned to his other documents. He saw Rufus' picture and remembered three years ago when Rufus asked to leave him because he wanted to start his own family. He continued to scan and saw a picture of him and Kim in their night prom. 'Ah…yes Kim do have the most beautiful eyes'. The next thing he saw was the old poem he wrote for Wade on Valentine's Day but accidentally gave it to Mr. Barkin. He inserted it next into Kim's picture on the bed side table. It was 10, when Ron finished cleaning his things up. He looked for his car keys. 'Right', he said 'let's have a little spin'. He made sure that everything was locked and headed for the garage. The car looked like a Lamborghini Gallardo but it's definitely a little longer, it also had a mirror roof just like Kim's. He opened the garage door and slowly drove his car to the open road and closed the door remotely. He wanted to see Kim for real this time. He was now cruising in the Middleton roads the feeling seemed a little new. He shifted to second gear then to the third. He stepped on the brakes and turned around and just minutes later, he found himself just outside the Possible Residence. Ron stepped out of the car. He was eager to surprise Kim that he has already returned. Ron pressed the doorbell and waited, but received no reply. He tried to knock but no one answered. 'There must be something wrong' he thought.
'KP!', he yelled. But still no one answers.
He was about to yell again, when a neighbor, who had heard him shout, came out of his home looking for the source of the noise.
'What's the matter with you? Some of us want to have some sleep'
'Sorry, sir I just want to know where the people in this home are'
'They moved'
'Moved? When?'
'just 'bout two days ago someone in the household hit big time in the lottery and moved to Lowerton, they just got settled in a mansion'
'Oh…', his voice got hit by a little disappointment 'Well, sorry for interruption sir, is there by any chance you know the address'
'No. I don't, now please leave or if you're not going to please be quiet'
'Oh, yes sir'
He went back to his car again and started to drive. He speeded up a little, trying to forget what he has just heard. 'Come on Ron, KP must have a reason why she didn't tell you', he kept on thinking 'Besides they just moved two days ago… maybe she'll tell you soon'. He turned to the third gear until he saw Bueno Nacho's familiar façade. He pulled for a complete stop and parked near their new parking lot. He entered the shop. Ned recognized him as he approached the counter and greeted, 'Hi, Ron… what'll you have?'
'Oh just a Grande size Naco and soda to go', he said gloomily
'You don't feel quite good today', Ned commented.
'No, Ned not at all'
'Here's you order Ron that'll be $5.52 and I really hope you'll have a moi bueno day'
'Wish I do too', he said and sat on the table farthest from the door.
Moments later, Michael, Shawn, Fred and John arrived at the store, they seem to be talking about something. They went to the counter and ordered their food and seated with Ron.
'At least I have some company', Ron whispered so quiet so that none of them can hear.
Shawn laid out a small piece of paper. It was a brochure about the party of graduates of this batch at the seaside's groove.
'So, guys, the party is at 8 and the place. Well, the place has been mentioned… so which one of you will go'. Shawn asked.
'I'm gonna be there, It's my first time to attend an American party', Michael answered.
'It's all our first times… well except for John and Ron', Fred spoke.
'How 'bout you Ron will you go. I sure will'
'I dunno John, I feel kinda busy'
'Ohhhh… come on Ronster, in France you attended a party like what 3 times'
'Yeah Shawn, but I don't feel like it'
'Oh, just this once come to a party… it's your country for goodness sake', Michael scolded.
'Maybe, I'll try'
'Come on guys, the Ronster don't have a feel for fun', John told them.
Ron smiled. 'Okay, then' his face now forming a smile 'I'll try, but I may come late'
'Now, that's what I'm talking about come on give me five'
Ron clapped Shawn's hands. The five of them we're now starting to empty their food. Ron has just finished the last drop of his soda. 'Well, I'd better be going guys'.
'hope to see ya' later'
'Try not to count on it much Shawn' he said and left the store.
Nighttime and Ron was still thinking whether to go or not. He was lying in the couch, thinking about Kim moving and not telling him. He looked at his watch, it read 8:00. 'Maybe I should', he thought 'Come on let yourself have a little fun'. 'Fine', he said. 'I just hope I won't regret this'. Ron took a shower and brushed his teeth. He got his party dress on and reached seaside's groove at around quarter to nine. There were a lot people in the bar, but it didn't take Ron too much to look for John.
'I'm glad you made it Ron-man, I never doubted well actually I did'
'Yeah, Me too', he replied with the smile. Ron went up to the counter and sat.
'What will you have sir?', the bartender asked.
'A light-blue wine just about 20 to 30mL', Ron said as he handed him a hundred bucks.
Ron was watching the party and noticed that most people we're cheering and shouting at the two that seem to have been dancing together. Most of the crowd was blocking Ron's view so he asked.
'John, what's happening?'
'Oh, Shawn just challenged Kim on a dancing contest'
'Kim? Kim who?' Ron was now trying to hide his excitement. He never told them about Kim being his girlfriend.
'Kim Possible… yah know the cheerleader who saves the day'
Ron was speechless he was now looking at the dance floor hoping that the crowd would vanish so he could see her .
'It's a bet' John continued after breaking Ron's glare with a snap of the finger.
'A bet'
'Yeah, if Shawn wins Kim gives him a kiss he'll love and right now I hope she wins because that girl is so hot and you know how Shawn treats ladies especially if he has ehem.. Some power over them. On the darker side of things if Shawn loses, Kim gains two hundred bucks. That hottie has been doing this all night'
'And did someone beat her?'
'No one… that girl can dance as though she's reading the computer's move'
'How many has she won then?'
'If she beat Shawn which I know she will, she'll be rolling in a thousand bucks… her friends say that she has a boyfriend, but I don't much about that part of the story'
'I see, can you do me a favor John'
'Yeah, Ron what is it?'
'Can you arrange a battle with that girl against me?'
'YOU?!', exclaimed John 'and what do you know about dancing?'
'You don't know me very well, do you?'
'Well… Uh why are you hiding something?'
'No… nothing, but I want that girl's kiss', he said as he saw a glimpse of Kim's face from the crowd
'Come on man, the girl's got a boyfriend'
'I wanna have fun, besides I feel for a dance'
'Really? You serious?'
'Fine, fine… I'll have Michael list you. He's the dance floor coordinator.'
'No prob'
Ron saw John leave him and went toward the crowd. Moments later, he returned.
'Okay, Ronster you're up next and as the looks of it the last. Shawn just lost two hundred with that girl and no one seems to take another go'
Ron took a final sip at his bottle of wine and said 'Alright let's do this'.
'Okay, okay, okay', Michael voice was in the bass speakers. 'Shawn has just lost but it looks like we have another contender for the evening…'
'What?!', Kim said 'Another, very well then. I'll take another two hundred', she said boastfully.
'Alright folks, give it up for my friend Ronald Adrian Stoppable'
Kim looked at the crowd that parted. She saw him, the man that she missed so. Ron coolly stood up from the stool and approached the dance floor. Ron looked at her straight in the face and said 'KP, let's dance', then gave his special 'Ron' grin. 'Hit it Michael'. Michael started to play a hip-hop song; the both of them were performing very well. Ron looked at Kim during the entire song that made her feel insecure causing her to miss some of the computer-generated moves. In the end, Ron won by a small margin 567 to 562 points. Everyone in bar cooed the couple. Ron held Kim in her hand and pulled her. He then whispered so quiet that only Kim could hear, 'I missed you so much'. Ron gave her a hug and a deep kiss that made the bar silent for a while.
After the dance, Ron followed Kim to her table where Monique, Tara, Josh and Felix where.
'So Ron, how you've been doing lately?', Felix asked.
'I have my own place now. Bueno Nacho gave me a Naco Realty check bundled with a million dollars and a badical car'
'Seems, you've been doing very well', Monique commented'
'Yeah seems to be'
'So Ron I heard you're a cum laude in your school', Kim asked.
'Yup', said Ron and I believe your one too.
'Yah, I am'.
Michael, Shawn, Fred and John followed Ron to his now table….
'Oh, yes I almost forgot. Guys this is Michael, Shawn, Fred and John, they're my collage roomies and over there is Monique, then Josh, Tara and Felix', they're my high school peeps and of course, 'KP', my bon-diggety hot girlfriend'. With this comment Kim slightly blushed.
'Well I haven't heard much about her', Michael asked.
'Sorry, 'bout that', Ron said. 'hei, why don't you join us?'
'We'll be happy to.'
'We better eat something', said Tara.
'Fine', said Kim. 'Two servings of shrimp the one with the fine garnishes and a New-yorker fried fish', Kim said to the waiter.
'Add a little vodka on that won't you?' Ron added.
'Yes, sir',
The friends talked much about themselves while consuming their shrimp. Ron began to tell the tale of him and Kim to his college buddies. Monique was again with all the usual questions. Kim looked at the clock 'hmmm… 10, it's that late already?'
'Yeah, it seems that time flies when you're having fun'
'I feel a little dizzy though'
'Maybe all that dancing got the better of you', Monique said.
'Yeah maybe you're right… I'd better go home'
'I'll drive you home Kim', Ron said.
Kim and Ron walked out of the bar and went into the car. Kim looked at Ron.
'Ron where's your new home?'
'Just around Fluorescent Street. Why?'
'Can I stay there?'
'Yeah… but I thought your dizzy?'
'Nope, not really. I just to spend some time with you'
Ron smiled at her and said, 'Me like. A-booyah'
Kim and Ron reached the house in a matter of minutes, traffic was very light. Ron opened the gate and they entered the main door, everything was locked as the two of them went in. Kim pulled Ron for a hug and whispered to him 'I missed you too Ron, just so much'. Ron smiled.
'Why don't you sit at the living room Kim? I'll just gonna get something to drink'
'Sure Ron'
Ron turned up the yellow lights in the living room so that it was neither too dim nor too bright, he returned a little later with two glasses of champagne. He placed the glasses on the table and sat next to Kim.
'So, KP, where's your new house?'
'Down by the Birch street at Lowerton'
'It wouldn't be a hard place to miss it's the only mansion there', Kim added.
Kim took a sip in her glass.
'I remembered 3 years ago when Rufus was just around scurrying', Ron said.
'Yeah, but I bet he's happy with his new family', she replied.
Both of them burst with laughter. Kim emptied her glass when she felt something in her mouth. It was a ring, a gold ring engraved with the words Kim and Ron; it had a diamond on top.
'Ron, what's this?' she asked, her face became a little pink. She knew what it was for.
Ron, whose face was part red, slowly said 'It's my promise Kim' he then knelt to her 'Kimberly Anne Possible will you...'but, even before he could finish his sentence. Kim pulled him up and he found his lips locked with hers. Kim then broke the kiss and said 'Yes, Ron. I do. It's my promise too'. Ron hugged her and whispered in her ear 'Kim, I love you' and she also whispered in his ear 'and I love you too'. Ron pinned Kim at the sofa and started to kiss her neck which she accepted happily. Kim gave a moan.
Ron started to move to her lips. They we're now savoring each other's lips.
Kim's left eye opened and looked at the clock it read 11'o clock and she said 'Come on Ron let's go to bed, we've got a big thing to tell our folks tomorrow', half of her lips still attached with Ron's.
'But my place only has one bedroom', he replied as his face go slightly red.
'Yeah, I know that, but I'm going to be Kim Stoppable very soon and Ron don't tell me that you don't want to sleep with me tonight', Kim purred and gave him a look that made his face grin and say 'Booyah'. Three years of emotion, longing and love poured out between Kim and Ron during that long peaceful night.