nightDREAMERms: I'm just trying this one out ok. If you guys like it I'll continue it, but it probably wont be on the regular basis like Naruto Summer School. Just when I get to it or feel like updating. Oh and originally this was set when they were younger but I've decided to make them older to really start the pranks. Pairing? I'm not exactly sure if there will or wont be one.



"Inner Sakura/ Zetsu's darker side"

"Zetsu's lighter side"


Seven young boys sat in a circle. The group was very well ... Diverse. And apparently none or most had no fashion sense what so ever. Colors clashed with hair, eyes, and in some cases, skin color. But, they all wore the same black cloak with little red stars going around them. Now what would a group of nine-year old children do in a dark, in-closed room on the weekend? No good of course.

"So, everything's ready?" A blue-tanned one asked. Gill like markings on his cheek raising and lowering with the rise and fall of his lips.

"Yeah, we've got all the items, right Kakuzu?" A boy with hair the color of fresh blood replied.

"Actually… no-" The masked-boy was subject to a dump load of glares. "Nothing was on sale!" he defended. "But I sent Zetsu out to find us some stuff cheap."

Another boy, a little tall for his age, but not as tall as the blue one, crossed his arms and leaned his back against the wall he was near and, sprawling out his long ebony hair and eventual hair grease on the wallpaper behind him. He could do what he wanted. It was his room anyway. He closed his dark eyes, though some would call it deep ruby when reflected in sunlight, "So all we do now is sit and wait."

"Pretty much, yeah. Eh, what's taking him so long?" The blonde looked towards the only exit of the bedroom.

As if answering his thoughts, the door creaked open revealing a shorter boy with emerald hair and a greenish tint to his skin.

"It followed-" he started.

Suddenly, a male with white-blondish hair spoke up. "Oh hell no. That last "It followed me" Brought Tobi up here!"

Another boy, wearing a pumpkin-colored mask with a swirl mark and small eye hole, raised his hand, as if to acknowledge that he was there and waved it vigorously.

A loud sniff echoed throughout the room, causing everyone to look around Zetsu.

A pink-haired girl wiped away the tears from her turquoise eyes with the back of her hand. She looked down at her shoes and sniffled once more.

The blue boy elbowed the ebony-haired one. "Isn't that the girl who's obsessed with your younger-" he asked in a hushed voice.

"Yeah," he interrupted, "I know." He stared at her casually interested. Of all the times she'd ever been over to Uchiha residence, never once had she actually entered his room.

Sakura felt a shiver run up and down her back as cold as ice and glanced up to meet Itachi's stare. Instinctively, she froze mid-sniff, cowered and ran to hide behind the nearest object. That just happened to be Deidara.

Said blonde turned on the rest of the group, "Hey! You're scaring her, yeah!" He then turned around and gently placed the shivering girl in his lap. Rubbing her back with one hand and threading his fingers through her pink tresses with the other, all the while saying insignificant phrases to calm her down.

The rest of the group just stared, too… shocked to do much else.

"So I'm good with kids!" Deidara shot back, scowling at their expressions. Then turned his head, hoping to hide the embarrassment written on his cheeks, "So sue me." he muttered.

Tobi indiscreetly poked the no-longer-crying-girl.

The red head known as Sasori rolled his eyes at the scene, "Moving on. Zetsu you got the supplies, right?"

The boy turned his head toward the speaker, revealing that his head was actually two-toned, one dark green and the other a lighter hue. "Well that's the thing, the brat-That cute little girl had all of these!" His voice underwent a major change in the middle of his speech, but the majority of people in the room were used to it, besides the more unusual thing was all the items that lay in a pile on the ground in front of them: Dye, ribbon, makeup, spy equipment, a voice recorder, sugar tablets, ribbons, frilly clothing, face paint, random character body suits, multi-colored sharpies and even one can of spray paint.

The room turned their attention to Sakura, who let out a tiny nervous smile, "Heh heh?"

Kisame let out an amused chuckle, nonetheless his tone was demanding, "Ok little girl, spill."

Sakura looked down into her lap, hair covering her eyes, "They… were being mean, so she-"

"She?" Sasori interrupted.

Sakura looked up to face him but in doing so actually realized that all nine boys were staring at her and went slightly pink. "Well I thought," she squeaked out, "I should wreak revenge!!" Unknown to the outside world, Inner Sakura pumped her fist in the air.

Hidan leant over and whispered into Kakuzu's ear, "When you were five, did you even have a freakin' clue to what 'wreak revenge' meant?"

The masked boy shook his head and shrugged.

Kisame sat and thought about it for a minute before slapping his hands down on the ground next to him, causing the weak-hearted to jump in surprise. "Well, whatever, we got the same goal in anyway, I say let her in."

The mutterings around her showed Sakura that most of the rest of the people in the room agreed with him and her eyes started to glow happily, hastily she climbed out of Deidara's lap and pulled out a piece of paper. She waved it in front of her, "And I've got a list of what to do to 'em too!" she shouted excitedly.

Her heart plummeted for a moment when she felt the paper being snatched from her hand. Apparently, she had been brandishing the item to close to the elder Uchiha's face and he deemed it annoying and took it from her. His eyes skimmed the paper until he reached the bottom; his face held no emotion but his eyes dimly reflected amazement.

"This… is ingenious."


nightDREAMERms: So.. what do you think? If the story continues, they'll all be in highschool when the pranks start. Too me it's funner that way! Tell me what you think! And no, I don't need ideas for pranks I really do have a list but if you want you can list your ideas in a review. Oh right, REVIEW!!!!! o