Ghost Guardian

By Quick-demon

Disclaimers: It's it really necessary to point out I don't own DP or SG-1 characters?

A/N: AU. This is a crossover with one character of Stargate SG-1. It's before the program but may have future references. If you don't know SG-1 you don't really need to with this story but if you do that's great too.

A/N2: There are two Daniels... or Dannys. To lower confusion Danny Fenton will always be called Danny and the other Daniel. Since in their own shows that is what they are known by.

Well enjoy!

"We're here," the woman announced stopping the car

The boy's deep blue eyes blinked uninterested through his gold round glasses that matched his plain golden brown mop-like hair. The woman didn't wait for any answer before opening the door and allowing herself out. She headed for the back of the car and popped the boot open to pull out a large briefcase.

The boy looked out and saw a large square two-story house with a strange metal contraption on top of it. It resembled something like a large antenna or a satellite with lots of junk on it. On the front of the building, in bold writing was stamped out FENTON WORKS.

What was the point? The boy asked himself. He knew he was only going to be here for a week before being dragged off to another foster family. No one wanted to take care of a fourteen year old kid who had a traumatic experience. He was beginning to suspect that the social services were paying families to take him in.

With a sigh he opened the car door and let himself out. He moved off to the African-American woman and grabbed for his luggage.

"Its ok I got it" the woman kept her grip offering to carry it for him
"I can carry it myself," the boy said defensively

At that tone of voice the woman released the handle and allowed the child to carry it. Instead she moved towards the door and knocked, the boy dragged along behind her.

After a few seconds a woman with brown hair, violet eyes and in a teal jumpsuit appeared at the door.

"Mrs Fenton?"
"Hi! Oh you must be Mrs Kall from the social services" the jumpsuit woman instantly recognized, "Please call me Maddie. Come in"

The dark haired Mrs Kall gave a smile before entering the Fenton household. Maddie looked past the officer and at the child. The wide-eyed child stared at the woman with curiosity wondering why she was wearing a jumpsuit.

"Hello and you must be Danny" she gave a warm smile
"It's Daniel," the boy snapped cringing at the sound of the nickname. After seeing the stunned look on the woman's face he tried to recover, "I mean, I like to be called Daniel"
"Well come in then" she said as he moved past her before closing the door

The newcomer looked around the home. It was quite spacey inside. The door led right into the living room while stairs led up to the second floor. In front of him was a couch and a coffee table. There a teenage girl was lying on the couch reading a book. She had orange-brown hair that was kept back with a green hair band. She wore a black shirt and light green pants. She perked up with interest at their arrival and greeted them with politeness.

"Hello Mrs Kall" she stood up greeted, "I'm glad you could make it"

They both briefly shook hands.

"Hello Jazz. I really should thank you all for taking this child in. I'm afraid not many families wants to take care of a child at his age" Mrs Kall said sadly putting her hand on the kid's shoulder, "People, think fourteen year olds are too old and hard to handle"
"People just don't understand what it is like to be fourteen" the girl, Jazz, replied knowledgably

The kid hated being talked about as if he wasn't in the room.

"And we can provide a strong nurturing environment-" Jazz said in a professional voice before being interrupted
"It's done!" a loud voice bellowed

Then suddenly a large bulky man dressed in an orange jumpsuit appeared at the living room entrance from the kitchen holding out a strange device. The kid just stared at the size of the man and how he was hard to miss with the bright orange jumpsuit he wore.

"I call it the Fenton Sickly Ghost! It can give any ghost a range of ghostly diseases!" the man informed the people in the room of his latest invention
"Dad!" Jazz wailed as he was ruining something important
"What honey? Oh I know! You want to see a demonstration!" the man said excitedly mistaking the wail for an invitation
"Wait-" Jazz gabbled trying to reach for the gadget, "No!"

Oblivious the man gave a big grin before pressing a button that was on the device but nothing happened. He frowned before pressing the button again and again.

"Hmmm that's funny it was working a moment ago…I guess it only works when a ghost is around…" he trailed into his thoughts

Maddie politely interrupted her husband knowing he hadn't noticed the new guests, "Jack this is Mrs Kall from the social services"
Jack instantly looked at the dark haired brown skinned woman, "What? You can't take our children away!!"
"Jack" Maddie said sweetly keeping her patience, "She's here to bring the foster child in from the orphanage, remember?"
"Ah, yes of course" Jack gave an embarrassed grin

Mrs Kall gave a confused expression.

Jazz gave a stiff chuckle, "Ahhh, as I was saying we can provide a strong nurturing environment for him to grow and develop-"

A door opened and slammed, the sound interrupted her the second time. They all looked over to see a raven-haired blue-eyed boy entering the house with a bored expression. He had a white shirt and blue jeans.

"Hi Mom, hi Dad. I'm going up my room to do homework and I don't need any parental checking up on or any help," he said in a monotonous ramble before setting a foot on the first step
"Danny" Maddie prompted in her sweet voice, "There is someone here for you to meet"
Danny looked over and registered the rest of the occupants in the room, "Oh uh… huh?"
Mrs. Kall decided to speak up at this point, "I'm sure you will all make a good family for him"

She moved to the foster boy behind her to bring the central focus on him. The boy shifted awkwardly under everyone's attention and pushed his glasses back up. He suddenly found the picture on the wall more interesting.

"Everyone this is Daniel Jackson" she announced to the family before speaking to the newcomer, "Daniel this is Madeline, Jack, Jasmine and Daniel Fenton"

The orphan looked at each person in turn as they were being introduced. They seemed friendly enough. The look of their home meant they were well off but the way they were dressed meant fashion and outward status didn't mean much to them. He could tell by the odd clothing the parents wore that they did their work at home, what they do was unclear but he could tell it wasn't a pen-pushing job.

His eyes fell to the boy by the stairs. He was average, about his hight and weight and perhaps age as well. The foster kid looked at him straight in the eye. The black haired boy blinked and quickly looked away feeling intimidated by the foster kid's curious and inquisitive stare.

"Hey" Maddie said cheerfully seeing the foster child wasn't going to respond

The foster kid's attention was diverted back to the rest of the family and just stared at them curiously.

"You can call me Maddie ok?" she finished giving a welcoming smile
"And you can call me Jazz if you like" Jazz gave a wave

Jack leaned forward but the child didn't move back.

"Hey there kiddo! Wait until you hear me blabber on about ghosts and my ghost hunting! Then we can eat fudge, lots and lots of fudge!"

The kid stared at the large man, bewildered.

"Dad! You're scaring him!" Jazz growled trying to push her father away
Jack moved back lost in his own thoughts, "Mmmmm… fudge"
"Well I must go. I'll leave all of you to it" Mrs Kall said politely before looking at her watch, "I hate to run but I have an appointment at eleven. Thank you very much"
"Oh it's our pleasure" Maddie replied politely
The woman gave a warm smile to the orphan, "Goodbye Daniel. Good luck"
She turned and headed for the door. His voice was quiet but responded, "See you soon"

With that she let herself out of the door. With the event over Maddie took charge.

"Danny, why don't you show Daniel his new room?" she asked

Danny, who just stared at the new kid nodded. Daniel saw the indication and trudged towards the stairs. Without a word he followed the black haired child up to the second floor. Jack's attention span finished and he was back thinking about his device.

"Perhaps it needs a little more tweaking…" Jack murmured, "If only I could test it"
"Only if there was a ghost entity around…" Maddie started
"Maddie! You're a genius!" Jack bellowed before running back down to the basement

Maddie gave a smile to the compliment before turning to her daughter.

"Jazz could you keep an eye on Daniel. I know that Danny is up there with him at the moment but I want to make sure that he settles in ok. I'll be busy for most of the day-"
"Say no more Mom" Jazz interrupted
Maddie gave a smile of relief, "Thanks Jazz. I'll be in the lab with your father if you need me"

Maddie returned to the lab following Jack's footsteps but in more of a sedated pace. Jazz sighed before sitting back down on the couch and returning to her book.

Danny opened the door to the spare room.

"And here's your room"

The kid was given a quick tour of the bedrooms and the upstairs bathroom before his own room was introduced but showed little interest.

The child said nothing as he entered and dropped his luggage next to his new bed

Danny watched on as the foster kid ignored him and started to unpack. He'd been so busy for the past few days with ghost fighting he totally forgot about the foster kid coming today. For weeks his parents were talking about taking in a foster child. Jazz supported the idea of course but he wasn't too thrilled himself. It was hard enough keeping his secret away from his parents, let alone from the new addition to the family. Even his older sister eventually found out. What possessed his parents to take in another child anyway? Even if he was the same age, same hight and build and technically had the same name as he did…

Danny shook his head feeling stupid for thinking his parents was going to replace him with a complete stranger… it was stupid, wasn't it?

"Get a grip Danny" Danny hissed at himself for thinking such a stupid thought, "Its not like my parents adopted him… he's just staying for a while. It's not like I'm getting replaced or something…"
"Do you always talk to yourself?" the foster kid asked him continuing to unpack

Danny jumped wondering how his thoughts were spoken out loud and how hard his quiet voice was.

"Uh… um, uh"
"Don't worry no one wants a fourteen year old foster kid anyway so I'll be out of your way in a week or so" the boy turned to him, "Isn't that what you want?"

Danny suddenly found himself standing around quite embarrassed. Feeling awkward he decided change the subject and to break the ice a bit.

"Wow… heh, you travel light"

The other teen didn't respond but kept unpacking books. That went over well… Fenton thought

"Uh, try not to go down to the basement, my parents are usually down there and they don't like to be disturbed when they make stuff, oh and don't touch the ham in the fridge…"

Jackson kept ignoring him.

"Uh do you need a hand?" Danny offered trying to get through to the kid
"I don't need help to unpack my suitcase" Jackson snapped pushing up his glasses, "I'm not eight"
"So-orry!" Danny rolled his eyes then added, "Sheesh. Someone woke up on the wrong side"

Silence resumed and Danny decided to high tail it out of there. He had more important stuff to do than entertain their newest addition.

"Well if you need anything don't hesitate to give us a yell," he offered before leaving
"No one can give me what I need," the boy muttered before picking up a small red book.

It was weather worn and tattered but it was the most treasured possession he held. The child gave a heavy sigh.

Danny chewed his Mighty Meaty burger with his best friends, Tucker and Sam, in their usual place in Nasty Burger. Tucker's hazel green eyes lit up, as his brown skin became red at the cheeks, almost matching his red beret that sat on his head.

"I finally got tickets to see Bethany Barks next weekend!" Tucker almost squealed

Sam sat across from him her short black hair sat by her pale face as a small ponytail tipped the top. Her clothing was in the usual goth, black green and purple.

"Bethany Barks?" Sam questioned in disgust
"Who's Bethany Barks?" Danny asked
"Who's Bethany Barks?" Tucker repeated in disbelief, "You don't know who Bethany Barks is?"
"I do" Sam replied, "A plastic pop doll princess that lip sings and is more popular for her silicon than for her no-talent. Heh, she even outdoes Paulina in the shallow department"
"Hey, I resent that! She's the most hottest the most talented singer to hit the charts since Brittany Brittany! " Tucker defended before grinning, "And she loves technology… well at least cell phones"

Tucker held up a pink cell phone that had his favourite pop singer's face on the back. He stared at it longingly.

"She even personalizes the cell phones" Tucker pushed the phone towards Sam, "See?"
Sam wrinkled her nose and moved her head back as she pushed the device away, "I've seen a dog's butt more personalized than that"
"You've seen dog's butts?" Danny asked raising an eyebrow

Sam threw a glare in Danny's direction and ignored him.

Tucker leaned back and pulled the phone towards him, "You're just jealous that you're not as great and beautiful as Bethany Barks!"
"Tch, please! If you think I'm jealous by a teenie bopper airhead then you seriously have some issues. Especially if you carry a pink cell phone" Sam paused to scoff, "I mean those things were made for girls"
Tucker covered the cell phone around the sides with his hands with a hurt expression, "You hurt its feelings!" then he cooed at the phone, "Don't listen to her! You were made for every living fan!"

Sam rolled her purple eyes giving up hope. Danny gave a small smile to himself before taking another bite. Sam decided to move on and she grabbed her drink.

"So Danny how was it this morning with the foster kid?" Sam asked. They all knew this event was coming for a long while.
"Huh? Oh great" Danny shrugged, "Nothing grand, all he does is sit in his room and read. The whole time I was there he was reading this old red book. I tried talking to him but he's always angry or something"
"Is he Goth?" Sam asked interested, "Or Emo?"
"He's got the attitude" Danny retorted
"Its hard adjusting to a different life" Tucker pipped in. Both of them looked at him and he became aware of it, "Well if you think about it, he's only staying with you because he doesn't have anywhere else to go"
"Well maybe he should at least be more grateful" Danny muttered then added as an after thought, "Or more nice"
"Give it time" Sam replied wisely, "He'll adjust when he's ready"
"Yeah I guess" Danny shrugged, "If he can adjust to Jazz's intellect and my parent's obsession with ghost hunting. Sure, he'll adjust just fine"

Danny was about to take another bite into his burger when the familiar shiver ran up his spine and blue mist escaped his lips. His friends also saw it and they knew what was coming. Sure enough a ghost appeared in its usual green skin, phasing out of the floor in front of them. It gave a horrific screech, which brought everyone's attention to it. At the paranormal sight everyone in the joint ran away screaming.

Except for three people.

"I'm going ghost," Danny cried as a white ring appeared at his waist.

With cool special effects the ring split in two, going opposite directions and passed his body. Turning his causal clothing to his ghostly jumpsuit, turning his black hair to white and his blue eyes to neon green. He gave a smile as he rose up to the challenge of beating the new escapee.

"It's time you went back to the Ghost Zone," Danny said as he floated up to face it

The ghost was male; it had a mop top full of brown hair and large dark glasses. It wore a brown shirt and blue ripped jeans. Its ghostly eyes were brown and full of sadness as it wailed again.

"Danny!" it cried with sorrow.
"Dude, did it just say your name?" Tucker asked

Danny frowned knowing Tucker was right but also knowing he never seen this ghost before.

"It's Danny. Danny Phantom" Danny told to ghost
"What do you want?" Danny demanded deciding to be a little diplomatic
Then suddenly the ghost's eyes glowed red and screamed, "Pain! PAIN! Sooooo much PAIN!!!"
"Oooookaaaay…" Danny quipped, "Cross sanity off the list"

Then ghost flew right at him angrily, with its arms stretched out. Danny pulled his arm back and threw a punch. It connected with the ghost's jaw sending the abnormality flying. Danny flew after it shooting Ghost Rays in it's wake. The ghost screeched as its body was inflicted with pain.

"Danny!" it screamed again
Danny stopped, "Dude, stop saying my name!"

The ghost recovered from the pain and flew back up again in a surprise attack. With a fist covered in Ectoplasm, the ghost punched the hybrid away sending the kid to the other side of the restaurant. The punch landed square on his chest, winding him causing a good amount of pain. Danny realized where he was going to land and squeezed his eyes shut. He turned invisible and passed through the brick wall before turning back again and landing on the tarmac outside.

The ghost phased through the wall as well pursing his opponent. It rose above Danny before it came down for another attack. Danny moved out of the way as the ghost slammed its fist into the ground, cracking the pavement.

"Wow, that's some punch!" he gasped still trying to recover from the earlier blow

Danny floated up and shot more green Ectoplasm at it but this time the ghost dodged.

"PAIN!" he screeched, "Suffering! Daniel!"
"Ok you're really freaking me out now" Danny commented

The ghost growled in fury before going at Danny again with a punch. Danny easily dodged it. The ghost swung his fist again and he dodged the attack again.

"Come on? Is that all you got?" Danny taunted

The ghost growled and moved back but didn't come in for another attack. Danny saw his chance and swung at the ghost, the ghost blocked his attack, and then blocked another before quickly gathering Ectoplasmic energy within its palms and blasting it at point blank range at Danny's chest.

Danny gave a yelp as he was engulfed in a green ray, pushing him all the way back, crashing into a brick wall. He was winded and struggled to catch air before the ghost came in for another attack.

"I should really consider what I say to ghosts when I'm fighting them" Danny spluttered

Danny recovered he was just in time to see a fist flying straight at his face. Danny turned intangible and receded into the wall behind him. The ghost missed and his fist slammed into the bricks. The force cracked the wall and loosening bricks as he withdrew his fist. The ghost howled in pain and anger. Danny phased back out again next to the impact site.

"Ok time to cool off" Danny commented as his eyes glowed light blue. He shot a large ice beam at the ghost with his hands.

The ghost froze instantly but with in seconds its eyes glowed red, his frozen prison cracked before exploding into thousands of pointy shards. His voice howled in blinding rage. Danny saw the shower of shards and turned intangible but also realized that the shards were raining on the immediate area. Within tens of seconds he registered Sam and Tucker in the middle of the empty Nasty Burger parking lot with no shelter from the icicles. He swooped down and transferred his power of intangibility just in time as the shards embedded themselves into the ground.

The ghost formed Ectoplasmic energy within its hands and shot beams at the ghost child. Danny barely realized before he quickly focused his energy and erected a Ghost Shield to protect him and his friends from the attack. The intangibility wore off on all of them.

"Get out of here!" Danny commanded to his friends as the ghost swooped down and started to punch and hit the Ghost Shield to make it weaken and disappear.

Danny grunted as the powerful blows to the shield zapped his energy to try and keep the shield up. Seeing their intentions of helping Danny were a hindrance for the moment, Sam and Tucker quietly obeyed and ran to a safe distance.

Once they were far away enough Danny dropped the shield and quickly moved as the ghost swung another punch. Instead of hitting a shield it hit the tar ground.

"Why are you attacking me for? I didn't do anything to you" Danny pointed out readying himself for another clash

The ghost's eyes flashed a brighter red seeing it was getting nowhere and flew towards the ghost child. The ghost swung wildly at the halfa in his fury but Danny easily dodged the wide and predictable attacks. Then he gave a smirk before throwing a punch to greet the infuriated ghost. But the male ghost caught Danny's fist and threw him to the ground.

Danny landed flat on his back as the ghost came at him with high speed, aiming a strong and powerful blow.

"Danny! Catch!" Sam's voice came

Danny looked over to find Sam and Tucker running towards him. Sam waved the Fenton Thermos before throwing it towards Danny. With a smirk, Danny caught it and opened the lid. He pointed at the incoming ghost as it hummed, powering up.

The ghost realized too late as a blue light developed within the cavities of the thermos and blasted out towards it. The ghost screamed as the blue white energy entrapped it and pulling the spirit into the tiny confines of the mechanism.

Danny twisted the lid back on sealing the ghost's fate before standing up to face his friends. The white ring appeared around him again and split in opposite directions to change his form back to human, dressed in his usual casual attire.

His friends approached him.

"A perfect way to spend a Sunday afternoon, fighting ghosts" he said flatly, "I was starting to wonder if ghosts take breaks during the weekends as well"
"Well they better take a break next weekend when Bethany Barks comes to Amity Park for one night only!" Tucker put in

They started to walk away from the restaurant as if nothing out of the ordinary happened. Sam rolled her eyes at Tucker.

"Don't tell me you're seriously going to see her!"
"Of course! How can I miss the chance to see the most beautiful woman in the world and be amongst thousands of screaming hot girls in the crowd!?"
"Yeah not to mention you'll be the only guy there," Sam pointed out
"Your point being?" Tucker gave a smirk
"Oh forget it" Sam threw her hands up in defeat
"You guys wanna swing by my house?" Danny asked changing the subject, "I have to drop off the ghost in the ghost zone"
"Sure there's nothing else to do" Sam shrugged
"And this is coming from a person who has a bowling alley and a giant movie theatre in their basement" Tucker pointed out to Sam.
"Besides I also want to meet the new kid," Sam added in glaring at Tucker for blabbering about her loaded home lifestyle
"You coming too?" Danny asked his best friend
"Yeah, as long I don't have to sit through any ghost hunting lectures that your dad is so bent on giving us every time we're around" Tucker said distastefully, "Or look at one of his new inventions"

With that the trio headed down the street towards the Fenton home.

To Be Continued...

Ok so it's no cliffhanger... but that's a good thing right? It's just an introduction, a foundation of what is to come.

So what do you think? Love it, hate it... or just don't get it? Then review and tell me how you feel.