A/N: I came up with this idea in a dream, more like a nightmare. I did a trailer on this, but it didn't seem very popular, I think because it might have been confusing.

Well hear is the story, I don't own yu-gi-oh GX.


A little boy was playing in a barn. Clamming on boxes his father and grandfather were stacking. It was light out but they had a candle because it was still dark in the barn. The little box was laughing and smiling. His mother was dead and his grandmother was watching them from the house.

His grandmother shook her head in disapproval. The guys were stacking boxes of things that even they knew they didn't need. Plus they had set the candle in a bad place. She walked away hoping they'd keep an eye on her grandson.

She loved her husband and her son, but she had to admit, they were dolts. She hoped her grandson didn't turn out like that. He was so sweet and kind; it would be a shame if he grew up like them. Especially since he had a lot more scene then them.

After about half an hour his father and grandfather took a brake. The little boy stayed in the barn. Playing make believe. He was pretending that he was a mouton climber, exploring the vigorous Mt. Everest. It was very fun.

He was having so much fun he didn't even notice the candle, or that he was so close to it. He also didn't notice when he accidentally knocked the candle over. He just continued to play. To him, every thing was a game. So, he climbed higher.

The candle landed on the ground in a big pile of hay. The hay Cut fire, and then the barn. Soon the boy was surrounded by flames. The crates started to burn.

"I don't like this game any more" he said as he looked at the fire so close to him.

He was so high up, right where all the smoke was. He started coughing fiercely. He couldn't breath. His eyes watered not only because he was coughing so hard but because the smoke was to strong. He closed his eyes tight in an attempted to stop the burning caused by the smock.

The boxes started to shake. Soon they fell to the ground. The boy was flung to the back of the barn. His path blocked by the boxes. He started to get up but one of the barn's pillars finely fell.

It had bin burned and couldn't stay up any longer. Sadly the pillar fell on top of the young boy. The boy tried to get out from under it but it was no use. He was trapped.

With the grandmother

His grandmother looked out the window to see the barn. Her eyes went wide at the sight. The barn was on fire and her husband and son trying to save the boxes. They didn't even know that the little boy was still in there. They figured that he would have left a long time ago.

"Oh my havens!" she said and rushed out of the house to the two men." Forget the boxes get away from their! Do you want to be killed?!" she yelled and pulled the men away. She got them away and called 911.

With the little boy

The boy struggled under the boxes. Tears streamed down his face. He was going to die. He was going to die and nothing could change that.

"Some one, please help me" he said in a week voice. As he said this his heart stopped for a minute then pounded hard. His chest hurt like nothing he ever felt before.

"What is going on? What is this pain? It hurts" he said, trying to grip his heart. He closed his eyes as he felt the pain grow.

"AHH!" he screamed as one became two. As he became more then just himself. He opened his eyes to see he was free. He quickly ran out of the barn.

He made it out of the barn and to his grandparent's house. He ran in and seen his father and grandparents standing near the window staring. His grandmother rushed to him and hugged him. They seen him run out of the burning barn and realized he must have bin trapped.

"Oh you poor dear! You must have bin so afraid!" his grandmother said. He cried in her arms. His grandfather started patting his back in an attempt to comfort him. His father just stared at them.

Fear showed in his fathers eyes. He had already lost his wife and he almost lost his son. His only reminder of his love. He almost lost his little boy.

The boy looked at his father as he walked closer. His father picked him up and hugged him close. He hugged back. His father was so glade he was still alive.

About a half an hour later the fire men had arrived and put the fire out. Now they were looking to make sure no one was in there.

"Looks like we got something over hear!" yelled a fireman as he uncovered the body of a dead boy. All the other fire men came closer to see. The boy and his family came closer as well.

The dead boy looked an al full like the little boy. Like a clone. The boy's vision started to fade. He felt sick. His body was going limp.

"Grandma" the boy said weekly as he seen the body and blacked out. Every one looked at him. They surrounded him in a secant. His father's face went blank yet was full of worry.


It had been a week since the boy blacked out. His family was worried. They feared he would never wake up. They stayed by his side every chance they got. They hated when visiting hours were over.

Doctors said he might not wake up. They said that the experience might have traumatized him too much. They told his father that if he didn't wake up within the year that they would pull the plug. But the boy's father still hoped.

He hoped his son would wake. He prayed. He wouldn't lose him. He couldn't.

The boy's father would cry himself to sleep at the thought of the boy dieing. He would blame him self. The boy was his son. He loved him.

But even with hope and prayers time went by. Days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months. Soon it was the 11 month and the boy still hadn't awakened. The father cried over his sleeping son.

The boy was as good as dead. It seemed like he wouldn't ever wake. The father begged his son.

"Please! Please wake up!" he said. He continued to cry till visiting hours ended. Then he left in tears that blurred his vision. He walked to the parking lot then to his car. Then he got in and drove.

But he wasn't going home. He couldn't bear to go back there. Not to the place he had lived with his wife. Not to the place where he had lived with his son. Not to a place full of painful memories.

So he drove. He drove till it was dark. He drove till he ran out of gas and sat at the side of the rode. Then he just sat there. Crying.

By the time it was 1:00 AM he had stopped crying. He opened the dash bored and polled some thing out. He polled out a gun. He placed it to his head and said his final words.

"I'll be with my family soon" and with that he polled the trigger. A big bang noise filled the night air and echoed through the forest he was near. The boy's father was dead. A smile on his face.

In the morning the Boy's grandma and grandpa got the news of their son's death. They mourned for their lose. Every thing was falling apart. They had already lost so much.

Then the phone rang. It rang three times before the grandma answered it.

"Y-yes?" she said into the phone to the person on the other end of the line. He eyes went wide and her mouth hung open. She nodded her head." Alright, we'll be there in a few moments" she said and hung up. The grandpa looked at her.

"What's going on?" the grandpa asked.

"He finally woke up" she said. There was a long silence.


A few years later

"Yay! I can't believe it!" Jaden yelled happily as the bus drove. He and his friend smiled.

"So, Jaden, how long has it been since you last seen your grandparents?" asked Bastion. Jaden looked at his friend with excitement written all over his face.

"Years. I haven't been there in like forever," Jaden said.

"Well why's that Soldier?" asked Hasslebarry (a/n: I'm not sure how his name's written so if I wrote it wrong please tell me!). Jaden frowned. That got every ones attention.

"What's wrong Jay?" Syrus asked. Jaden looked at his friend then sighed.

"Nothing, it's just, well, the reason I haven't been there in so long is because there was a fire one day. Apparently two people died. I was lucky," Jaden said. His friends stared at him in shock until Alexis spoke.

"Um, what do you mean 'you were lucky'?" she asked.

"Well, I could have been one of them. Thankfully I just had to be in the hospital for a few weeks," Jaden said. Then Syrus freaked out and started hugging Jaden while crying.

"Ah! Jaden I don't want you to die!" then every one had to try to calm him down before they got to their destination.

A/N: to those who have read this before I have decided to change some things and to make this a prolog. What do you thing? I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh GX.